CALICO 2011, University of Victoria

Need Theme

May 17 – 21

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

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Conference Presentations: Day One
May 19, 2011

9:00 – 9:45

Keynote Address

Never Let You Go: The Nexus between CALL and SLA Theory

Bryan Smith
Assistant Professor of English
Arizona State University
Over the past decade CALL researchers have more systematically applied theoretical paradigms, perspectives and empirical research methods from applied linguistics in investigating the nature and effectiveness of instructed SLA. This morning I will provide one view of how some CALL researchers have recently attempted to draw on established SLA constructs and approaches in exploring learner interaction. I will try to give special attention to some of the methodologica challenges they face in doing so. How CALL research not only benefits from but also has the potential to shape (and also complicate) aspects of SLA theory will be discussed as well.

UStream recording of keynote Prezi presentation slides

10:00am -10:45am

Approaches to Mobile CALL App Creation

Robert Godwin-Jones, Virginia Commonwealth University

There are two basic approaches to developing CALL applications for mobile delivery. The first is to create native apps, which take full advantage of the specific hardware capabilities of a given device. Such applications are written in the development language supported by the mobile OS, and are thus proprietary to those platforms. The alternative is to write a Web App, which can be displayed on a mobile Web browser and will run on multiple devices. This approach entails working in HTMl, CSS and JavaScript. Each approach has its pros and cons, which will be discussed in the presentation. The main focus will be on demonstrating creation of a mobile optimized Web App.

audio recording presentation slides

L2 Feedback via Place-based Mobile Games

Julie Sykes, University of New Mexico
Christopher Holden, University of New Mexico

This presentation analyzes the use of complex feedback systems in a place-based mobile game designed for language learning. It is the first game of its kind designed for L2 development in Spanish. Analysis of a corpus of gameplay data as well as interviews, pre and posttests, and in-class presentations demonstrates that place-based mobile games can provide valuable contexts for authentic feedback. Implications for both the design and use of feedback in place-based mobile games for L2 development are also discussed.

Computer-mediated Perceptual Training can Improve Second Language English Vowel Pronunciation

Ron Thomson, Brock University

This study incorporates research perspectives on the development of second language (L2) pronunciation into the creation of a computer-assisted pronunciation training application. The application follows a modified version of the High Variability Phonetic Training paradigm, which trains users to better perceive L2 sounds, rather than focusing on a description of articulatory gestures associated with particular sounds. In this study, 22 speakers of Mandarin were trained to better perceive ten English vowels. Recordings of their pronunciation before and after training indicated significant improvement in both the training context as well as in a new context.

Transfer Between Chatting and Speaking: A Case Study Approach

Adam Mendelson, UC Berkeley

Multiple comparative studies based on pre/post measures of oral performance provide compelling evidence that online, text-based chatting can positively transfer to speaking foreign languages. However, these studies do relatively little to describe and explain the phenomenon. My research complements prior work by investigating transfer between chatting and speaking through case studies of individual students. I combine analysis of chat logs and oral performance data with student interviews and surveys to construct detailed descriptions of individual cases of this transfer. Through these case studies I attempt to illuminate explanatory factors that may inform the future design of chat-based instruction.

audio recording presentation slides

Introducing LADL: A Learning Activity Description Language

Gregory Aist

Monica G. Richards, Iowa State University
David Niedergeses, Iowa State University

Language-learning activities linking listening, speaking, reading, and writing are pedagogically valuable yet technologically challenging to construct, especially for instructors lacking Web design experience or programming expertise. This presentation introduces LADL, a learning activity description language providing a teacher-friendly interface for linking, on a single page, tasks chosen from a library of templates that can be customized to include teacher-chosen local and Web resources. LADL also allows designers and tech-savvy instructors to create programs, descriptions that generate task templates. By using client-based technology, LADL requires no server support beyond the standard browser necessary to access Web resources and course management systems.

audio recording

OWL Testing Software: Learning Activities and Assessments in Your Mediated Learning Community

Chris Dalessandri, Owl Testing Software

Because teaching in a computer mediated learning community frequently means little or no in-person interaction, how do you deliver, maintain and assess practice activities, quizzes and assessments? You can rely on the simplistic tools in a course management system or you can use OWL. OWL is a proven test, quiz, and practice management system that allows you to assess all four modes of communication. Use a wide variety of realia, audio, video, text and image content all while maintaining test security as needed. OWL even allows you to deliver multiple types of feedback including rubrics, written and recorded comments.

audio recording presentation slides

11:00am – 11:20am

Developing CAPT Tasks in WebSwami

Jing Xu Iowa State University
Elena Cotos Iowa State University
Ruslan Suvorov Iowa State University

This presentation provides an overview of audio- and video-based pronunciation activities created in WebSwami, a commercial web-based language learning application. Specifically, the overview focuses on the theoretical rationales for developing English pronunciation learning tasks in WebSwami and on a judgmental evaluation of their potential. It also suggests a model for further empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of these tasks.

audio recording

Computer-generated Feedback for L2 Grammar Acquisition: A Taxonomy-based Synthesis and Research Proposal

Luis Cerezo, American University

Four meta-analyses have been recently published to interpret the rapidly growing empirical literature on corrective feedback for L2 grammar acquisition (Russell & Spada, 2006; Mackey & Goo, 2007; Li, 2010; Lyster & Saito, 2010). None of them, however, included any study on computer-generated feedback. In this paper, I present a synthesis of 20 years of published and unpublished research using a three-componential taxonomy, including explicitness of negative evidence, provision of positive evidence, and prompts for error repair. Results help to interpret existing findings and identify future research avenues on aural modality, implicit computerized feedback, and isolation of intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

The Effects of Task-essentialness in a Computerized Context on L2 Development

Nina Moreno, University of South Carolina

Task-essentialness is the third of three consciousness-raising task features coined by Loschky and Bley-Vroman (1993). This feature demands that the target structure be attended to if the task is to be completed successfully. A growing number of studies containing tasks that are task-essential have been conducted in a computerized environment (Bowles, 2005; Sanz, 2004; Sanz and Morgan-Short, 2004), but only a handful has addressed the contrast between the presence or absence of task-essentialness. This study monitored 59 learner performances and internal cognitive processes as they carried out [+/- task-essential] tasks on Spanish direct object clitics, following a pretest-posttest-delayed posttest design.

audio recording

Learner Strategies for Constructing Meaning from Mediated Authentic Video

Bernd Conrad, Northern Arizona University

This presentation is to report the results of a study on strategies learners employ when viewing authentic video. The goal of the investigation was to determine the extent to which learners rely on verbal and non-verbal clues, guessing, and memory. Students also rated the effectiveness of advance organizers, L2 subtitles, and playback intervention. The experiments were administered as part of in-class tests. Using the TV series “Berlin Berlin”, the study has been conducted in a 4th semester German course since spring 2008. Visual and listening comprehension tasks are mediated by way of a pedagogical treatment integrated with the video on DVD.

audio recording

QuizML, a Markup Language for Interactive Exercises.

Bill Wadge, University of Victoria
Christine Wadge University of Victoria

QuizML is a markup language that allows instructors with limited computer skills to quickly create Web-based interactive exercises. In its simplest form the instructor types in text with certain words marked by a # sign. The instructor also, at the beginning of the text, lists the choices to be offered. In the web version the marked words are replaced by blanks. When the student places the mouse over the blank, the choices are presented in a drop-down menu. Wrong choices are counted, and the correct choice replaces the menu and the blank. The transformation from annotated text to interactive web page is performed on a server – there is no software to download and install.

audio recording

ESL Learners’ Reading Engagement In TELL Classrooms

HyunGyung Lee

This qualitative research focuses on ESL learners’ reading engagement in English in Technology enhanced language learning (TELL) environment. Reading engagement can positively affect students’ reading achievement because engaged readers read voluntarily and extensively for knowledge and pleasure and they can make better connections to the real-world so that authentic learning can occur (Guthrie, 2001). However, there have been only a few studies on ESL learners’ reading engagement in natural TELL classroom contexts. Therefore, this research investigate 1) what motivates ESL students to read, 2) what levels of reading engagement they perceive they have during the three reading tasks, 3) what task features facilitate or hinder their reading engagement in English in the TELL classroom.

audio recording

11:30am – 11:50am

Oral Proficiency Assessment of Intercultural Online Collaborative Tasks

Sake Jager, University of Groningen
Steve Thorne, Portland State University; University of Groningen

This presentation will discuss the application of WebCEF, an assessment tool based on the Common European Framework of Reference, in intercultural online collaborative tasks between students of English and Dutch in two universities in Europe. The Skype-enabled interactions, based on principles of TBLT, are recorded and competencies for oral communication are assessed by the student-participants themselves and their teachers. We discuss how this approach to oral communication assessment is relevant to intercultural online exchanges and may be a source for self-reflection, language learning, and intercultural awareness.

audio recording presentation slides

A Review of the Use of Learner-Behavior Tracking in CALL Research Studies: Programs Providing Meaning Aids

Fenfang Hwu, University of Cincinnati

This paper reviews studies in which computer-based tracking was used to record learning behaviors in programs that used “meaning technologies” to enhance reading and listening activities. The objective of the review is twofold. The first is to ease the challenges that researchers face in collecting and studying tracking data. Accordingly, the review identifies the research questions that have been answered by using tracking data, the tracking data to be collected, and the behavioral data to be derived. The second is to promote tracking data sharing to increase the number of subjects. Thus, examples of how researchers can share data through CALL data repositories and use such data to answer research questions are provided.

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Learning German in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game

Donald Vosburg, Pennsylvania State University

An ongoing pilot project is described in which voice and written synchronous data of third semester German students is recorded while they game online in World of Warcraft (WoW). Possibilities of using an online gaming environment, such as WoW, will be briefly discussed for use as a supplement to traditional foreign language teaching practices. Furthermore, the ongoing work in this project provides some insight into which language forms appear in this environment. Results of change in participants’ pre/post gaming rate of speech and hesitation, and other data available for analyzing benefits for Second Language Acquisition (SLA) will be discussed.

Public Internet Discussion Forums. Can They Enhance Writing Skills?

Mathy Ritchie, Simon Fraser University
Catherine Black, Simon Fraser University

This presentation describes the results of a research study that took place in an advanced French writing class in a Canadian university. The goals of the research study were to see if public internet discussion forums are beneficial to students for the development of their argumentative skills, critical thinking, and sociolinguistic and cultural competences. The preliminary results show that students were motivated to investigate topics of French culture, to write better to “fit in” and to be understood by the francophones participating in the forums. Students read participants’ comments in the forums and mimicked some of the vocabulary and expressions to help improve their own writing.

audio recording

Using Bookmarklets to Enhance Language Learning

Lathrop P. Johnson, Ball State University

Because more and more language activity is performed online, students and teachers should take advantage of bookmarklets to easily access a multitude of background information, such as translations, synonyms, pronunciations, IPA spellings, conjugations, images, or even encyclopedia articles. Bookmarklets are small JavaScript utilities that can be placed in a browser bookmark or favorites toolbar to pop up specific information for highlighted words with a single mouse click. The presentation will demonstrate a variety of possible bookmarklets and describe how participants can create their own bookmarklets for personal or student use.

audio recording

Social Positioning in Fanfiction Writing

Soomin Jwa University of Arizona

Throughout this case study, I look at the ways in which the design of fanfiction discourse ( helps L2 users build writer identity and create a voice through text production. Especially investigating two ESL fanfiction users’ writing, I found that technological affordances as revealed in the hybrid form of fanfiction discourse, the dialogic interaction among community members, and electronic texts encourage multiple social positionings within the discourse, which helps shape their identity and create discoursal voice in texts. The study overall offers a nuanced view of how the notion of voice is redefined within the intersections of multiple discourses, and how these redefinitions relate to L2 writing in the digital era.

audio recording

2:00pm – 3:30 pm

Research-Based Uses of Learning Management Systems

Klaus Brandl, University of Washington
Lisa Frumkes,Apex Learning
Robert Godwin-Jones, Virginia Commonwealth University
Lilian Mina, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Michael Trevor Shanklin, San Diego State University

The advent of web-based environments has led to the development of numerous course and learning management systems (LMSs) that have become standard in nearly all learning environments. These systems normally come prepackaged with tools and design features that can be restrictive, yet allow for creative task designs and implementations. We will discuss advantages and areas of applicability of several courseware development tools, and demonstrate creative task designs when using courseware, Web and course management systems. The presentation will be useful for both CALICO newcomers and those interested in catching up with new trends in courseware development and task designs. This panel features the following four presentations: 1. Multiuser Interactive Task Designs using Moodle, Klaus Brandl, University of Washington 2. Asynchronous Discussion Activities: Increased Engagement and Interaction, Lilian Mina, Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) 3. Recreating the Language Lab via Moodle, M. Trevor Shanklin, San Diego State University 4. Adding functionality to an LMS, Bob Godwin-Jones, School of World Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University

audio recording presentation slides (Robert Godwin-Jones)
presentation slides (Trevor Shanklin)

Building and Leveraging Malleable Tools

Michael Bush, Brigham Young University
Sue Otto, University of Iowa
Ken Petersen, American Councils for International Education
Evan L. Villemez, American Councils for International Education

Envisioning the killer app for language learners may be simple, but implementing it is anything but. The real challenge is to develop tools that can be repurposed in ways not imagined by the original author. This session takes a look at example REST and SOAP Web APIs from popular Internet services, analyzes the underlying technologies, and shows how implementing them in certain applications has completely changed the way people interact with the given application, or even enabled the creation of entirely new applications. Tools made available through APIs can be combined in various ways to create compelling new applications, often referred to as “mashups”. Discussion will follow on initiatives to make tools accessible as Web services: NLP underway at the American Councils for International Education, work done at the University of Iowa for advanced instructional design techniques for educational applications, and ongoing projects on online learning applications involving video and open learning management systems at Brigham Young University.

audio recording

Enriched Reflection in Teacher Education: Linking Theory and Practice through Telecollaboration

Nike Arnold Portland State University
Lara Ducate University of South Carolina

This presentation reports on a cross-institutional telecollaboration project of foreign language and ESOL teacher candidates who shared teaching experiences and research insights through blogs and video conferencing with the goal of implementing an action research study. While one group blogged about their teaching experiences in the classroom, the less-experienced group gave feedback and advice based on the research they were reading. After describing the project, we share findings from a qualitative data analysis of students’ blog postings using Ur’s (1991) model of enriched reflection which focuses on how the blogs facilitated practical and theoretical reflection of teaching methods and research.

audio recording

Interlanguage Pragmatic Development in NS/NNS Participatory Online Environments

Adrienne Gonzales University of New Mexico

Studies have shown that SCMC can improve language learners’ pragmatic skills. This presentation will discuss conversation closings between Spanish as a second language learners and their interlocutors in Livemocha, focusing on politeness strategies employed during their SCMC interactions in this environment. Using a conversation analytical approach to the data, this project seeks to reveal the evolution of learner politeness strategies over time, the effect of learner perception of this online community, and native speaker influence on language learners. This presentation will address these questions as well as the implications of this technology for classroom language learning.

audio recording presentation slides

Dubbing and Subtitling of Film Scenes in a Translation and Adaptation Spanish Course, an Interdisciplinary Project

Felisa Guillen Occidental College
Bruno Louchouarn Occidental College

Translation, adaptation, and performance of a second language are linked processes involving semantic, pragmatic, rhetorical and embodiment aspects of language. In an upper division course, taught in Spanish, and grounded in cultural studies and cognitive linguistics, students transcribed, translated, adapted, and dubbed scenes from the film Teresa de Jesús. Student’s pronunciation improved and they exhibited a positive cognitive shift when acting the text to fit the actors’ actions. They gained a deeper understanding of culture-specific concepts and lexicon. Translation strategies they developed increased their awareness of cultural differences and helped them reflect on the key role played by translators as intercultural facilitators.

Trans-Atlantic Conversations: Intercultural Negotiation and Effective Understanding through an Inter-University Collaborative E-platform

Ana Oskoz, UMBC
Anna Brígido, University of Valencia

Previous research has shown that, despite benefits of international interactions for intercultural communicative development (Byram, 1997), differences in cultural-related communication styles also lead to misinterpretations, reinforcement of stereotypes and communication breakdowns (Belz, 2002; O’Dowd, 2003). The present study aims to understand the discourse practices that hindered or enhanced positive discussions and the extent to which such exchanges facilitated intercultural competence in a trans-Atlantic online NING interaction. Preliminary discourse analysis suggests that emotional involvement, affective networks, and commitment within the group are key to successful negotiations, allowing learners to engage in productive intercultural discussions.

3:00pm – 3:45pm

Opportunities and Challenges in Adopting New Instructional Technology

Cathy Barrette Wayne State University

This presentation describes the process of introducing new instructional technology — an online workbook for students and pedagogical resources for instructors —- in 18 sections of a first semester Spanish course. Adopting new technology in a multi-section introductory language course presents both opportunities and challenges for language program directors, instructors, and students. Careful planning and implementation of the adoption process serves to maximize opportunities while minimizing challenges to all participants. In addition to evaluating the adoption process, the presenter will identify pitfalls to avoid and suggest improvements applicable to the adoption of any new instructional technology.

Exploring Non-native English Speaking Students’ Use of Technologies to Improve their Paraphrasing Skills and Avoid Plagiarism

Dawn Bikowski, Ohio University
Robert Stewart, Ohio University

This presentation will report on a study that explores student use of technology to check their own writing for plagiarism. It will include how often students use technology to check their own writing, if they find this to be useful, and if there are any predictors of when students choose to use technology to check their own writing. Participants are 300 NNES graduate and undergraduate students, and data includes survey and focus group information. Results will indicate if and how these technologies are used and will identify factors that co-occur with their use. Pedagogical implications will be discussed.

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Computer Tracking Tools and Techniques for Collecting and Analyzing Data on Learner Behaviour

Marie-Josee Hamel, University of Ottawa
Catherine Caws, University of Victoria

Computer tracking, as a method of obtaining direct, objective feedback on the learner has evolved from being static to being more dynamic. Such an “ethnographic method” (Fisher 2007) produces process and product oriented empirical data that can be qualitatively and quantitatively analysed. Results from studies based on computer tracking facilitate the measure of the efficiency and effectiveness of interfaces and features of CALL applications (Hamel and Caws 2010). Hemard (2003) and Colpaert (2004) insist on the participation of users throughout the development cycle of CALL applications. We will present tools/techniques to collect/analyse data on learner behaviour and task outcome. We will also discuss their relevance in wider CALL contexts.

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Scrapbooking as an Approach to Writing

Martine Peters, Universite du Quebec en Outaouais
Mary Frankoff, Heritage College

Today’s college students have access to a multitude of information from the Internet that they can use to write school assignments. Digital ‘scrapbooking’ leads the student to choose a variety of pieces such as ideas, arguments, images, videos, and text, and to combine, reorganize, and finally to knit everything together in a new creation. However, many teachers consider the practice to be plagiarism. We will present the results from questionnaires distributed to college students about their scrapbooking strategies when writing school papers. Conclusions will examine the practical applications for the writing process.

Reversing Enrollment Attrition: Ideas for Enhancing the Student Language Experience

Todd Nichols Talk Abroad

Intercultural experiences are increasingly valued by the modern student. Even so, foreign language class enrollment is 50% of what it was in 1960. This session will explore this phenomenon through the lens of the student in the classroom. This will be a data-driven session looking at the psyche of the modern student, common perceptions of foreign language programs and their impact on language program enrollment, and ideas for using technology to improve the language learning experience.

audio recording

Mediation, Expansion and Remediation in Digitally Mediated Language Learning Environments

Francoise Blin, Dublin City University
Steve Thorne, Portland State University; University of Groningen

Cultural Historical Activity Theory is a “developmental theory that seeks to explain and influence qualitative changes in human practices over time” (Engeström 1999: 378). It emphasizes the central role of artifacts and practical collective activity in the process of mediation. In this presentation, we explore the concepts of mediation, remediation and expansion, and their relations to human activity and agency, as seen by contemporary cultural historical activity theorists. We contrast them with recent articulations of “strong mediation” that have been expressed in other fields, such as actor network theory, and discursive psychology, and science studies. We apply this discussion to research on language learning in digitally mediated environments.

audio recording

4:00pm -4:45pm

Curricular Design from the Bottom Up: Development and Analysis of Hybrid Elements of a Spanish Advanced Composition Course

Mark Knowles, University of Colorado at Boulder
Anne Becher, CU-Boulder
Alison Hicks, CU-Boulder

In this presentation, we will describe the development of hybrid elements of a Spanish advanced composition class, including an on-line tutorial about research resources created by a multilingual librarian. We will discuss how the hybrid format evolved through an organic process of adopting technological change, which led to a tipping point in the conception of the course. Our experience is suggestive of the appeal of curricular design that includes a bottom up approach in the adoption of technology. We will provide an evaluation of the technology used as well as a discussion of the interdepartmental collaboration behind it.

audio recording presentation slides

LingvoHelpilo, a Pedagogically Enriched Grammar Checker for a Distributed Learning Community

Sonja Lundberg
Eckhard Bick, University of Southern Denmark

Quality and immediacy of error identification and feedback are important factors in language acquisition, and automatic tools can accelerate this process at both the learner and teacher levels. We present such a tool, a Constraint Grammar-based spell and grammar checker for Esperanto (LingvoHelpilo), with a special focus on systematic error classification and pedagogical explanations, deemed essential for a distributed language community with a large proportion of adult L2 learners. Our web-based interface recognizes about 85 different error types, providing correction suggestions as well as usage rules and textbook examples. At a semi-automatic level, the system can be used by teachers in a remote e-learning context.

The Impact of Enhanced Subtitles plus Explicit Grammatical Instruction on the Acquisition of L2 Grammatical Structures

Heidi Kent, Simon Fraser University

There is strong evidence that showing L2 video that is also subtitled in the target L2 facilitates listening comprehension, speech production and incidental vocabulary acquisition. The current study examines whether input (a subtitled video) which includes a particular grammatical form, followed by an explicit explanation of that form, will result in better learning of the generalized grammatical rule if the initial input is modified to enhance noticing, as compared to unmodified input. The results showed a significantly higher improvement for the students who received the modified input for some, but not all, forms of the grammatical structure.

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Transatlantic Tutoring: The Pittsburgh–Clermont-Ferrand Collaboration

Christopher Jones, Carnegie Mellon University
Thierry Chanier, Universite Blaise Pascal
Anne-Laure Foucher, Université Blaise Pascal

In fall 2010, Blaise-Pascal University in Clermont-Ferrand, France and Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylania pooled resources in the interest of programs at both institutions. On the French side were teachers-in-training seeking experience using on-line communication tools and exploring pedagogical implications. On the U.S. side were undergraduate students enrolled in the French Online course created at CMU. The organizational architecture was to insert the Clermont interlocutors into an existing system of conversational practice meetings in the French Online blended design, using Skype technology. This presentation will consist of multimedia documentation and reactions from students and instructors, illustrating the challenges and benefits of the arrangement.

audio recording

On the Development of a Virtual Worlds for Language Learning Alliance

Randall Sadler, University of Illinois@Urbana-Champaign

This presentation will discuss the development of a Virtual Worlds for Language Learning Alliance (ViLLA), including an overview of the current members of the alliance (approximately 50 researchers, teachers, and schools), their resources available to CALICO members, how alliance members are making use of VWs in the language learning process, and a discussion of how they are developing (and redeveloping) land in Second Life and Open Sim. The presentation also serves as a call for additional participation in the alliance, and will include a brainstorming session for future alliance activity and direction.

audio recording

Voice vs. Text Chats: Their Effectiveness for Learning Probing Questions by Non-Native Speaking Nursing Students in Online ESP Courses

Olga Geissler, Center for English as a Second Language

This session will present the findings of an English for Medical Purposes: Communication in Nursing course delivered online for NNS nursing students at a nursing college in the Philippines. The project aimed at examining the following questions: Which CMC interactional mode — voice or text — provides for better learning of probing questions by NNS nursing students online through noticing of their use in situations typical for everyday medical communication?; Which CMC interactional mode — voice or text — is perceived as more effective for learning how to use probing questions in medical communication by the online course participants?; Is there evidence that practicing probing questions in text-based chats online may transfer them to speech?

audio recording presentation slides

Evaluating the Impact of Podcasts about Listening Strategies and Note-taking Skills for University French Immersion Students

Alysse Weinberg University of Ottawa
Helene Knoerr University of Ottawa
Larry Vandergrift University of Ottawa

Students listening to academic lectures in their second language (L2) have the double challenge of understanding complex information and unfamiliar language terms. A series of seven podcasts grounded in metacognitive (e.g., Wenden, 1998) and L2 listening theory (e.g., Goh, 2008) were scripted and recorded to provide French immersion (FI) students in the bilingual University of Ottawa with strategies to enhance their L2 listening ability and note taking skills. This session reports on the impact of these podcasts at the end of the Fall 2010 semester. In order to detect any growth in metacognitive awareness of L2 academic listening as a result of exposure to these podcasts, all 254 students in all 21 immersion classes completed the Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (slightly modified) at the beginning and the end of the semester. Quantitative data are complemented by data from an online questionnaire and a pre- and post-paper and pencil questionnaire on the actual use, perceived usefulness, and level of enjoyment of the podcasts.

audio recording

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Conference Presentations: Day Two
May 20, 2011

8:00 – 8:45

If You Build It, They Will Come, but Will They Stay?: Retention Strategies for Online Courses

Deborah Healey, University of Oregon
Robert Elliott, University of Oregon

One significant sign of student “success” in any learning context, retention rate, is generally estimated as significantly poorer in online courses. Minimizing student attrition is often overlooked or not well understood even by experienced course designers. The presenters will discuss strategies and methods they have used or developed in their department to increase retention with non-credit students in purely online, asynchronous teacher education and English language classes. They will discuss communication strategies, student engagement within instructional design, as well as “on the ground” strategies, ones that use resources at the student’s local place.

audio recording link to presentation materials

Learning Language for Specific Purposes through Hypermedia

Thom Thibeault, Southern Illinois University

When advanced language students read authentic specialized texts, they inevitably encounter unfamiliar terminology that may be difficult to find in a dictionary. Hypermedia addresses this issue by providing a comprehensive learning environment where students can click on unfamiliar words to learn details about those words in various multimedia formats. The presentation will review research on language for specific purposes (LSP) and how it relates to hypermedia. The presenter will demonstrate examples of LSP hypermedia units for various specialized fields in a variety of languages. Participants will receive a handout listing free resources for creating their own hypermedia materials for LSP.

audio recording

Scaffolding Prompts in CALL

Trude Heift, Simon Fraser University

This paper investigates scaffolding prompts in the form of pre-emptive feedback in CALL. In fall 2009, beginner and advanced L2 learners of German performed a sentence completion task in a CALL environment as part of their regular course assignments throughout the semester. For each individual exercise, the CALL system generated pre-emptive feedback based on the error profile of 5000 previous users of the CALL system. The study focused on two types of pre-emptive feedback of varying specificity, both drawing attention to the most common errors unique to a given exercise. Study results suggest areas for future development of scaffolding in CALL.

Cross-institutional Collaborative Projects for Teachers

Peter B Swanson, Georgia State University
Mirjam Hauck, UK Open University
Deborah Hoven, Athabasca University
Kathryn Murphy-Judy, Virginia Commonwealth University

In this session, the CALICO Teacher Education SIG discusses the design, implementation and assessment of various cross-institutional collaborative projects. Presenters will discuss successful collaborative projects they have carried out, both for teachers and language learners, and will share the lessons they have learned. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share ideas for their own collaborative projects.

audio recording presentation slides (Kathryn Murphy-Judy)

Computerized Vocabulary Instruction in Foreign Language Learning

Anjel Tozcu

This paper explores the effect of direct vocabulary learning using computer assisted instruction (CAI) on vocabulary knowledge, reading comprehension, and speed of word recognition. It adopts the rationale of the theory of vocabulary acquisition for second language learners proposed by Coady, Carrell, and Nation in which they claim that most sight vocabulary is composed of high frequency words that are well learned with repeated exposure. Therefore, automatic recognition of high frequency words in a given language is very important for successful L1 and L2 reading. The study concludes that learning of frequent vocabulary through CAI also benefits word recognition speed.

L2 Leaner Use of Vocabulary Tools during Synchronous Conversations with a Chatterbot

Reem Alsadoon Simon Fraser University

This research study investigates L2 vocabulary learning using an interactive storytelling chatterbot. A chatterbot was created and equipped with four vocabulary tools: a dictionary, images, an L1 translation tool, and a concordancer. The target words were enhanced by these tools to provide the learners with interactive comprehensible input. This project seeks to identify which tools are mostly used when ESL learners are practicing English with a chatterbot. Also, it seeks to determine which tool could help more in vocabulary learning as well as retention. The results of the study indicate that the dictionary is the most favoured and effective tool for vocabulary learning. For retention, the findings uncover that L1 translation is slightly (but insignificantly) higher than the dictionary.

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9:00 – 9:45

Ancestral Languages and New Media: Language Use and Learning among the Yup’ik

Sabine Siekmann, University of Alaska

This presentation will report on a grant funded project called Piciryaramta Elicungcallra (Teaching our Way of Life through our Language) which focuses on supporting and enhancing Yup’ik language use through the integration of a variety of new media technologies in elementary level Yup’ik-medium schools. We will share examples of media use by Yup’ik students and community members as well as sample pedagogical activities in an effort to generate ideas for how technologies might be used as tools to mediate and extend Yup’ik linguistic and cultural activity and how, in turn, the activities and tools are changed through these uses.

Investigating Real-time Multimodal Language E-tutorials: What Research into Talk and Text Chat Won’t Tell Us

Marie-Noelle Lamy, The Open University

This paper addresses a gap in research into language learning via online multimodal platforms. Such research is criticised for its methodological weaknesses. Many studies attend to the spoken (and sometimes written) modes only, ignoring visual and other modes. For instance they fail to explore icons, indicators of telepresence, system-generated signals or user-created objects. Based on a 7-week study of 16 ESP learners on a synchronous multimodal platform, the presentation shows that all these modes play a role in the progress of language learning conversations, suggests a data analysis framework for researchers, and draws implications for learners and tutors.

audio recording presentation slides movie zip (32mb)

Interactive Tag Clouds: A Tool Supporting New Possibilities for Dialog in Online Language Learning

Stephen L. Tschudi, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
David V. Hiple, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Richard Medina, University of Hawai’i

This session presents results from theoretically grounded beta-testing of a new online tool in development at the University of Hawai’i for working with words and meanings. Beginning with a tag cloud (a visualization of a weighted list) as learning material, the tool allows students to re-visualize the tag cloud words by dragging them into new potentially relevant groupings. The ability to drag words on the screen enables students to explore and share multidimensional perspectives underlying cultural and situational meanings attached to words. Attendees will come away with ideas of how learning activities can be organized around the tag cloud tool.

audio recording link to Prezi slides

VideoTech: An Online Community of Practice for French as a Second Language

Nandini Sarma, Carleton University
Helene Knoerr, University of Ottawa

VideoTech is an open-source project for the collaborative development of multimedia video content in French for teachers and students of French as a second language in a Canadian context at the secondary school, college and university levels. VideoTech allows teachers to use the video clips from the database to create materials that are suited to their specific classroom needs, to share their exercises with other teachers and to copy and modify exercises contributed by others. The overall goal of VideoTech is the creation of a community of practice of teachers, future teachers, trainers and learners of FSL.

audio recording link to presentation slides

Cultural Interviews in Foreign Languages and ESL

Birgit Deir, Nazareth College
Marianne Kroon, Nazareth College

International students bring a wealth of cultural diversity to our college campus. Videotaped cultural interviews are a vehicle to capture and preserve a portion of their knowledge. American students interview international students in their target language on topics related to the foreign language curriculum. The video files are placed on a school server and professors integrate the interviews via class assignments. In an English class for international students, students are asked to give interviews in English, answering questions about their native cultures. They then listen to each others’ presentations, learning about each others’ cultures.

presentation slides

The Use and Effectiveness of a Virtual Coach in Teaching Cross-Cultural Communication

W. Lewis Johnson, Alelo, Inc.
Michael Emonts, Alelo Inc.
Rebecca Row, Alelo Inc.

The Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer (VCAT) is a revolutionary Web-based interactive-media course that teaches cultural awareness to members of the U.S. military. Blending media-rich instruction, casual games, and immersive game scenarios, aided by a dynamic virtual tutor, VCAT teaches the cross-cultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) essential for overseas operations, and provides real training outcomes that save lives. This presentation will feature a demonstration of the VCAT course, highlighting the role of the virtual tutor followed by a discussion of the effectiveness of this and other virtual tutors in our award-winning software for training cross-cultural communication.

audio recording

10:00am -10:20am

Technology Use in an Adult Intensive English Program – Issues and Challenges

Marie-Noelle Lamy, The Open University
Carolin Fuchs, Columbia University
Farah Akbar, Columbia University

This paper reports the results of an online survey study administered to 41 teachers and student-teachers at the Community English Program, Teachers College, Columbia University. Questions included type and use of technology tools, teacher/student-teacher proficiency and preparedness in using technology in their language classes. Findings suggest that teachers are proficient in most of the tools but that use of these tools in language classes is limited. The authors discuss reasons and the implications for language teaching. Results feed back into the teacher education program and aim at creating mediated learning communities among the stakeholders as part of their professional development.

audio recording presentation slides

Student-produced Digital Videos and Blogs in Learning Business Spanish

Pasi Puranen, Aalto University

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss and demonstrate the use of student-produced digital videos and blogs in a blended learning Basic Business Spanish course at the Aalto University School of Economics. I have integrated a new component into the course curriculum which is carried out outside regular classroom hours, thus replacing some of the classroom-based contact hours. This component includes creating collaborative student-produced digital videos and writing blogs either together with other fellow students or alone. Making digital videos and writing blogs have given students more space for their own voices in learning. At the same time the teacher role moves towards that of a facilitator who offers guidance and help for students when needed.

audio recording

Virtual Fieldwork in French Pronunciation

Helene Ossipov, Arizona State University

This presentation describes a 300-level pronunciation class in which the students practice pronunciation, but participate in virtual fieldwork. Students listen to the French of different regions, within and outside France, focusing on particular pronunciation features and developing generalizations for their pronunciation. The use of the various tools available for the virtual fieldwork, for teaching, and for evaluation of pronunciation will be described and the results of an anonymous survey of the class will be presented.

audio recording

Designing Courses so “Quality Matters”

Daniel Meyers, Miami University
Jacqueline Mumford, Walsh University

How can I design high-quality online language learning course components? Are there any standards, best practices, or guides to help me ensure that I am meeting student needs when I put course materials online? We have found it! Quality Matters ( developed a rubric consisting of forty specific elements by which to evaluate the design of online and hybrid courses. This session focuses on how we can interpret and apply the Quality Matters Rubric when designing our online and hybrid language learning courses or course components. Particular emphasis will be on eLearning design, language-specific technical considerations, alignment, and technology integration.

audio recording

A model for using digital media in Elementary Japanese

Emmanuel Paris-Bouvret, Wesleyan University
Etsuko Takahashi, Wesleyan University

This session will introduce an example of the implementation of digital media in a college-level Elementary Japanese course. We created an online media repository consisting of a variety of materials including video segments, introducing various aspects of Japanese culture and linguistic features, filmed both in Japan and the US, and other media content from Japan. These materials are used throughout the course as instructional resources and as a basis for a final project where students are asked to produce their own video clip and make use of the existing media sources from the repository by referencing them in their production.

audio recording

Exploring Openings and Closings in Audio, Video, and Text CMC

Marta Gonzalez-Lloret, University of Hawai’i

This presentation explores, through conversation analysis, how opening and closing sequences are generated during the interaction between three groups of L2 Spanish students and expert speakers of Spanish engaged in free conversation. Three sets of interactional data were collected: text-based CMC using Yahoo Messenger; audio only using Skype; and video using Skype. Data were analyzed using Conversation Analysis and several patterns of interaction were identified. This presentation shows the similarities and differences in the turn-taking sequences of the participants in the three modes of CMC, as well as the differences in which expert speakers and L2 learners produce opening and closing sequences.

audio recording

10:30am – 10:50am

Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Foreign Language Learning Environment for Turkish

Abdurrahman Arslanyilmaz, Youngstown State University
John Sullins, Youngstown State University
Adeel Abbas, Youngstown State University

This study demonstrates the design and development of an online task-based language learning environment for Turkish, and examines the effectiveness of the environment on enhancing student input comprehension and language production. The experimental group consisting of randomly assigned 20 students using the online TBLL environment for Turkish, while the control group consisting of randomly assigned 20 students using traditional learning methods (printed materials and CDs). Student language produced in dyads during task completion activities is analyzed for negotiation of meaning as an indication of input comprehension, fluency, accuracy, and complexity as an indication of language production.

audio recording

Arabic Encounters: A Pedagogy for the Advanced Levels

Robert Blake, UC Davis

Arabic Encounters, a Flagship supported project, offers intermediate Arabic students a series of video interviews with native professionals filmed on locations in Egypt and Syria accompanied by a carefully crafted lesson plan that will help students develop from the 1+/2 level to the 3/3+ level of proficiency. The authentic interpersonal communication captured in these interviews not only promotes student aural comprehension but also focuses their attention on the cultural, paralinguistic, and nonverbal aspects of language that are the hallmarks of advanced language proficiency. The rationale behind this type of task-based webbed learning materials will be demonstrated and discussed.

audio recording

Effective Course Design Using e-Learning System And Online English Lessons

Rumi Tobita

Various e-Learning systems have been applied within English education programs. However, there is still criticism that education, using e-Learning systems, is a passive type of training and the effective participation of teachers during the training is overlooked. To solve these issues, I have decided to introduce a method of combining a unique voice recognition system called “Speak!” along with online English Lessons which will enable us to create an active participating educational environment. My presentation will introduce my new method, a hybrid usage of e-Learning system and online lessons, and discuss the effect toward achieving improvement in English communication skills.

Examination of Phoneme and Viseme Synchronization on Listening Task Performance

Dr. Robert Isaacson, Defense Language Institute
Rong Yuan, Defense Language Institute

This presentation describes a work-in-progress research study that will examine the effect of phoneme and viseme synchronization on listening task performance. The influence of audiovisual integration on speech perception and second language acquisition (SLA) in video telephony and videoconferencing used in foreign language distance learning is not fully understood. The implications for SLA acquisition in video conferencing environments is that if there is a delay caused by network traffic or bandwidth constraints that results in the auditory channel not being synchronized with the lip movement in the visual channel, the phoneme or utterance may not be perceived accurately.

Second-Language Computer-assisted Speech Transcription and Analysis

Christian Guilbault, Simon Fraser University
Martin Beaudoin, University of Alberta

Despite recent interest in phonetic teaching, very few second-language instructors have appropriate training in accent reduction techniques and few electronic resources are available. We will present a website developed to help instructors properly transcribe speech samples. Given a precise transcription, this website will provide statistical analysis of the sample and reveal speech-error patterns. It is designed for English and French as first or second language. Furthermore, both European and North American dictionaries are offered for both languages. The talk will focus on demonstrating the theoretical background of the website, its basic operations and usefulness for L2 instructors.

audio recording

Applying communicative language teaching in CALL classes: What are teachers’ new tasks?

Pradyumna Amatya

The increase in the number of computers and software programs available to language educators and learners makes CALL a reality in more and more classrooms. However, a computer cannot take place a teacher’s critical role in the classroom and it is the teacher who helps students to make a connection between technology and real-world communication. This presentation session discusses how to apply communicative approaches in a CALL class to achieve optimal language-teaching objectives. The presenters focus on essential conditions contributing to a communicative CALL class, such as learners’ interaction with the class, involvement in authentic tasks and real-life communication, timely feedback, effective time management, relaxing and challenging learning environment, etc.

Students Watching Authentic Video Materials Together: An Analysis of Listening and Reading Comprehension Strategies, and the Co-construction of Meaning

Abby Dings, Southwestern University

This study investigates how students work together to complete listening comprehension activities based on authentic video materials. The presentation begins with an overview of our integration of the Spanish television series “Cuéntame cómo pasó” in our third and fourth semester Spanish curriculum. Following the discussion of the curriculum principles and creation, we present video data of students working in pairs and groups of three to complete the listening comprehension activities. Analysis of the data reveals that students are engaged as both experts and novices, asking for help and supporting each other as they work to co-construct understanding.

1:30pm – 2:15pm

Exploring Student Online Interactions with Social Network Analysis

Fuqiang Zhuo, University of California, Davis

The social network analysis approach, widely used in market, organizational and environmental research, is a set of techniques vastly different from statistical and qualitative analysis. It focuses on relations and patterns between nodes in a social network rather than on individuals and attributes. This presentation will show the structural analysis on foreign language learners exchanging messages on a Moodle forum in a social map and with the results based on density, centrality, cliques, clustering, etc. Therefore, we will know which node(s) is/are the most central, popular, powerful or active information broker(s) and how information flows in the social network.

Promoting Teacher and Learner Multiliteracy Skills Development through Cross-institutional Exchanges

Mirjam Hauck, Open University

In this contribution we will follow Hampel and Hauck’s (2006) call for a fundamental re-conceptualisation of tutor training and task design for online language learning and teaching environments, and propose an approach which aims at fostering the development of multiliteracy (Cope and Kalantzis, 2000; Kress 2003) with a particular focus on multimodal communicative competence (Royce 2002). The presentation is informed by insights gained during two iterations of a cross-institutional teacher training project with pre- and in-service language teachers from the USA, the UK, Germany, and Poland.

audio recording

Partnering with Technology for Successful Language Acquisition

Laura Reicher Tell Me More

Technology resources allow educators to do much more in less time. Used effectively, technology can extend the reach of lessons and concepts by allowing learners to study outside of the classroom. Programs designed using authentic materials deliver culturally-relevant content that immerses learners into the overall culture of the target language which has been shown to increase acquisition and retention rates. Innovative features that technology can provide include spoken error tracking, speech recognition, instant feedback, progress tracking, individual and group measurement, customizable learning paths and so much more. Come and discover how technology can be the ideal teaching and learning partner.

audio recording

Collaboration or Cooperation? Analyzing Group Dynamics and Revision Processes in Wikis

Claudia Kost, University of Alberta
Nike Arnold, Portland State University
Lara Ducate, University of South Carolina

In small groups, 53 intermediate German students created wiki pages with background information about a novel read in class. All meaning- and language-related revisions were analyzed to determine whether students revised only their own contributions (cooperation) or took responsibility for the text as a whole (collaboration). Results indicate that students utilized both collaborative and cooperative strategies to make formal revisions, but they worked more cooperatively when making content changes. The study demonstrates wikis’ great potential for collaborative and autonomous work, but it also underlines the need for clear tasks and some teacher intervention to diminish social loafing and free riding.

audio recording presentation slides

Speech-enabled CALL and Pronunciation Training: Learning Goals versus Feasibility?

Jozef Colpaert, University of Antwerp
Catia Cucchiarini, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Helmer Strik, Radboud Universiteit

A key challenge in developing speech-enabled CALL systems is to design for more linguistic-didactic functionality while remaining within the limits of technological feasibility. This especially applies to systems intended for practicing grammar. This presentation describes the DISCO system, which makes use of automatic speech recognition (ASR) to provide feedback on grammar and pronunciation of Dutch L2. We will also focus on the requirements for goal-oriented design and implementation of speech technology. On the one hand we are developing and testing speech technology modules to determine what is feasible. On the other we use this knowledge in the goal-oriented, ecological and ontological design of a CALL system for practicing pronunciation and grammar.

audio recording presentation slides

Individualized Teaching and Autonomous Learning: Students and Instructors Working with the ROFALL System in China (PRC)

Zhihong Lu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)
Otmar K. E. Foelsche, Dartmouth College
Fuan Wen, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications
Meisong Chen, Beijing Rainier Network Sicence and Technology Co. Ltd

Teaching listening and speaking skills in English in China has been given top priority on the post-secondary level. Current class sizes and instructor academic preparation make it difficult to meet the government objectives in this area. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and Beijing Rainier Network Science and Technology Co. Ltd have developed a software environment, Rofall, that supports instructors and students in their endeavors to focus on these practical communicative language skills using CALL. The presenters will demonstrate the three modes of the system (authoring, learning, and researching) with materials development, actual student usage, and collected research data.

audio recording

Frequency and Spacing in Short and Long-term Second Language Vocabulary Retention

Ulf Schuetze, University of Victoria
Gerlinde Weimer-Stuckmann, University of Victoria

Our current research project investigated lexical processing based on theories of working memory (Baddeley, 2007; Balota, Duschek, and Logan, 2007). A two-year study with beginning German students focused on short- and long-term retention in terms of spaced rehearsal. The study was carried out with help of an online vocabulary program called ViVo that was developed for this purpose. Results of the first-year (frequency: up to four rehearsals) showed that groups who used a uniform interval outperformed groups who used a graduated interval. However, differences were only significant on long-term and not short-term retention tests. Results also showed a ceiling effect on short-term retention. We are therefore currently analyzing results of the second-year that reduced the rehearsal to a total of three.

audio recording

2:30pm – 4:00pm

What Can ICALL Do for You?

Detmar Meurers, Universität Tübingen
Peter Wood, University of Saskatchewan
Markus Dickinson, University of Indiana
Luiz Amaral, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Flavia Cunha, Mt. Holyoke College

Many of us have heard of CALL projects that use automatic error analysis, corpus annotation, learner modeling, automatic identification of language categories, and other language processing tools. This panel explores the development of such tools, and focuses on the use of this technology in foreign language teaching and learning. Among the topics we address are (i) the development of broad-coverage tools for detecting learner errors, (ii) the use of NLP in support of language awareness, (iii) the integration of language tutors in different pedagogical contexts, and (iv) the use of corpora in language instruction and in automatic generation of exercises.

2:30pm – 3:15pm

The Flagship Media Library: Promoting the Use of Authentic Media in Foreign Language Learning

Michael Bush, Brigham Young University
Ken Petersen, American Councils for International Education

Today’s media technologies are unparalleled in their ability to engage learners and accurately represent both the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication, providing an accurate and colorful view of the target culture. Researchers at the American Councils for International Education and Brigham Young University are engaged in a three-year initiative under the auspices of the Language Flagship to facilitate the sharing of media among teachers and students of foreign languages. This presentation will outline the design and future roll out of a universally available, Web-based multimedia library and tools for uploading, processing, searching, and delivering authentic second language materials.

audio recording

Blended German 2.0 -– Still Room for Improvement

Senta Goertler, Michigan State University
Theresa Schenker, Michigan State University

A second-year and a fourth-year German language course were moved into a blended format for greater efficiency of space and time, and meet language and general education goals for the course. The first iteration of the courses showed some positive but also some negative results and changes were made. We will present the results for the second iteration of the courses, which in both cases included a reduction of online time from the first iteration. For the lower level course the kinds of activities moved online were also modified from the first iteration.

audio recording

Does Development of Online Communities of Practice Provide an Environment for Knowledge Construction? A Malaysian Case Study

Siew Ming Thang, The National University of Malaysia

In an online CPD for teachers project, meaningful learning and knowledge construction (cognitive presence) was expected to be achieved through interactions between participants as well as between participants and moderators (social and teacher presences). Garrison et al. (2001) postulates that cognitive presence is operationalized through four phases: the triggering event, exploration, integration and resolution. This paper investigates to what extent the three subject-based communities of practice (CoPs) developed by the project, which aims at bringing changes in ICT efficacy and teaching practice, helps to promote knowledge construction among the twenty Malaysian teachers in five Smart Schools.

Exploring Learners’ Microgenetic Development in SCMC-based L2 Dynamic Assessment via Web 2.0
(note presenters were unable to attend but wished to provide their presentation slides)

Saman Ebadi, Allameh Tabatab’i University, Iran
Parviz Birjandi, Islamic Azad University

The key components of dynamic assessment (DA) have taken on special relevance with the advent of social networks and online communities through web 2.0 applications. This study represents a web-based qualitative inquiry employing interactionist DA which follows Vygotsky’s preference for cooperative dialoging by integrating SCMC features of the visual salience, self-paced setting of written discourse and web 2.0 applications of web links, sticky notes and highlighting to shed light on learner mirogenetic development of L2 grammatical structure in writing.

presentation slides

The Effects of Different Modalities on Reading Comprehension

Jung-ts Lin, University of Hawaii

The pre-reading questions in many ESP textbooks are presented in a single visual modality, words or pictures. However, knowledge can be better acquired if materials are presented in more than one modality (Mayer, 2001) and learner background knowledge influences the cognitive load that they will experience (Kalyuga, et al., 2003). This study examines the use of synchronous computer-mediated communication versus a video in building background knowledge for subsequent academic reading, and reports on the effect of different modalities on L2 learner reading comprehension. Discussion will focus on student perceptions of the use of these technological tools in reading and on pedagogical implications.

audio recording presentation slides

3:30pm – 4:15pm

Replacing Red Ink: Digital Tools for Responding to L2 Writing

Lee Forester, Hope College

In whatever form student writing takes (traditional papers, wikis, websites, blogs, etc.), FL teachers still need to respond to it and offer both discourse and language-oriented feedback (i.e., corrections). How can newer technologies assist and improve this process, which should result not only in better student writing, but also student language acquisition? This session will present a brief overview of widely available software and web applications that can be used to respond to student writing collaboratively. Results from student surveys in an intermediate language course employing multiple methods of teacher-student collaboration and feedback will also be discussed.

audio recording presentation slides

Paper-based Computing: Research Regarding the Development of Alphabetic Literacy

Karen Price

This research project evaluated low-cost (under $200), mobile technology to assist illiterate and low-literate L2 learners in developing a sense of grapheme-phoneme correspondence. The focus is paper-based computing (a pen which records and links audio to what a user writes on special ‘dot’ paper), comparing it to tablet-based computing with and without keyboards. In addition, important cognitive preferences among users were identified. This paper offers a thoughtful comparison of tablet devices and paper-based devices in a research-oriented framework.

audio recording

Wir sind in einem Zeichentrickfilm. Assessing Speaking Competence in College-level German with GoAnimate and Audacity.

Peter Schultz, Kennesaw State University

In the Kennesaw State University lower division German program, we assess student speaking competency using digital audio software Audacity and the Web 2.0 tool GoAnimate, which students use to create their own animated characters and cartoons. The purpose of this presentation is showing how beginning and intermediate level college students used these programs to improve their speaking competency in German, while employing their creative skills to produce their own Web-based animations that they can share with anyone, including any learning communities of their choice. The improvement of speaking performance and technology competency over time will also be highlighted

audio recording

Enhancing Video Captions for Foreign Language Learning

Piet Desmet, KULAK
Hans Paulussen, K.U.Leuven Campus Kortrijk

In this talk we will show how video captioning resources can be enhanced with hyperlinks, thus helping the learner to get additional information on the words presented in the video transcriptions. Wanting to add hyperlinks to the existing captioning files, we were confronted with the limitations of the captioning tool MAGpie. We therefore opted for an extra processing layer, whereby pseudo links are marked in the captioning file and hyperlinks are stored in a separate index file. Later on, both the captioning file and the index file are merged into one TTML file, which then can be read by an appropriate videoplayer.

audio recording

Two Online Tests of Japanese Student Understanding of Spatial Expressions

Steven Tripp, University of Aizu

This presentation has two objectives. 1. Demonstrate a method of delivering online experiments and collecting the results. 2. Analyze Japanese student understanding and misunderstanding of English spatial expressions. Two experiments were constructed and delivered online. The first required students to drag an object to a designated location. The second required students to choose a preposition, given an illustrated situation. Data was collected online. Results indicated that understanding of basic spatial expressions was superficial and partial. Especially problematic was the preposition “on” which lacks a direct cognate in Japanese. Other problems involving shallow understanding will also be discussed.

audio recording

Lingweb: A CMS Designed for Online Language Teaching and for Second Language Acquisition

Martha Berdugo Torres, Universidad del Valle
Nancy Pedraza Araque, Universidad del Valle

In this presentation we will report on a multi-disciplinary research study whose main purpose was to design and evaluate a Course Management System for language learning and teaching. This system, created at the Universidad del Valle, is grounded on social constructivist principles. Firstly, we will describe the instructional design method and the evaluation procedures; next, we will present the main results of the study, namely the learning platform itself, some sample scenarios from various language courses and the student evaluation of the learning platform; finally, we will discuss the main results in light of the SLA research in web-based settings.


Keynote Address

Top Ten List: Issues in CALL

Following the popular Late Show with David Letterman format, this interactive plenary will involve participants in thinking about crucial issues in the field. With the presenter playing “Devil’s Advocate,” concerns with CALL research, practice, theory, and context will be addressed.

Dr. Joy Egbert
Professor of ESL and Education Technology
Coordinator, Doctoral Program in
Language and Literacy Education
PI, Afghan eLearning English Support Program (AeLESP)
Department of Teaching and Learning
College of Education
Washington State University

Ustream video recording of banquet keynote

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Conference Presentations: Day Three
May 21, 2011

8:00am – 9:30am

Customizing Moodle for Language Learning

Carly Born, Carleton College
Claire Bradin Siskin, Excelsior College
Scott Brill, University of Arizona
Lisa Frumkes, Apex Learning
Jeff Nelson, Washington State University
Thomas Robb, Kyoto Sangyo University

Many CALL specialists are attracted to the open-source Learning Management System (LMS) known as Moodle, or Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. Designed to facilitate collaboration, Moodle offers flexibility as well as the possibility of incorporating multimedia. The panel members, all expert practitioners of Moodle, will describe and demonstrate the ways in which they have been able to customize Moodle to achieve their pedagogical goals. A web page with links to resources for using Moodle in language learning will be provided. This session is sponsored by the Courseware Special Interest Group.

link to handout

8:00am – 8:45am

Challenges Facing Mobile Language Learning: The Way Forward

Jack Burston, University of Cyprus

This paper focuses on the exploitation of mobile phone technology for the learning of foreign languages. It begins by considering the obstacles facing the effective use of mobile phone technology for language learning. In doing so, the paper describes four challenges that have to be overcome for mobile phone technology to become an effective pedagogical tool: 1) intrusiveness, 2) cost, 3) practical technological constraints, and 4) pedagogical methodologies. Having defined the issues that need to be addressed, the paper then proceeds to describe how these challenges have been met in the design of MobLang, an EU funded Lifelong Learning project.

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Culture Learning and Language Development in Mediated Learning Communities: Lessons for the Foreign Language Classroom

Sebastien Dubreil, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Based on observation data in international online telecollaborative foreign language (FL) learning environments, I examine how CALL research can in turn inform FL classroom practices. Given the observed effectiveness of these mediated learning communities to foster interpersonal connections, (trans)cultural learning, and (second) language development, I argue that the affordances provided by various technological tools have led FL educators to deploy new pedagogical practices anchored in the notion of (international) communities of learners, fostering inquiry and problem-solving skills to achieve desirable outcomes (e.g., language and culture learning, epistemological humility). I conclude that these results can shape effective praxis for the face-to-face classroom.

audio recording

A Different Way to Teach Languages: MIL Online Courses for Teaching Languages in Context

Aline Germain-Rutherford, University of Ottawa
Dr. Joseph B. South Middlebury Interactive Languages
Ana Martinez-Lage, Middlebury College
Ana Maria Preto-Bay, Brigham Young University
Michael Geisler, Middlebury College

This presentation describes online learning environments for French and Spanish Level 1, developed by a team of academics, language teachers and professionals from the private sector online education. Each language-learning environment includes three interrelated, interactive and inter-referential components, which also function autonomously: a core course, a collaborative virtual space for students to perform tasks while interacting with peers and native speakers, and a 3D immersive environment. Examples taken from the two courses and learning environments will demonstrate the underlying pedagogical principles. A preliminary evaluation of the courses, currently being piloted in New York City high schools, will be discussed.

audio recording

The Examination of Interlanguage Writing Development through the Use of Long-term L2 Blog Corpora

Maki Hirotani, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

The researcher will examine interlanguage writing development using L2 blog data collected from second-year college learners of Japanese over a five-year period. Using the L2 corpora, she will examine the development of language complexity, including lexical and syntactic complexity, using quantitative methods. Regarding syntactic complexity, she will look at a variety of lexical and grammar forms, phrasal complexity, overall complexity, as well as complexity by subordination. The researcher will also present a qualitative case study for a closer examination of interlanguage development.

audio recording

Complexity in Asynchronous CMC Agreement and Disagreement

Greg Kessler, Ohio University

This study reports on agreement and disagreement in asynchronous CMC in an online course, utilizing a multi-dimensional examination of complexity (Norris and Ortega, 2009). Results indicate that disagreement was more syntactically and lexically complex, particularly indirect disagreement. Students are also much more likely to agree than disagree. They also tend to interact in polite ways that suggest a potentially superficial engagement with the material and cohort, often ignoring previous posts as they added their own similar or redundant information. When disagreeing, students were more likely to be indirect. Implications for designing and managing online asynchronous CMC discussions are discussed.

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Alternative Instructional Models to Reach Proficiency Goals: Case Studies Using TELL ME MORE and TalkAbroad

Angelika Kraemer, Michigan State University

Many university language programs are researching alternative models of language instruction to maintain and grow programs and to help students reach proficiency goals for future employment. This presentation discusses three case studies that utilized Auralog’s TELL ME MORE software in conjunction with other CALL technologies to help students maintain and advance language knowledge: (1) a 3rd semester Spanish self-study, (2) a supplemental component in a 4th semester German course, and (3) an accelerated language option for advanced learners. Data were collected via surveys and interviews. Results indicate increases in proficiency and positive perceptions of the technologies. Implications for the use and implementation of CALL materials will be discussed.

9:00am – 9:45am

Technology Use and Potential for CALL among Azerbaijani University Students

Cara Preuss, Washington State University
Carolyn Morway, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University

Effective use of CALL requires instructors to use available technology well. What does that mean in an Azerbaijani context in the capital city? This exploratory study surveyed a majority female sample of 48 English students regarding their access to and use of technology. The results indicated that despite the instructors’ initial perceptions, many students used and had access to various forms of technology on a regular basis; there are more opportunities for CALL than previously anticipated.

Additional Resources in Both Self-access Learning and Self-assessment Online Preparatory Materials for Official English Examinations

Antonio Martínez Sáez, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Ana Gimeno, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Ana Sevilla Pavón, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

This paper explores the development of different additional resources and learning objects of a course and assessment program for language learning created and implemented through two platforms: InGenio, an online authoring tool and content manager, and Paulex, developed for language assessment via Internet. In order to provide the students at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) with opportunities for a better preparation for the Cambridge Computer-based First Certificate in English (CBFCE) while helping them to familiarize themselves with its new format, the CAMILLE Research group is developing FCE Online Course and Tester together with additional digital resources to be shared with university students, professors and researchers worldwide thanks to the agreement that UPV signed with the OpenCourseWare (OCW) Consortium.

Designing and Implementing Tasks in a Virtual Learning Environment

Regine Hampel, The Open University

Online tools such as forums, wikis and blogs lend themselves to negotiation of meaning and co-construction of knowledge amongst learners. However, task design is crucial to motivate and support learners, foster interaction, and make best use of the possibilities of complex virtual learning environments. This presentation charts the use of online tasks in a distance language course over the period of two years. It reports on the results of an evaluation carried out in the first year, highlighting achievements as well as challenges, and examines the changes introduced in year 2 and their impact in terms of participation and interaction.

audio recording

Japanese Performance in Text-Chat and Spoken Discourse

Shannon Sauro, UT San Antonio
Joshua M.Brunotte, UT San Antonio
Kaori Fujitaki, UT San Antonio
Christopher J. Pope, UT San Antonio

This study compares the complexity of adult Japanese language learner output when completing narrative activities in two different communication contexts: face-to-face spoken interaction and synchronous CMC (text-chat). L2 performance was evaluated in terms of lexical diversity and syntactic complexity. Stimulated recall sessions were used to generate a framework describing learner strategies used during text-chat interaction that may have influenced differences in language complexity found between text-chat and spoken discourse.

audio recording

Four Learning Objectives to Guide Podcast Design

Claudia Fernandez, Knox College

This presentation will address podcast production as L2 instructional materials developed by instructors. When used as listening tools, podcasts can help accomplish at least four main learning objectives. The presentation will address aspects of L2 acquisition and teaching to be considered in order to create well-informed podcasts with the four objectives proposed.

audio recording presentation slides

10:00am – 10:45am

Secondary Student Perceptions of Using Digital Recordings to Measure Oral Proficiency: A Quasi-Experimental Approach

Peter B Swanson, Georgia State University

Promoting student engagement in the second language classroom continues to challenge second language teachers. Manifold obstacles such the affective barriers as well as perceptions of irrelevance of authentic language applications can impede student oral language performance. This session focuses on measuring secondary students’ perceptions of using free and open source software for the assessment of speaking proficiency using a quasi-experimental research approach. Changes in perceptions from pretest and post-test are discussed and the findings are juxtaposed earlier studies at different levels. This research has implications for integrating best practices in the measurement of oral language proficiency in the second language classroom.

The Many Faces of CMC — A CMC SIG Presentation

Marta Gonzalez-Lloret, University of Hawai’i
Julie Sykes, University of New Mexico

Drawing on expertise from members of the CALICO CMC Special Interest Group, this presentation will focus on practical strategies for utilizing CMC in the language classroom. Presenters will discuss the various types of CMC tools available and ways in which they might be used to enhance second language learning. Participants in the session are encouraged to ask questions and engage in the discussion around the possibilities of CMC. Sponsored by the CMC SIG.

Assessing Oral Performance: Computer-Based Tests for Beginning Learners

Marta Tecedor Cabrero, University of Iowa

This presentation presents a mixed-methods study comparing the language elicited by two types of computer-based oral exams. Twenty-four beginning learners of Spanish completed the oral exam’s direct or indirect version. Both versions contained a monologic and a dialogic task designed using Bachman and Palmer’s (1996) Communicative Language Ability model. The direct version was delivered using Elluminate, the indirect version used MySpanishLab. The main guiding questions were: Is there an interaction between degree of task structure and accuracy and fluency of student performance? Are the two tests comparable in terms of lexical density, speech functions and communicative and interactional strategies they elicit?

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Preparing for Conversations by Using a Self-study System

Goh Kawai, Hokkaido University
Akio Ohnishi, VERSION2

We developed a conversation practice system that saves classroom time in two ways: (a) learners come prepared to class, and (b) drills and tests can be administered concurrently. The system asks the learner to speak questions or responses in simulated dialogues. Although the system does not understand the learner’s speech, designing realistic dialogues is not difficult because the system can ask specific questions or give open-ended responses. Learners can be forced to respond immediately, or be allowed to pause and repeat the dialogue. Our learners come to class having practiced their phrases at home. Conversation exams end quickly because learners talk at once.

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Bridging Interactionist SLA and AWE to Enhance L2 Writing

Elena Cotos Iowa State University

This paper presents an empirical evaluation that bridges SLA and AWE by focusing on interactionist tenets to investigate the potential of automated feedback for L2 writing. A mixed-methods approach with a concurrent transformative strategy was employed. Quantitative data (survey responses; automated and human scores for student drafts; pre-/post test scores) and qualitative data (student drafts; think-aloud protocols; computer screen capturing; observations; interviews) yielded findings indicating that automated color-coded and numerical feedback possesses language learning potential. This claim was supported by evidence of focus on discourse form, noticing of negative evidence, improved rhetorical quality of the written output, and increased learning gains.

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Customizable Streaming Video Playback: YouTube Your Way

Harold Hendricks, Brigham Young University

Streaming video services have unleashed a flood of authentic language content, easily accessible by anyone, at anytime, for any instructional purpose. Video is inherently linear, but language teaching and learning is not. With a player that is able to customize the viewing experience, the instructor can tailor the video to the instruction. This presentation will demonstrate an HTML5 player that customizes streaming episodes of “Yo soy Betty, la fea,” for intermediate Spanish classes, providing random access, skipping, annotations, muting and blanking under playlist control.

Jumping on the Social Media Bandwagon: Practice and Outcomes of Social Community Among Language Learners and Teachers

11:00am – 11:20am

The Social Media and Language Learning Research Portal: Bringing Research and Practice Together

Christopher Brown, San Diego State University
Evan Rubin, LARC at SDSU
Steve Thorne, Portland State University; University of Groningen

The Language Acquisition Resource Center (LARC) at San Diego State University has developed a prototype online tool, called the Social Media and Language Learning Portal, which will gather research, materials, lesson plans, and experiences of social media in the foreign language classroom into one location, and the people who are going to build this network are you. This presentation involves: 1) a need to bring together research, materials, and users of social media for language learning 2) presenting an overview of the Social Media and Language Learning Portal 3) discussing future collaborative functions 4) a call for participation.

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Do Online and Face-to-face Assessment Tasks Provide Complementary Information about Oral Achievement?

Susanne Rott, University of Illinois

The current investigation explored the effect of an on-line as well as two face-to-face oral tests on student L2 speaking abilities. Speaking abilities were assessed based on Robinson’s (2001) task framework comparing length of utterance, linguistic complexity, use of discourse specific and formulaic expressions, as well as accuracy (verb endings, tense markers, word order). Additionally, the study assessed learner self-perception to be able to demonstrate adequately their strengths in the respective test format. While learners felt least successful in the online test, the online format allowed them to best demonstrate their speaking abilities.

The Role of Language Technology Professionals Beyond the Foreign Language Curriculum

Cindy Evans, Skidmore College

The perceived role of foreign languages in the curriculum is undergoing a significant transformation in academia. The 2007 MLA Report called for a reexamination of our priorities and curriculum. Among suggestions for future directions, the report advocated for such programs as Languages Across the Curriculum to expand the focus of language study. This session presents ongoing work in the Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Consortium to integrate language study with other domains outside of the the traditional language curriculum. The presentation will offer an overview of LAC models and demonstrate technology tools used to support a LAC program.

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 Flax-Reader — iCALL Web-Application for Individualised L2 Extensive Reading and Vocabulary Study

Michael Walmsley, University of Waikato, New Zealand

This presentation will demonstrate Flax-Reader, an engaging web-application that aids learners of any ability–from novice to near native speaker–in learning any L2–from Spanish to Swahili. Flax-Reader assists learners in locating interesting and level appropriate L1 and L2 articles from newspapers, blogs, encyclopedias, etc. on the Internet. L1 articles are automatically transformed into mixed-language texts (A.K.A. diglot readers) that are tailored to match the ability of individual learners. L2 articles are automatically enhanced with context-sensitive glosses. Flax-Reader keeps track of learner reading and gloss access, and provides motivating feedback of their L2 learning progress.

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Playing by Ear: Building Listening Comprehension Skills through Games and Synthetic Immersive Environments

Heather Davis Mendoza

This presentation will explore the possibility of replicating the benefits of study abroad experiences through emerging digital technologies. Drawing upon current research in L2 listening comprehension as well as research on the design of digital game-based learning, the aim of this project is to evaluate the use of Synthetic Immersive Environments as a pedagogical tool aimed at improving listening comprehension abilities in L2 learners. The presentation of this project will conclude with a discussion of suggested guidelines for the design of Synthetic Immersive Environments for this purpose as well as the possible future implications for second language instruction.

presentation slides (pdf) Prezi link

A Cross-Cultural Study on EFL Learner Perception of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)

San-Nan Lee, Vanung University
Robert Liwei Hsu, National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism

While mobile devices are gradually playing an important role to students, learning English on mobile phones is no longer a novelty for EFL learners. This paper aimed to investigate end-user perception of mobile assisted language learning through cross-cultural analyses. Forty-five participants (N=45) from seven different countries/regions voluntarily took part in this project. The cross-cultural analyses were conducted with constructs of technological affordances, applicability, and the constructivism of the MALL. Results of ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Comparison revealed significant differences did exist among participants. Even so, all participants agreed that MALL is a potential tool for constructivism of EFL learning.

The Role of Collaboration in Developing L2 Vocabulary Knowledge through Computer-assisted LanguageQuests

Sarah R Huffman, Iowa State University

This study investigates how participation in online collaborative learning environments impacts ESL student understanding of and ability to use target vocabulary appropriately in context. Two treatment groups comprised of 24 advanced level ESL students completed an online, vocabulary-centered LanguageQuest either alone or with a partner. Pre-task and post-task surveys were given to participants to gauge each treatment group’s growth in vocabulary knowledge. Findings reveal that the collaborative-learning treatment group reported a significantly higher increase in vocabulary knowledge over the individual-learning treatment group. Further research on the effect of collaboration on vocabulary learning in computer-mediated environments is needed.

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11:30am – 11:50am

Effect of Audio vs. Video on Aural Discrimination of Vowels

Shannon McCrocklin, Iowa State University

Despite the growing use of media in the classroom, one critical aspect of digital instruction has been largely ignored, the use of audio vs. video in pronunciation teaching. This presentation will give the results of a research study, in which participants (n=61) received either audio training or video training on the vowel contrast /i/-/I/. Aural discrimination improvement was measured with a pretest, post-test, and delayed post-test. This presentation will also give results from a questionnaire used to determine student reactions to the like-ability and use-ability of the training.

Violation of Interactional Norms Created by a Learner of Japanese in Her Online and Offline Environments: Conversation Analysis as an Approach to Synchronous Virtual Classroom Discourse

Satomi Suzuki, Georgia Tech University

This paper documents student out-of-classroom engagement in learning during synchronous online classes. The focal student’s verbal and nonverbal behaviors showed the interactional norms created in her private environment deviated from those found in face-to-face discourse. Using video data, the study finds limited student involvement in online interactions. Importantly, however, the focal student had many opportunities to vocalize her speech privately. The study illustrates the potential of online learning to promote increased learner agency and autonomy.

Content Comprehension of Video and Lecture as Evidenced in Learner Summaries

Franklin Bacheller, Utah State University

ESL learners summarized information presented first through an un-narrated video and then a mini-lecture. Summaries were analyzed for capture and communication of content. Results showed learners had more difficulty summarizing the video than the mini-lecture. One explanation is that learners understood the un-narrated video but had difficulty because the video, unlike the mini-lecture, did not provide language they needed for writing. A follow-up study, in which the mini-lecture was presented before the video, tested this explanation. The presenter will report the results of the second study and discuss implications for courseware development.

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Training and Continuing Education of a CALL Designer

C. Keiko Funahashi

Developing effective and engaging computer-assisted language learning (CALL) software is a complex project. It requires knowledge in different fields– language education, instructional design, user interface (UI)/user experience (UX) design, and software engineering. An online instructional designer at a CALL software development company presents her educational and on-the-job training, and shares books and resources that she found inspiring and useful.

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Can Processing Instruction Help Distance Learners Comprehend Authentic Input?

Victoria Russell, Valdosta State University

The present study examined processing instruction (PI), structured input (SI), and computerized visual input enhancement (VIE) with 92 distance language learners who received an authentic input passage following experimental exposure. Thus far, studies in the PI strand have only examined how learners interact with structured, or manipulated, input. The results of the present study indicate that participants who received PI in combination with VIE noticed targeted forms in subsequent authentic input with metalinguistic awareness. Further, learners who were exposed to PI, with and without VIE, were better processors authentic input than learners who received SI without VIE.

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Multimedia Instruction and University Student Attitudes toward Second Language Learning: A Mixed-method Study

Jesus Izquierdo, Universidad Juárez Autónoma, Mexico
Daphnée Simard, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Guadalupe Garza, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
Isabel Zapata, Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco

In this presentation, we will discuss the results of a mixed-method classroom-based quasi-experimental study that examined the effects of meaning-based grammar multimedia instruction (MI) with or without language awareness tasks on learner attitudes toward the instructional materials, the L2 class, and L2 learning. The role of the stage of L2 grammar development of the learners in the resulting attitudes also will be addressed. The results pointed to positive learner attitudes toward the instructional materials and the L2 class in all conditions. Yet, neither the MI type nor the L2 developmental stage altered learner attitudes toward L2 learning.

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1:30pm – 3:00pm

Ensuring Successful Implementation of Telecollaboration: Issues of Design, Management, Maintenance, and Evaluation

Nike Arnold, Portland State University
Dawn Bikowski,Ohio University
Joe Cunningham, University of Kansas
Melinda Dooly, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Lara Ducate, University of South Carolina
Victoria Hasko, University of Georgia
Greg Kessler, Ohio University
Sabine Levet, MIT
Randall Sadler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The panel brings together experienced foreign/second language (F/SL) telecollaboration researchers as they reflect on how to ensure successful implementation of long distance partnerships. Currently, investigations of the organizational issues associated with telecollaboration project lifecycle are on the outskirts of CALL research. The panelists will argue that such analyses and the fostering of expertise on the topic are critical for normalizing telecollaboration in F/SL curricula. Accordingly, they will share experiences of implementing successful telecollaborative initiatives from planning through evaluation, in glocal (global and local) contexts, with a wide range of pedagogical tasks and goals, and in a variety of mediums of instruction.

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1:30pm – 2:15pm

Addressing Cultural and Native Language Interference in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition

Daniele Allard, University of Sherbrooke

This paper addresses the problem of cultural and native language interference in second/foreign language acquisition. More specifically, it examines issues of interference that can be traced to a student’s native language that also have cultural components. An understanding of what actually composes both interference and culture is required. The concepts we identified to this effect result in an ontology that can be interpreted and used both by humans and computers to build interactive learning environments. We used the ontology as a conceptual foundation to build an instructional scenario which is then supported by readily available technological tools. A specific example is described.

article in special issue of CALICO Journal, Volume 28, #3

Animated Manga for Teaching and Learning Kanji: Resource, Results and Reflections

Nina Langton, University of British Columbia
Nikki Krogfoss, UBC Okanagan

Visual and narrative mnemonics have long been used as a method of teaching and learning Japanese kanji characters. Heisig’s “imaginative memory” and Rowley’s “pictographix” are recent and well-known examples of this methodology. Smolensky introduces the idea of “Kanjichain” plot mnemonics, and the animated manga (comic book) courseware presented in this session is an extension of that concept. Kanji that students are required to learn are organized into a cohesive narrative and incorporated into an animated manga that students view online. Theory underpinning the development of the courseware, as well as student and instructor reflections will be included in the presentation.

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5 Steps to Media Literacy

Leslie Huff

Students around the world are bombarded with media every day. With the increased use of technology in language instruction, it is essential that we help students understand not only the content and language focus of a lesson, but also messages that are embedded in and surrounding the tools we ask them to use. This presentation will explore how to begin teaching media literacy by asking key questions. This approach to media literacy allows language learners to develop 21st century skills as they develop language skills. The presentation will include opportunities for participants to engage as teachers and students.

Intercultural Competence through Telecollaboration

Theresa Schenker , Michigan State University

A six-week e-mail project was conducted between a second-level German course at a US university and an advanced English class at a high school in Germany. The goal was to explore e-mails as a possible tool for assessing intercultural competence, and to investigate student interest in cultural learning and changes therein because of the e-mail exchange. The results showed evidence of intercultural competence in the e-mails, but the development thereof could not be traced. The pilot study was revised to enable a measurement of the development of intercultural competence in e-mails as well as longitudinal effects of the exchange. Preliminary results of the new study will also be presented.

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The Effects of Computerized Graphic Organizers on EFL College Students’ Reading and Writing Performance
Hsien-Chin Liou, National Tsing Hua University
Sin-Yi Li, National Tsing Hua University

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of incorporating computerized graphic organizers (GO) into EFL college students’ reading-writing unified activities. Eighteen students were assessed with two pretests to identify their current level of English proficiency. Then they received 2-week training with computerized GO strategy in reading expository texts. Two posttests were given after the whole treatment. Furthermore, the Group Embedded Figures Test was administered to examine whether different learning styles influence the effectiveness of its implementation. The findings are expected to demonstrate the effectiveness of computerized graphic organizers and the influence of learning styles on their use.

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2:30pm – 3:15pm

Corpus-based Discovery Learning in an Advanced L2 Grammar Course

Nina Vyatkina University of Kansas

This paper reports on the design and implementation of a college-level advanced L2 German grammar review course. The course adopted a functional and usage-based approach, with materials including authentic German language corpora. Students engaged in ‘discovery learning’ while browsing a NS corpus in order to discover patterns of use. Focal features included frequency effects and co-occurrence of various lexico-grammatical means of expression in different text types. The paper concludes with recommendations for designing similar usage-based grammar courses, and discussion of implications for integration of corpus-based methodologies in language teaching as well as for promoting learner autonomy.

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Assessing ESP Learner Activities in an E-learning Environment

Kazunori Nozawa, Ritsumeikan University

An ESP e-learning environment on Hospitality English using Moodle was created in 2009 after the extensive surveys to find out the needs were carried out in 2008 under financial support from the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research. From the fall semester of 2009 to the fall semester of 2010, it was used by students at three universities and by employees at a hotel in Osaka, Japan. This paper reports how these learners participated in tasks and how they assessed the program with the analysis results of pre- and post-course tests, online exercises and pre- and post-course questionnaires.

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Integration of web2.0 tools in students’ projects using Google Site

Yuka Matsuhashi, University of Nevada, Reno
Yoshie Kadowaki, University of Nevada, Reno

This presentation describes the process of incorporating various students projects in Google Site. Students projects using Picasa, Voicethread, Google Docs, Youtube, Blogger, Eyejot for video messaging/Vlog are all embedded in each student’s Google Site page as an e-portfolio. Instructor’s Google Site page brings all students together in one place, creating a community of learners. We will share our experience of using Google Site for the last two years. Also, students’ self-reports and feedback on their projects are summarized and analyzed.

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Dealing with Usability and Functionality Issues — The Case of MoodleReader

Thomas Robb, Kyoto Sangyo University

This presentation will take a backward look at the development of the MoodleReader module which serves students with quizzes on their extensive reading. After briefly introducing the module and its current functions, we will discuss how student use of the module as well as the demands of instructors for various new functions has impacted on the design and functionality of the module. Plans for further development will also be presented.

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Assessing and Improving Oral Proficiency Through OWL Testing Software

Valeria Belmonti, College of Staten Island
Noelle Rouxel-Cubberly, College of Staten Island

In the spring semester 2010, the Department of Modern Languages at the College of Staten Island adopted the OWL testing software to assess student oral proficiency at the beginning and intermediate levels in French, Spanish and Italian. After a successful beginning, instructors explored more diverse uses of the software, including culture-related tasks through visual material. Examples of these exams along with instructor oral feedbacks will be presented. A discussion about technical integration and pedagogical results will follow.

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Effects of Text-based Synchronous Computer-mediated Communication on Second Language Acquisition: A Quantitative Meta-analysis

Wei-Chen Lin National Tsing Hua University
Hsien-Chin Liou National Tsing Hua University

The present study synthesized about 11 primary studies that had examined the impact of SCMC on second language acquisition, and investigated (1) how effective SCMC is in promoting second language acquisition, (2) whether effectiveness of SCMC is related to specific language aspects examined, (3) whether certain types of SCMC activities are more effective, and (4) whether the treatment period affects effectiveness of SCMC. The overall effect of SCMC and the effectiveness of activity features and treatment period were addressed by calculating effect size d values. Findings are expected to provide a precise research synthesis with statistical information of SCMC studies.

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