Research Briefs

If you are interested in contributing a Research Brief, please use the template and send it to Jon Reinhardt at If that piece has not yet been summarized, we will try to add it to our growing collection. November 2023 Summary of gamifying the foreign language classroom for brain-friendly learning; Rueckert, D., Pico, K., Kim, D., & Calero Sánchez, X. (2020). Gamifying the foreign language classroom for brain-friendly learning. Foreign Language Annals, 53(4), 686-703. Summary by Jihee Im. October 2023 Summary of web-based language learning and speaking anxiety; Bashori, M. van Hout, R., Strik, H., & Cucchiarini, C. (2022). Web-based language learning and speaking anxiety. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(5-6), 1058-1089. Summary by Zixing Li. September 2023 Summary of using digital media in the classroom as writing platforms for multimodal authoring, publishing, and reflecting; Stewart, O. G. (2023). Using digital media in the classroom as writing platforms for multimodal authoring, publishing, and reflecting. Computers and Composition, 67, 1-21. Summary by Maliha Shah. August 2023 Summary of L2 writing practice: Game enjoyment as a key to engagement; Allen, L. K., Crossley, S. A., Snow, E. L., & McNamara, D. S. (2014). L2 writing practice: Game enjoyment as a key to engagement. Language Learning & Technology, 18(2), 124-150. Summary by Eugenie Mainake. July 2023 Summary of using digital story writing as a pedagogy to develop AI literacy among primary students; Ng, D. T. K. , Luo, W., Chan, H. M. Y., & Chu, S. K. W. (2022). Using digital story writing as a pedagogy to develop AI literacy among primary students. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3, 100054. Summary by Zixing Li. June 2023 Summary of effects of artificial intelligence on English speaking anxiety and speaking performance: A case study; El Shazly, R. (2020). Effects of artificial intelligence on English speaking anxiety and speaking performance: A case study. Expert Systems, 38(1), 1-15. Summary by Dini Noor Arini. May 2023 Summary of hear me out! Digital storytelling to enhance speaking skills; James, P.R., Yong, K. L., & Yunus, M. M. (2019). Hear me out! Digital storytelling to enhance speaking skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(2), 190-202. Summary by Maryam Kriama. April 2023 Summary of an exploration into the impact of augmented reality on EFL learners’ reading comprehension; Ebadi, S. & Ashrafabadi, F. (2022). An exploration into the impact of augmented reality on EFL learners’ reading comprehension. Education and Information Technologies, 27(7), 9745-9765. Summary by Muhammad Arifin. March 2023 Summary of EFL teachers’ emotions at online teaching throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: Changes and coping strategies; Nguyen, H. H., & Pham, T. T. (2023). EFL teachers’ emotions at online teaching throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: Changes and coping strategies. Teaching English as a Second Language Electronic Journal (TESL-EJ), 26(4), 1-21. Summary by Hadir Alderaan. February 2023 Summary of digital social reading: Exploring multilingual graduate students’ academic discourse socialization in online platforms; Burhan-Horasanlı, E. (2022). Digital social reading: Exploring multilingual graduate students’ academic discourse socialization in online platforms. Linguistics and Education, 71, 101009. Summary by Joy Egbert. October 2020 Summary of Using visual social media in language learning to investigate the role of social presence; Fornara, F., & Lomicka, L. (2019). Using Visual Social Media in Language Learning to Investigate the Role of Social Presence.  Calico Journal, 36(3), 184-203. Summary by authors. September 2020 Summary of Disagreement in peer interaction: Its effect on learner task performance; Chen, W. (2020). Disagreement in peer interaction: Its effect on learner task performance. System (88). Summary by Esther Horn. August 2020 Summary of Gaming alone or collaboratively? L2 beginner-level gaming practices; Gonzalez-Lloret, M., Diez Ortega, M., & Payne, S. (2020). Gaming alone or together? L2 beginner-level gaming practices. Perspectiva, 38(2), 1–21.  Summary by author 1.

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