2016 Friday Sessions, May 13

9:00 am

Same but Different – Developing both Intercultural Communicative Competence and Content Knowledge through Telecollaboration

Senta Goertler, Michigan State University
Sonja Brunsmeier, University of Education Freiburg, Germany
Carly Lesoski, Michigan State University

The benefits and challenges of telecollaboration have been widely discussed in the literature (cf. Belz, 2003; Schenker, 2012). Somewhat under-explored has been the use of a telecollaboration for content knowledge development. In this project students from an intercultural competence course in the English department at a German university communicated with students in a class focused on language and language learning in the German program at a Midwestern University. In this project students not only practiced intercultural communication, but they also analyzed their own exchanges from the perspective of the topic in focus in their respective course.

Promoting Online Language Learners’ Perceptions of Connectedness though Pedagogical Innovations

Victoria Russell, Valdosta State University

The presenter will discuss a pedagogical innovation grant project that was implemented to increase retention in a university-level intermediate online Spanish course. The high attrition rate in online courses may be due to the disconnectedness and isolation that students may perceive in online learning environments. Two pedagogical interventions were implemented to foster students’ perceptions of connectedness in the course: (1) peer support groups, and (2) synchronous interactions with native speaker conversation partners. Three measures were used to assess learner beliefs and perceptions. Results will be shared and attendees will be encouraged to discuss their own interventions for promoting connectedness.

Informal Korean Learning in an Online Community

Dan Isbell, Michigan State University

Informal language learning in online communities represents a growing area of interest, in part due to the potential for meaningful L2 communication rather than the “learning about language” found in L2 classrooms (Thorne, Black, & Sykes, 2009, p. 804). This study reports on a netnographic investigation (Kozinets, 2010) of a Reddit community for Korean learning. Activity Theory and identity frameworks informed the analysis of community practices and roles. Contrary to what has been theorized about online communities, findings revealed relatively little target-language use and a great deal of learning about language. Advanced learners were found to assume key community responsibilities.

More Information: Slides

Classroom Implementation of an AWE Tool in the Process of EFL Learners’ Writing and Speaking

Zhenxiao Li, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Zhihong Lu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT)

Previous studies have shown that Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) has great potential for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners to improve their writing. A study is conducted to investigate the correlation between learners’ performance of writing through an AWE tool and that of the follow-up speaking activity, i.e., the personal statement at the second author’s English audio-video speaking class (EAVSC). In these digitally driven sessions, instructors sometimes introduce trending topics — like the best crypto to buy now for 2025 — to spark real-world conversations and encourage more authentic writing practice. This approach intends to give an insight into how effectively integrating the AWE tool into classroom instruction can develop EFL learners’ output skills, both in writing and speaking, across today’s information-processing environments.

Writing Wikis and Word Clouds: Increased Variety in Vocabulary in Intermediate Language Writing?

Elizabeth Weber, University of Illinois Chicago
Abigail Stahl, University of Illinois at Chicago

We present a writing wiki designed to enhance intermediate French writing by scaffolding the assignments in an engaging and effective way, and by focusing on enriching vocabulary. Our thematically-linked pair of wikis provide a step-by-step process including individualized research, creative production, revising, peer-editing, and self-reflection. Within the framework of the wiki, we explore the effectiveness of text mining tools (word clouds and corpus reader) in building vocabulary variety. We analyze: reduction in repeated terms between drafts; number of unique words in each draft; most frequent words on a class level. We compare this data across the three compositions each semester.

Evaluating Online Response Applications for the Language Classroom

Stacy Amling, DMACC/Iowa State University

There are a growing number of online response applications available for teachers, including: Quizizz, Kahoot, Pear Deck, Poll Everywhere, and Socrative, among others. Recent studies of mobile learning have shown it to a) make learning more convenient, accessible and engaging, b) facilitate collaborative learning and knowledge, c) provide a means of formative assessment and d) enable all students to be active in the learning process. In this presentation, these response applications will be evaluated for language classroom use based on Chapelle’s (2001) Criteria for CALL Task Appropriateness, with a specific focus on functionality, usability, and overall cost of use.


Language Center Evaluation: The IALLT Toolkit

Angelika Kraemer, Michigan State University
Audrey Sartiaux, Union College

In this session, members of the IALLT Assessment Committee will present the IALLT Language Center Assessment Toolkit. The purpose of the free toolkit is to provide institutions of higher education with a customizable set of tools to assist with the internal and external evaluation of their language centers. The presenters will situate the toolkit development within the current academic culture of reaccreditation and literature on language program evaluation, discuss the challenges they encountered in designing a toolkit that is useful and relevant for a variety of language centers, and encourage feedback from the audience on how to improve this toolkit.

Advanced Proficiency Targeted by CALL Materials

Kelly Arispe, Boise State University
Jack Burston, Cyprus University of Technology

This presentation analyzes 68 studies at the advanced level from four CALL journals: CALICO (31), CALL (6), LL&T (15) & RECALL (16). Not only are advanced studies within CALL scant (less than 6%), but they lack specificity when it comes to how they characterize advanced. For this reason, we examine the concept of advanced as defined by the proficiency levels from ACTFL and the Can-Do Statements. We then evaluate the CALL materials in these 68 studies based on these standards-based parameters and conclude that the majority target tasks and/or skills characterized by the intermediate-level.

More Information: Handout

Factors Influencing Learners’ Use of Technology in Language Learning

Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez, Iowa State University
Sahar Alzahrani, University of Southampton
Azza Alomary, University of Southampton

This paper explores the potential factors influencing learners’ use of technology in language learning. It draws those factors from the literature of Technology Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) and from the authors’ experiences in teaching English. These factors form the underlying components of our proposed model- The D.P.S.E. Model. It encompasses demographical, psychological, social and environmental variables. This model will enhance our understanding of the factors influencing language learners’ use of technology to provide language learners with an optimal learning environment. The authors intend to conduct an empirical study to test whether these components fit together as parts of the model.

U.S. Foreign Language Students’ Technology Use and Language Proficiency: What’s The Connection?

Jeffrey Maloney, Michigan State University

This study investigates US college level Spanish language students’ technology use for language learning; specifically whether the level of technology use (music, movies, websites, online dictionaries) correlates with foreign language proficiency. The technology use is measured via a survey and proficiency is assessed using an ACTFL authorized and scored test. In the survey, participants answered questions regarding their overall strategies with technology for language learning as well as technology habits for entertainment in the target language. Proficiency scores for the respondents will be explored for insights into possible correlations, if any exist, between technology use and language proficiency.

Online Training for Online World Language Educators: Lessons Learned from the Design and Delivery of a Webinar Series Focusing on Interaction

Stephen L. Tschudi, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Bridget Beaver, North Carolina Virtual Public School
Hui-Ya Chuang, University of Hawai’i Manoa
Julio Rodriguez, University of Hawai’i Manoa
Ruslan Suvorov, University of Hawaii at Manoa

The University of Hawai‘i National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) has teamed with North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) to develop and pilot open-resource professional development modules focusing on online language pedagogy. This session presents an overview of the development process, from an initial national survey guiding the selection of topics, through the design and offering of modules in a facilitated version (synchronous cohort), followed by adaptation of the modules to a self-paced asynchronous format and the implementation of a badging system to certify successful completion. Highlights and issues from the offering of the first module (Interaction) will be presented.

Does Practice Match Pecrcpetion? Exploring Instructors’ Espousal and Enactment of Technology in the ESL Classroom

Stephanie Korslund, Iowa State University

This presentation explores instructors’ espousal and enactment of technology in the ESL classroom. The presenter shares findings from a case study of six instructors that investigated their perceptions towards technology integration and their use of technology in an IEP setting. Results from the study showed that while most instructors’ perceptions align with their practices, differences between instructors’ pedagogical beliefs and their technology integration existed. Implications for future teacher training and professional development will be discussed.

More Information: Slides

Development of Adaptive Computer-Simulated Conversations with Video Support: Lessons Learned

Tetyana Sydorenko, Portland State University

Our study addresses the gap in research on the oral self-paced or collaborative practice of L2 pragmatics. We discuss the development and testing of a computer program that supports oral simulated conversations in a form of extended pragmatic routines. Within this program, learners respond orally to a series of videos of a person playing a particular role, like that of an instructor. Because speech recognition technology is still not accurate enough with accented and non-target-like speech, we instead use a select-a-choice technique for adaptivity (i.e., to ensure that subsequent videos match learners’ responses). Lessons learned and changes made are discussed.

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The Virtual Linguistic Landscape as a Tool for Teaching Symbolic Competence

Lawrence Williams, University of North Texas

Although research undertaken through the lens of the (physical or virtual) linguistic landscape has begun to flourish, there has been almost no focus on the potential of the linguistic landscape as a teaching/learning tool. However, Cenoz and Gorter (2008) have suggested “that the linguistic landscape is a learning context and can also be used for raising awareness in SLA” (p. 267). This presentation uses Cenoz and Gorter’s work and additional sources as a starting point for considering how the virtual linguistic landscape can be used as a pedagogical tool, specifically for teaching symbolic competence (Kramsch, 2006, 2010).

The Scale of Social Interaction in Digital Games Related to L2 English

Pia Sundqvist, Karlstad University

The aim of this study is to examine relations between the types of digital games played outside school and L2 English learners’ (i) productive vocabulary, (ii) receptive vocabulary, (iii) self-assessed English ability, (iv) English final grade, and (v) beliefs about where English is learned (mainly inside or outside school). Quantitative data (a questionnaire, two vocabulary tests, school-leaving certificates) were collected from three cohorts of 9th-graders aged 15–16 (N = 1,069). The results reveal that the scale of social interaction in games – whether learners play single, multiplayer, or massively multiplayer games – may be of particular relevance to L2 English learning.

Empowering and Engaging Students using Interactive Visuals and Multimodality

Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan, Wayne State University
Talia Weltman-Cisneros, Wayne State University
Elena Past, Wayne State University
Silvia Giorgini-Althoen, Wayne State University
Julie Koehler, Wayne State University

The challenge for educators across disciplines is to find ways to facilitate the social construction of knowledge, engage students in more meaningful ways, and stimulate critical thinking and reasoning skills, thus empowering agency in the learning process. This panel will present a cross-disciplinary response to these challenges via discussions of the integration of student-generated multimodal and networked visuals in the foreign language classroom. Using the interactive media platform ThingLink, we will demonstrate how this adaptable tool provides creative and practical applications that motivate students, enrich content, and enhance students’ interpretive and communicative abilities.

The Transition to Hybrid Latin: Less Class, More LMS

Alison Lanski, University of Illinois

Beginning in Spring 2016, the University of Notre Dame is replacing one class meeting of beginning Latin with an asynchronous hour of work managed through the university LMS. This presentation will describe the strategies underlying this implementation and provide a preliminary assessment of student behavior and learning outcomes in the course. One important source of data is the built-in LMS analytics tool which encourages student accountability and assists in the evaluation of newly-created course materials. The technical and pedagogical lessons learned here may be of interest to any less-commonly-taught language considering a hybrid option.

Language Learning Potential and Meaning Focus: An Evaluation of an AWE Tool for Engineering Research Article Abstract Writing

Hui-Hsien Feng, Iowa State University

The purpose of this study was to evaluate an AWE tool designed for EFL engineering graduate students based on two criteria of Chapelle’s (2001) CALL evaluation framework: Language learning potential and Meaning focus. The AWE tool provided feedback on the use of lexical bundles and grammatical categories of verbs (i.e., tense, aspect, and voice) with associated moves in abstracts. By analyzing students’ drafts before and after using the tool, responses to a questionnaire, and transcripts of semi-structured interviews from 13 EFL engineering graduate students, the results suggest the tool have potential for improving engineering graduate students’ writing on RA abstracts.

Exploring the Factors that Promote L2 Learner Participation and Interaction on WhatsApp

Fabrizio Fornara, Florida State University

Social relations are important for understanding and explaining students’ attitudes and behaviors (Knoke & Yang, 2008) in both offline and online settings. In online settings, it has been observed that closeness among peers is positively correlated with interaction (Lee & Bonk, 2016). This study aims to collect information about peer relationships among learners and identify patterns of mobile use – looking specifically at the times and places that learners access their mobile phones – to determine the factors that promote L2 learner participation and interaction in an out-of-class activity on WhatsApp.

More Information: Slides

Getting Published in the CALICO Journal

Mat(hias) Schulze, University of Waterloo
Bryan Smith, Arizona State University

In this session the CALICO Journal editors will give their perspectives on publishing with the journal. We will focus on the most important issues CALL scholars need to be aware of when submitting their research for publication. Following a brief overview of the entire process, beginning with a pre-submission checklist and culminating with the published article, we will discuss the most common pitfalls, which often result in a first round rejection as well as those qualities that make for an especially strong submission. Sufficient time will be allotted to address questions from the audience and to engage in a discussion about research and publication in CALL venues.


The Effects of Interaction-based Instruction Including Videoconferencing on Speaking Skills, Input Skills, and Perception on Videoconferencing Communication

Atsushi Iino, Hosei University

This paper introduces a case study of a task based EFL course with videoconferencing as a way to increase the opportunities to use English in authentic communication in Japan. The research questions concern the effects of videoconferencing on the learners’ output in speaking and input proficiency in listening and reading, and how the learners’ perception of videoconferencing changed over time. Eight pairs of Japanese university learners experienced two semesters with videoconferencing sessions with fluent Filipino English speakers. The pre and post test results showed significant improvement in speech fluency and complexity. The learners also demonstrated positive attitudes to communicating in videoconferencing in L2.

Benefits and Challenges of Using Facebook for Language Learning

Theresa Schenker, Yale University
Fiona Poorman, University of Education, Karlsruhe Germany

Social networking sites offer many opportunities for collaborative language learning in a variety of communication formats (synchronous, asynchronous, one-on-one, group-to-group). This presentation summarizes a six-week telecollaborative project between learners of German in Germany and the USA using the social networking site Facebook. Students’ communication strategies and language accuracy in different CMC tasks will be presented, and the effects of the Facebook exchange on learners’ grammatical competence will be summarized. Advantages and disadvantages of the various CMC formats Facebook offers will be showcased. The presentation will include students’ evaluation of using Facebook for language learning.

Are you ready, yet? A Reassessment of Students’ Technology Usage and Computer Literacy

Carly Lesoski, Michigan State University

New technologies and a continuing increase in online class enrollments in higher education (Allen & Seaman, 2013) may have changed the way university students relate to and use technology, both academically and personally, since was reported in 2008 (Winke & Goertler, 2008). Students in first and second year German courses at a large Midwestern American University completed a survey relating to personal and academic usage of technology, and individual students were interviewed. Preliminary results show that students use and have access to a broader array of technologies, but could still benefit from training on other tools necessary to online learning.

Conducting and Understanding Research in Relation to your Teaching

Greg Kessler, Ohio University

Teacher preparation relies upon continuous reflection of our pedagogical practices. In order to better understand how we might improve our teaching, as well as our teacher preparation, it is beneficial to understand current research about CALL teaching practices. It is also important to understand how to conduct our own research. This Teacher Education SIG session will address these topics.

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Technology in Teaching Foreign Language at the College Level: Experiences from Introductory and Intermediate Korean

Kyongmi Park, University of Michigan

This presentation will introduce two projects I have undertaken to explore how technology can improve teaching and learning of second languages: 1) a semi-flipped approach to introducing basic grammar patterns which moves the lecture portion of class out of the classroom thus freeing up additional time for in-class practice; and 2) a joint project with students in South Korea which creates a virtual sandbox for language students to use what they are learning in an active and engaged way to explore their own interests.

Wands, Spells, and Magic Pills: The Lingo of Language Learning Products

Sarah Springer, Monterey Institute of International Studies
Gabriel Guillén, Monterey Institute of International Studies

In this presentation we talk about the current narratives and traits of commercial language learning products, from “the best new way to learn a language” (Duolingo) to “the easiest way to become fluent in English” (Colingo), two of the most popular startups in the field. A total of 300 language learning startups are analyzed in order to determine a) common keywords and assumptions about language learning, from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, b) the most dominant mode of communication, using the ACTFL framework (interpretive, presentational, or interpersonal), and c) a “lingo decoder” for users who want to engage in serious language learning through sound pedagogical tools.

More Information: Handout


CMC and FTF Oral Communication for French L2 Learners

Adel Jebali, Concordia University

Some researchers on CMC seem to believe that this communication modality decreases the anxiety felt by L2 learners in oral tasks, although other researchers have found that this was not always the case. To participate in the debate, I conducted this preliminary study to measure the linguistic performance of French L2 learners in two contexts: face-to-face and using Skype. This study seems to demonstrate that computer-mediated communication is not less stressful than face-to-face, especially for beginners.

Factors Affecting the Acquisition of Vowel Duration in L2 Japanese: Training with Waveform Displays

Debra M. Hardison, Michigan State University
Tomoko Okuno, University of Michigan

This study investigated factors affecting perception and production of Japanese vowel duration by 48 English NSs and the effectiveness of training. Using a pretest-training-posttest design, the between-subject variable was training type: auditory-visual (AV) using waveforms, auditory-only (A-only), and no training (controls). Within-subject variables were vowel, preceding consonant, pitch pattern and syllable type, stimulus condition (word, sentence), and, for training, talker’s voice. Findings indicated significant production and perception improvement for both training groups, greater improvement for AV vs. A-only, and generalization to unfamiliar tokens; controls did not improve. Although accuracy improved, response times slowed, suggesting more detailed input evaluation following training.

Developing a Language Learning Game App with Student Personnel: Challenges and Successes

Nina Langton, University of British Columbia

This presentation focuses on the successes and failures of a low-budget, interdisciplinary, student-led project resulting in a language learning game app for the practice of Japanese orthography. The challenges involved in supervising a team of students from various disciplines (Arts, Fine Arts, Computer Science) with differing levels of knowledge, experience, skill and commitment are described, as are the benefits in terms of their perceived academic, applied skills and personal growth. The presenter will also reflect on the lessons she has learned throughout the project from team members’ contributions and interactions.

Shaping the National Landscape of Language Technologies

Trude Heift, Simon Fraser University
Julio C Rodriguez, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Scott Payne, McGraw Hill Education
Julie Sykes, University of Oregon
Steve Thorne, Portland State University

This presentation will describe a national initiative to discover new pathways for language technology innovation with key partners in academia, government, and businesses led by the Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center (LFTIC), a newly established center at the University of Hawaii. The presenters will provide an overview of the design process that informs this initiative, highlighting the most significant challenges and achievements along the way, and a succinct description of the main recommendations that result from this project, including the concrete guidelines to allocate future resources and efforts elucidated through this initiative.

Engaging with Culture through Authentic Tools

Sharon Scinicariello, University of Richmond

Mobile apps and websites created for speakers of the target language make it possible for language learners to see ‘real world’ language unmediated and to complete meaningful tasks using authentic tools. They are also products that can be used to encourage a deeper understanding of the target culture. This presentation explores the creation of activities that use travel, shopping, and other common apps and sites not only to encourage active use of the language but also to foster reflection about cultural products, practices, and perspectives.


CALL a Cloud to Help!

Stephanie Fuccio, Iowa State University

Cloud programs like Google Docs have the highest potential to help rebalance the long standing L2 feedback trend of accuracy overload into focusing instead on both L2 writer’s content and form. This study focuses on two L2 streamed First-Year Writing university credit classes in the SouthWestern U.S. where I used Google Docs for peer and teacher feedback, but with a cloud twist. This study tracks what happened, student perceptions and impressions, and, inevitably, the successes and failures of using Google Docs for this purpose.

Creating Custom Software Tools for Research and Instruction

Marc Neil Siskin, Carnegie Mellon University

Faculty use the facilities in the Modern Language Resource Center at Carnegie Mellon University to collect research data. The presenter supports these endeavors with custom designed applications allowing researchers to target the stimuli presented and to collect only the data that they need. Data might consist of mouse clicks, text, audio, video, and images as well as response timings and other types of selections. Instructors can also design applications to target problematic linguistic features. For example, upper level students may need to review their grammar skills. They can do so with the extra practice afforded by these especially designed tools.

Teachers’ Perceptions and Teaching Practices in an Online Chinese Flipped Classroom

Jiahang Li, Michigan State University
Nancy Romig, Michigan State University

Flipped classroom instruction has been widely discussed among educators in traditional classrooms; however, this pedagogical model has been rarely examined in an online K-12 environment. This study investigates the perceptions and practices of online Chinese teachers using flipped classroom instruction in a virtual high school. Data to be collected include teacher interview and all online course content data, ranging from teachers’ videos, recordings of online classes, and students’ assignments. This study also intends to get a better understanding of how flipped instruction is conducted and how interactions take place in the online synchronous session.

The Effectiveness of a Theoretically-grounded Smartphone App on Vocabulary Learning

Tadayoshi Kaya, Gakushuin Women’s College

In line with the mobile technology development in the early 2010s, smartphones have become the trend for learning words. At present, however, vocabulary learning with a smartphone has not been fully explored, and it is imperative that the effectiveness of smartphone apps on vocabulary learning be empirically investigated. In the current study, an app for vocabulary learning was created based upon theories and techniques in applied linguistics, psychology, and human engineering, and an empirical study was conducted to investigate its effectiveness as a vocabulary learning tool. The findings will indicate the effectiveness of a theoretically-grounded smartphone app.

Technologies for L2 Writers: Automated Writing Evaluation(AWE) and Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Karen Price, Boston University
Hui-Hsien Feng, Iowa State University
Aysel Saricaoglu, TED University
Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen, Iowa State University
Arjun Dave, WriteLab
Hussain Al Sharoufi, Gulf University for Science and Technology
Eric Heltzel, WriteLab

Computer-based technologies for L2 writing are proliferating. Some provide formative feedback and summative scoring, some include intelligent tutors to reinforce instructional strategies recommended by instructors and some record and evaluate the process of writing. Software developers and researchers on the panel will present different approaches to automated linguistic analysis of student writing, feedback and prompts. Their illustrations will give participants a sense of technologies available for L2 writers and the basis upon which they operate. These include natural language processing techniques, statistical modeling, learning analytics and biometric technologies. Projects to be showcased and discussed include CyWrite, AWW, Pigai, and WriteLab.

Student Experiences with TalkAbroad™ Videoconferencing for Spanish Intercultural Learning

Marta Tecedor Cabrero, Texas Tech University
Raychel Vasseur, University of Iowa
Jesse Gleason, Southern Connecticut State University

What are classroom foreign language learners’ experiences when regularly tasked with conversing with native speakers? Drawing on sociocultural theory, this case study focuses on three learners’ development of conversational skills and on their perceptions of Spanish native speakers and their cultures. Participants completed two questionnaires, four thirty-minute conversations with Spanish native speakers, four reflection papers, and two interviews with the researchers. Using data triangulation methods, we explored a) interactional patterns, b) mediation techniques, c) scaffolding strategies, and d) perspectives on the target language and culture. Practical and methodological implications will be drawn.


Development and Delivery of the Russian for Heritage Speakers Courses

Iryna Kozlova, Carleton University
Allie Davidson, Carleton University
Kirk Davies, Carleton University

Designed within the Communicative Competence 2.0 framework, two online Russian for Heritage Speakers courses were built to target students’ development of literacy as a complex social practice through multimodal communication channels. During these two courses, literacy skills were built by navigating several digital platforms, collaborating through multiple modalities, creating and sharing meaningful content, and multitasking. Using the LMS as a base for most activities, students also participated in synchronous activities in a virtual environment and asynchronous writing activities which were subsequently shared and showcased on their ePortfolio.

More Information: Slides

Virtually There – Don’t Be Afraid to Study Abroad

Senta Goertler, Michigan State University
Adam Gacs, Michigan State University
Katie McEwen, Michigan State University
Anne Von Petersdorff-Campen, Michigan State University
Lynn Wolff, Michigan State University

While some language students are eager to put their language skills to the test abroad, many others are fearful or focus only on the obstacles, not the possibilities. To help reduce students’ fear of study abroad, we developed modules for our second-year German curriculum about our study abroad destinations in Germany. All modules included discussion forum posts, a video blog, and various online materials from and about the German-speaking communities. After just one implementation of the modules, an increase in study abroad enrollments could be seen, most notably in our year-long study abroad program where enrollments almost tripled.

Aligning and Integrating Adaptive Learning Systems (ALS) in Online Language Courses

Adolfo Carrillo Cabello, University of Minnesota
Ruslan Suvorov, University of Hawaii at Manoa

A nonlinear design of adaptive learning systems (ALS) allows for gearing the content towards learners’ individual needs, providing personalized feedback, and promoting learner autonomy. Despite the advantages of ALS for language learning, their integration poses challenges for online courses designed using the standards that advocate linear approaches. It is therefore critical to establish how such nonlinear systems align with linear course designs. We discuss affordances and challenges of integrating ALS in online courses and provide recommendations for designing effective ALS-enhanced online language courses and aligning the integration of ALS with nationally used standards for online course development.

Promoting Intercultural Awareness Through an eTandem Learning Experience Between Korean Speakers and English Speakers

Se Jeong Yang, Ohio State University

The current online language exchange study includes Korean heritage learners and native speakers of Korean. I focused on interactions between them and their identity construction as well as language learning. Using qualitative research framework, I will discuss how both groups’ intercultural awareness has changed while interacting with one another, which is related to their identity. In addition, the current session will illustrate how intercultural awareness, identity construction and language learning are interrelated to one another.

Shared Courses, Shared Research: Initial Findings from an Inter-Institutional Distance Learning Program

David Malinowski, Yale Center for Language Study
Steve Welsh, Columbia University

To address the challenges of sustaining a broad range of less commonly taught languages (LCTLs) at their institutions, Columbia, Cornell and Yale Universities formed a consortium in 2011 to share LCTL instruction using high-definition videoconferencing to connect their classrooms, known as the Shared Course Initiative (SCI). As part of this Mellon-funded initiative, researchers at the three schools are conducting a study to determine the effects of the distance learning environment on the educational experiences of instructors and students, and the effects of the technology on the learning process. This presentation will outline their research questions, methodology, and some preliminary findings.


Creating a Learner Preparation Framework for Flipped Language Learning

Jennifer Vojtko Rubi, University of Iowa

This semester-long qualitative pilot study examines online and offline behaviors of college-level students enrolled in flipped elementary Spanish classes as they prepare for face-to-face classes. The aim of this study is to develop a learner preparation framework for flipped learning. Multiple data sources, including screen captures of students’ online activity, metacognitive wrappers, offline logs, focal groups, and interviews were analyzed with the purpose of looking for critical incidents that could shape a learner preparation framework. Pedagogical implications will be presented.

Creative Interactions in Becoming an Online Second Language Teacher Educator

Francis Bangou, University of Ottawa
Stephanie Arnott, University of Ottawa

Working in/through/with Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of agencement, rhizome, affect, and machine, this presentation will report data collected as part of a study that focused on a mentoring experience between two university professors, including one who was teaching for the first time an online graduate course in L2 Education and one who had more experience with online teaching. Through the rhizoanalysis of reflective logs and interviews, we will illustrate how becoming an online second language teacher educator is a creation that emerges from the interactions of a multiplicity of machines, and hopefully creates a space where new understandings emerge.

More Information: http://prezi.com/ay8o1zyzxeal/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy

Use and Effectiveness of Enhanced Written and Audio-Visual Input

Piet Desmet, KU Leuven
Maribel Montero Perez, KU Leuven

This presentation will discuss input enhancement in CALL environments from two different perspectives. We will start by providing a detailed categorization and classification of input enhancement techniques based on an exhaustive literature review. We will distinguish between the enhancement of written and audio-visual input, categorize enhancement techniques and provide a critical analysis of research results. Next, we will look into different options to automatically generate input that is enhanced with different annotation layers. In order to do so, we will discuss the potential of an enrichment engine that is based on the automatic analysis and linguistic annotation of written input.

Fostering Language Learning Through Mobile Gaming

Rachel Marie Floyd, University of Tennessee
Brooke Tybush, University of Tennessee

This presentation examines the role and effectiveness of mobile games in the context of second language learning within the theoretical frameworks of multiple literacies, multilingualism, and game design. By participating in meaningful gameplay, students immerse themselves in language and culture learning by gaining agency in a virtual foreign linguistic and cultural context. In this context students take the role of social actors in a setting that promotes risk taking and meaningful challenges, fostering second language acquisition. Focusing game content around course material encourages students to apply skills learned in class in an environment that emphasizes critical thinking, problem solving, and contextual association.