2016 Thursday Sessions, May 12
8:15am — Newcomers Session
Acoustic Analysis of Montenegrin English L2 Vowels: Production and Perception
Ivana Lucic, Iowa State University
A production and perception analysis of Montenegrin vowels was conducted, in order to make a comparison with the already existing measurements of General American English (GAE) vowels. Acoustic analysis software Praat was used to provide the first ever acoustic data for Montenegrin, and Montenegrin production of English. This research helps determine the causes of miscomprehension between native speakers of GAE and Montenegrin EFL learners. The findings of this study can help teachers of ESL/EFL provide better quality pronunciation instruction for Montenegrin learners and, at the same time, promote interaction in English.
Eye-Tracking for L2 Researchers: Guidelines for Hardware Selection
Karen Price, Boston University
Marnie Reed, Boston University
Eye-tracking hardware units vary in cost from less than US$100 to tens of thousands of dollars. While the specifications of low-end units state that they are not reliable for experimental subjects wearing glasses or contact lenses, can they provide the precision needed for a researcher’s experimental needs? What sorts of experimental needs are (un)compromised with units yielding less precision and a lower sampling rate? What guidelines might there be to help researchers assess the compatibility of a low-end eye-tracker with their experimental objectives? Can experimental data be adjusted in order to accommodate lower quality eye-tracker data?
Supporting Synchronous Collaboration in K-12
Elliot Soloway, University of Michigan
This is a hands-on, BYOD Session. Collaboration is a key 21st century skill. PISA, the international testing organization, has, this year, instituted the testing of students worldwide on their collaboration skills. Inasmuch as students aren’t taught formally how to collaborate, one can only imagine what the students’ scores will be! While digital technology can be harnessed in countless ways — from productivity tools to a gambling site not on GamStop — the educational possibilities are enormous, especially when real-time collaboration is the focus. Towards providing scaffolding to support students as they collaborate in real-time, the Intergalactic Mobile Learning Center (imlc.io), with funding from the Lucas Educational Foundation, is providing a free suite of “collabrified” apps—apps that support students as they work together, co-located or not, co-creating and/or co-editing various types of artifacts (e.g., text documents, concept maps, KWL charts, drawings, and animations). The Collabrify suite of apps is written in HTML5 and thus all the apps are device-agnostic: our apps can run on virtually any computing device. From Chromebook-based classrooms to BYOD-based classrooms, Collabrify Writer (text editing), Collabrify Map (concept mapping), Collabrify KWL (KWL charting), and Collabrify Flipbook (drawing and animating) run in a browser (while we suggest Chrome be used, the apps will work in IE and Firefox) on iPads to Windows laptops, from Android tablets to Mac desktops. Go to: http://www.imlc.io/#apps to use the apps. In this session, then, our intent is to provide attendees with hands-on experiences of using the collabrified apps. • NOTE: Bring YOUR device—tablet, laptop, smartphone!
Open Education Initiative: Student-Authoring Language Projects
Mingyu Sun, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
John Bowden, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
This presentation aims to showcase a variety of student authoring projects at the Language Resource Center (LRC) in a U.S. University. To respond to the open education initiative, the LRC has worked with different student groups and instructors to survey their needs for learning and teaching materials. Over the years, a substantial amount of student authoring resources (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish) have been created to meet their specific needs, which, in the meanwhile, are made available to the general public. Join us to find out what materials you may be able to utilize for your class!
The Affordances of Tablet Technology for Process-Based Speaking Instruction
D. Joseph Cunningham, Georgetown University
This research presentation will discuss the results of a pedagogical experiment in a second-semester German class at a four-year university. Through the use of tablet computing, additional steps were introduced into speaking instruction in order to foster a process-oriented approach. Students used tablets to video record themselves and to share these drafts with other students in order to complete peer review of one another’s work. During the talk I will review empirical results from the study, including: 1) changes in language production between different drafts; 2) comparison with non-tablet sections of the course; and 3) learners’ perception of the technology.
A Needs Analysis of Technology-mediated Language Education
Marta Gonzalez-Lloret, University of Hawai’i
This study presents a technology-mediated language education needs analysis (NA) of K-12 and higher education institutions conducted in the state of Hawaii. The NA was designed to find out the wants, needs, lacks, aims, and objectives for technology, as well as the informational and multimodal digital skills needed to effectively engage with technology. The presentation will illustrate the steps to conduct the NA, show the tools developed to gather and analyze the data, and present the results. Finally the presentation will illustrate how the results were presented to the different stakeholders and will discuss the challenges of conducting such a NA and how these were resolved.
Exploring Learner Engagement: A Comparative Study of Dedicated Online Forum Threads in a Peer Support Scheme
Qian Kan, The Open University
This paper investigates the impact of different communicative styles on learner engagement and building an online learning community. More specifically, it focuses on the relational work undertaken by two different student mentors operating as part of a support mechanism in the context of two online language learning modules. Relational work, involving the constitution and understanding of social relations in language, has become an increasingly popular sub-field of interpersonal pragmatics. Focusing on the forum posts by two different student mentors, we reveal how different kinds of relational work aligned with different levels of student participation and engagement. The findings of this research can inform new ideas on how to enhance and sustain a supportive online community.
More Information: Handout
Impact of Remote Interaction with Native Speakers of the Target Language on Oral and Aural Proficiency of Post-Intermediate Learners of Spanish
Laurie A. Massery, Randolph-Macon College
In the standard L2 classroom, providing students with opportunities to use the target language outside of class has been challenging. More recently, however, advances in videoconferencing have made it possible for students to gain access to native speakers of the target language using technology. The present study measures the impact of remote interaction with native speakers of the target language on learners studying Spanish at the post-intermediate level. Statistical analyses show that regular interaction with native speakers of Spanish through remote interaction significantly impacted learners’ oral and aural development. Reading and writing scores also increased, though results were not significant.
‘I du not Sie the point of the German you’*: Learner Perceptions of the German T-V Distinction in Online Interactions
Antonie Alm, University of Otago
This presentation explores the perceptions of the German T-V system by German language students in New Zealand. Intermediate and advanced learners exchanged their personal experiences of addressing Germans with “du” or “Sie” through blog posts and comments on the social networking site ning. The analysis of 15 posts and 52 comments revealed that the informal sharing of experiences and assumptions on T-V usage enabled learners to revisit, to extend and to revise their understanding of their use of “du” and “Sie” in social interactions with native-speakers. However, it also become apparent that the majority preferred the less complicated English “you”.
Surfing the RuNet: Promoting Digital Literacy Development in Learners of Russian as a Foreign Language
Shannon Spasova, Michigan State University
Amanda Lanier Temples, Michigan State University
Although university foreign language classrooms are increasingly inhabited by “digital natives,” students may need specific learner training in order to parlay their existing competencies into full digital biliteracy, especially in non-Roman alphabets. This presentation describes a collaborative action research project that uses task-based approaches to understand and enhance the ability of intermediate Russian language learners to navigate and evaluate web-based resources and social media on the RuNet (the Russian language internet) and documents this process using qualitative methods. We will provide specific pedagogical techniques as well as insights into learner training in a less-commonly-taught language and researcher-instructor collaboration.
Open Educational Resources and Practices for Language Learning
Patricia Kyle Mosele, University of Texas at Austin
The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) at The University of Texas at Austin provides free, high-quality open educational resources (OER) for the teaching and learning of foreign languages. Participants in this session will learn about the Open Education movement and the ethos of participation and sharing that has driven its success and sustainability over the past decade. I will also demonstrate a variety of websites, online repositories, and collections that feature a wide range of OER that can be freely used in or adapted to a classroom setting.
Teacher & Student Perspectives on Screencast & Text Feedback in ESL Writing
Kelly Cunningham, Iowa State University
In making choices about technology-mediated feedback, an understanding of the considerations from both the student and instructor perspectives is important. This presentation reports on the findings of a study of student and instructor perspectives on screencast and MS Word comment feedback on student ESL writing. The multiple measures within-groups study looks at how these perspectives change with continued exposure and how student and instructor perspectives compare.
More Information: Abstract and Slides Online
Computer-Based Receptive Practice for the Acquisition of Spanish Past Tenses
Fenfang Hwu, University of Cincinnati
Although much significant meaningful learning can occur during initial presentation of the instructional materials, subsequent practice is needed to obtain more learning and retention. Either productive or receptive practice can potentially lead to successful L2 development. This study aims to develop receptive activities for the acquisition of the different uses of Spanish past tenses, preterite and imperfect. The presentation will discuss the principles from SLA and neurological research that inform the design of receptive activities, the technological tool and resources used to create learning materials, and the learner errors that inform learning task and feedback design.
Disciplinary Variations in the Use of Linking Adverbials in Nursing and Applied Linguistics Research Articles
Zaha Alonazi, Iowa State University
Despite their significance in building cohesive texts, linking adverbials are usually presented as a fixed list of interchangeable items devoid of meaning with little attention if any given to their discipline related function. Hence, this paper examines how Nursing and Applied Linguistics empirical research articles vary in their use of linking adverbials. Articles in Nursing and Applied Linguistics were compared in terms of their frequency, use, and function. The findings have implications on our understanding of the role linking adverbials play in AL and Nursing research articles particularly for teaching ESP students who intend to write empirical research papers in these disciplines.
More Information: Slides
Negotiating Languacultural Learning in an Online Exchange between Hindi and English Language Learners
This study examines a ten-week asynchronous online cultural exchange between college-level Hindi language learners in the United States and English language learners in India that involved bilingual discussion forums structured around issues of linguistic ideologies, marriage, religion, racial and caste-based discriminations. Drawing on approaches from critical and computer mediated discourse analysis, this study seeks to understand the different technological, socio-political, institutional, and local factors that influence how participants negotiate languacultural learning. Analysis revealed that critical discourses surrounding this collaboration affected how the two groups managed their online interactions, conceptualized the task, and shared cultural knowledge.
What Teachers and Researchers Can Learn from Independent Online Language Learners
Thomas McDonald
Independent learners in the online “polyglot” community often seek to simultaneously acquire and maintain multiple languages. This presentation will introduce this online community, and share some of its trends and approaches to language learning in the hopes of providing a new perspective to language teachers and researchers in the SLA community.
Building Immersive Learning Experiences through Simulations
Hui-Ya Chuang, University of Hawai’i Manoa
Leon Potter, University of Hawai’i Manoa
Julio C Rodriguez, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Ruslan Suvorov, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Stephen L. Tschudi, University of Hawai’i at Manoa
The Language Flagship Technology Innovation Center’s business simulation project immerses language learners in community-of-practice, project-based situations through a multi-modal virtual experience built around a fictitious organization: Green Ideas, Inc. This virtual environment immerses language learners in highly contextualized language learning scenarios, helping them build a repertoire of language resources to overcome complex and high-stakes situations. This presentation discusses how pedagogical manipulation of task design can enable accommodation of various language proficiency levels and engage learners. It also examines the theory and best pedagogical practices associated with the simulation and strategies for integrating the simulation into an instructional context.
Collaboration for Online Language Learning: A Foreign Language eMajor Initiative
Victoria Russell, Valdosta State University
Kelly Frances Davidson, Valdosta State University
This session describes a collaborative project between four universities within the University System of Georgia to create and offer eMajors in French and Spanish. The presenters will explain the project from its initial stages to the deployment of the first courses during the fall of 2015, highlighting the successes and the pitfalls. The presenters will also demonstrate the shared platform and template for course design and delivery. College students in Georgia may now complete a Bachelor’s degree in French or Spanish online.
A Blended Korean Classroom: Do Student Minutes Online Affect Final Grades?
Julie Damron, Brigham Young University
Jennifer Quinlan, Brigham Young University
Brigham Young University is one of a few universities in the country that offers Korean courses; they launched blended and online courses in 2013 and are gathering data regarding student success. With two blended classes now underway for two years, this presentation examines the correlation between student time on-line and end-of-semester grades and overall success in the blended course. Attendees will have the chance to discuss the value and pros and cons of on-line interaction with students in their own courses.
App & Game Design as a Model to Facilitate Language Learning and Culture in Context
Sebastien Dubreil, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Cary Staples, Univeristy of Tennessee, Knoxville
This presentation examines game design as an activity to organize learning, especially L2 development in a rich, culturally authentic context. A group of 12 students guided by two faculty members constituted a cross-functional team (Gee, 2005) to create a mobile game for elementary level French students. Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory (Engeström, 1987, 2001) as an analytical framework, we examine how learning occurred in this complex, interdisciplinary environment and what was learned (e.g., French students learning design/programming, computer-science students learning French). This project has implications on the design of undergraduate students’ language learning experience – and more broadly their educational experience.
Arabic Corpora: The Intersection of Technology and Pedagogy
Mahmoud Amer, West Chester University
This paper examined a corpus of over 300 thousand words of several issues of an Arabic daily newspaper. Using frequency lists and an in-house Arabic linguistic stemmer, the paper identified the most frequent 500 roots that make up over 71 percent of all the words in the newspaper’s issues. By classifying these roots further into thematically related groups, a learner of Arabic can prioritize learning these roots to achieve maximum understanding of news as they appear in daily issues in some of the Arabic newspapers published in the Middle East.
Teaching Spanish Civilization in a Communicative Way: Language Comes to Life with Virtual Reality
Carlos Miguel-Pueyo, Valparaiso University
While making second language learning meaningful in the classroom is one of the main goals for instructors of second languages, this goal should also dominate while teaching civilization(s) and culture(s) in target languages. Partnering with a colleague in the College of Engineering at Valparaiso University, this sessions is an interdisciplinary effort between Spanish and Engineering, showing how virtual reality in 3d (Viscube) can be used effectively to teach Spanish civilization, more specifically, architecture, in the target language, so that meaningful and compelling content is created to teach/learn History through architecture, in the target language.
Complex Adaptive Systems Research in CALL
Mat(hias) Schulze, University of Waterloo
Processes in CALL are complex because a number of actors and components participate in them. Variables in a complex adaptive system are not stable; they interact with one another and are therefore subject to change. Hence we can say that in the dynamic change of such a system, its variables co-adapt continuously. Thus, (computer-mediated) language learning can be conceptualized and described as a complex adaptive system (Larsen-Freeman, 2015). In this paper, I will discuss Dörnyei’s (2014) retrodictive qualitative modeling, a method of analysis for language learning a a complex adaptive system, and apply this method to CALL contexts.
Language Teachers’ Technology Use: Factor Analysis
Haixia Liu, Michigan State University
Dongbo Zhang, Michigan State University
Drawn on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), this study examined factors that affected teachers’ technology adoption behavior. A survey was distributed to 47 Chinese teachers in a mid-western university and structural equation modeling was used to examine the relationship among four independent variables (i.e., perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norm, facilitating conditions), and the dependent variable (i.e., technology adoption). The results showed these four independent factors had positive effects on teachers’ instructional technology adoption.
Teaching English as an International Language (EIL) through Videoconference-based Flipped Class in Local Contexts
Ju Seong (John) Lee
Yuji Nakamura, Keio University
With increasing interest in teaching English as an International Language (EIL), several EIL advocates have attempted to link the theoretical discussions of EIL to its classroom practices, which have led to creating a number of EIL classroom-based lessons and activities (Matsuda & Friedrich, 2011; Matsuda & Duran, 2012; McKay & Brown, 2016). So far, however, there has been no empirical study to teach EIL via a videoconference-based flipped class. This presentation will illustrate the instructional design, reflect on the pedagogical implications, explore the impact of practice on EIL theory in local contexts, and offer specific recommendations for curriculum and instruction.
Effects of Real-Time Automated Corrective Feedback on Cognitive Writing Processes
Jim Ranalli, Iowa State University
Some research suggests immediate corrective feedback on learners’ written errors leads to greater grammatical accuracy than delayed feedback. Until now, however, providing such feedback has been impractical. A new tool for automated writing support called CyWrite can provide immediate, or real-time, corrective feedback, but anecdotal evidence from student users suggested that such feedback was distracting and hindered their writing. This study used thinkaloud protocols to investigate the effects of real-time feedback on the allocation of time to different writing processes while composing in CyWrite versus Microsoft Word, including metacognitive processes used for self-management.
Use of Diigo for ESL Students’ Development of Reading in L2
Oksana Vorobel, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
Deniz Gokcora, BMCC, City University of New York
This multiple-case study explores English as a second language (ESL) students’ use and perceptions of Diigo for development of reading in their second language (L2). Five students in an ESL community college course in the northeastern part of the USA participated in the study. The data sources included interviews, observations, e-journals, and artifacts. Within-case and cross-case analysis of data revealed various practices participants engaged in when using Diigo as well as affordances and benefits of the use of Diigo for development of reading in the L2. The findings and discussion of the study include suggestions for further research and implications for practice.
Empowering Students’ Knowledge for Successful Completion in Their Online Course
Brian Hunter, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash
Sheri K. Barksdale, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash
Online learning platforms require that students have more than a basic understanding of e-learning tools for successful course interaction and completion. Instructor created Readiness Assessment Activities (RAA) for online learning platforms introduce the course to the students and demonstrates the technical aspect of the course such as the usage of computer hardware, specific software and programs that will be used during the course. Successful completion of these activities informs the Instructor of the students’ technical competency, knowledge and comfort level of the required online activities. Presenters will give examples and suggestions on the implementation of RAA for student interaction.
Utilizing Technology to Promote Active Learning in Community-based Language Programs
Sandhya Shanker, CeLTA, Michigan State University
In today’s world where language teaching has expanded beyond the boundaries of the physical classroom, teachers are always seeking ways to incorporate technology to better prepare learners for a global world. This presentation explores effective technological tools intended for young foreign language learners. Examples of tools used in the community-based language programs at the CeLTA Language School at Michigan State University will be illustrated along with emerging resources. The merits and limitations of these tools will be discussed as well as their appropriateness to the age and maturity levels of the learners.
On Preparing Language Teachers to Succeed in Digital Environments
Mark Knowles, University of Colorado at Boulder
Patricia Kyle Mosele, University of Texas at Austin
Sara Beaudrie, Arizona State University
Robert Kleinsasser, Arizona State University
Kelly Sax, Indiana University Bloomington
Have you ever tried to identify particular teacher practices and characteristics that make successful technology-enhanced language learning happen? Many acknowledge that effective instruction in hybrid and online language courses demands pedagogical skills, knowledge, and expertise that are distinct from those we summon up when teaching with the traditional model. Similarly, efficient language teaching strategies that work well in face-to-face settings do not translate automatically to digital environments. Based on their individual experience, panelists will consider unique features of effective online language teaching, establish some best practices, and suggest ways to more adequately prepare language teachers for hybrid and online instruction.
International Graduate Students’ Use of Technology for Academic Purposes
More and more international students pursue higher education in America. However, they often face academic difficulties during the process of adjusting to foreign academic culture. Researchers have found technology use could help them improve English competence and adjust to foreign culture in general. Hence, this study examines the role of technology during the process of socializing into their academic disciplines. A survey was employed to collect data. This presentation will report some findings of the data: what technologies they use to do academic tasks. Some suggestions will be provided for educators, professors, academic programs, and universities.
Literacy Practices in an Informal Language Learning Community of Facebook Pages
Sichon Koowuttayakorn, University of Arizona
The objective of this study-in-progress is to explore the ways in which second language teaching and learning practices emerge through dialogic activities and semiotic artefacts in an online informal English language teaching/learning community on social media. The sites of investigation are four Facebook Pages created by native Thai speakers to informally teach English language to a Thai audience in a wide array of contents. The observation and analysis of various themes are expected to reveal not only participants’ L2 literacy practices, but also how they enact various stances towards English language learning and use, how they position themselves vis-à-vis other participants in the community, and the ways their dialogic and semiotic interactions index linguistic ideology associated with the English language in the mobilized and globalized world.
What Can We Know and How Do We Know It? Epistemological Reflections on Researching Computer-mediated Communication
Ursula Stickler, The Open University
Regine Hampel, CREET, Open University
Online language learning spaces offer different affordances for communication and meaning-making compared to face-to-face settings. In this presentation we examine the impact of this on language learning research in online contexts and the implications for the generation of knowledge. Using investigations of synchronous and asynchronous online language classes and informal learning events as data, we will consider the following questions: What are the ways of knowing linked to different philosophies and scientific paradigms? What kind of information is needed to make claims about online meaning-making? How does our understanding of online environments as learning spaces shape the direction of research?
More Information: Slides
Hybrid Elementary Chinese: Design and Implementation at the College Level
Xiaojing Duan, University of Notre Dame
Chengxu Yin, University of Notre Dame
This presentation aims to formulate a framework for designing a hybrid class in Chinese at the elementary level as a transition to student-centered and technology-enhanced instruction. The effectiveness and challenges of such a course are demonstrated through comparisons with its traditional counterpart in terms of students’ involvement in the learning process, their learning outcomes, and their course satisfaction. Suggestions are offered on a wide range of practical issues.
The Effect of Sitepal on Promoting EFL Adolescents’ Autonomy in Communication
Sophie Tai, National Taiwan Normal University
The study investigated the effect of Sitepal on promoting EFL adolescents’ autonomy in communication. Sixty-three seventh graders recruited from a junior high school participated in this study, receiving six weeks of Sitepal communication program. A mixed method was employed to analyze the data obtained from the autonomy scale, questionnaires, and interviews. The results revealed the beneficial effects of Sitepal on promoting participants’ autonomy in English communication. Sitepal fit adolescents’ web-interaction habits and individual differences. The avatar’s real-time feedback and attractive visual aids enhanced participants’ willingness to communicate, encouraged active engagement, developed critical thinking, and reduced speaking anxiety.
From Text-Based to Digital Feedback: What Has Changed?
Jinrong Li, Georgia Southern University
Despite the growing awareness of the benefits of responding to student writing using software programs, there is little research on the qualitative differences between traditional text-based feedback and the audio- or video-based feedback, or how such digital feedback could affect students’ revisions. Therefore, twenty participants were asked to complete a writing assignment. They received either text-based or digital feedback. The feedback was compared in terms of focus, approach, and clarity, and the students were also invited to discuss with the researcher about how they understood and used the feedback in revisions and writing in stimulated recall sessions.
Yabla: How the Web-based Video Learning Model Integrates Culture and Language Instruction to Increase Comprehension and Listening Skills
Hanser Pimentel, Yabla
John Duquette, Yabla
Yabla is an online immersion tool that allows language learners to experience native speakers in a variety of authentic contexts. Students improve their listening comprehension with its unique video player functions, interactive tools, and games to review vocabulary and spelling. Yabla language immersion allows students to experience real people speaking real language, improving both their listening comprehension skills and their intercultural competence. The presenter will demonstrate how to navigate the site and how to set up student accounts, organize them into classrooms, create assignments, and monitor student performance.
Latinos in the US: Promoting Interaction among Heritage Language Learners through Telecollaboration
Laura Villa, Queen’s College CUNY
This presentation describes a telecollaboration project entitled Latinos in the US. This telecollaboration relies on a number of technological tools and digital environments in order to connect heritage language learners from different parts of the US that are taking the same college level Spanish course. Issues of language and identity are discussed through synchronous and asynchronous communicative tools. Besides a description of the design and implementation phases and an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the technology employed, this presentation also examines the benefits of telecollaboration in Spanish heritage language instruction.
Noticing: ELL Use of MALL for Filling the Gap
Carrie Demmans Epp, LRDC, University of Pittsburgh
Data from three studies that explored English language learner (ELL) use of mobile assisted language learning (MALL) technologies was analyzed to better understand how ELLs employ MALL tools to support noticing. This data shows how ELLs have repurposed everyday mobile services and applications as well as dedicated MALL tools to help them fill gaps in their knowledge that they have noticed as a result of using English to interact with others.
More Information: Handout
Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Career Options in Language and Technology
Senta Goertler, Michigan State University
J. Scott Payne, McGraw-Hill Education
Linda R Lemus, University of Arizona
Merica McNeil, University of Arizona
Claire Bradin Siskin, Consultant
Lisa Frumkes, Rosetta Stone
Every year CALICO brings together a diverse group of participants representing an array of language, technology, and career paths. These seasoned professionals can provide distinct insights into future career options for graduate students. The newly created Graduate Student SIG will host its debut panel to discuss career options available to those in language learning and technology. Four panelists representing different career paths will share their experiences on the job market and their chosen careers. The session will include a Q & A where graduate students and other attendees can raise questions and concerns about their potential career choices.
Measuring L2 Lexical and Syntactic Alignment During Task-based SCMC Interaction: Methodological Challenges, Choices, Successes, and Regrets
Bryan Smith, Arizona State University
Marije Michel, Lancaster University, UK
This paper investigates alignment among peers interacting via written synchronous computer-mediated communication in their second language. Alignment refers to the psychological phenomenon that interlocutors tend to adopt and re-use each other’s language patterns in the course of authentic interaction. In this presentation, we foreground the challenges faced and methodological choices made in eliciting, capturing, analyzing, and interpreting the data. Specifically, a combination of eye tracking technology, screen recordings and chat logs were employed in exploring what L2 users notice, attend and align to lexically and syntactically in the linguistic input from their L2 interlocutor. We discuss implications for instructed SLA.
Motivational Profiles in Online Language Learning
Yining Zhang, Michigan State University
Chin-Hsi Lin, Michigan State University
Given the increasing popularity of learning language in online settings and the critical role of motivation in students’ language learning success, it is necessary to examine the relationship between motivational profile and online language learning outcomes. This study identified different motivational profiles of online K-12 language learners among 466 students taking online language courses in a Midwestern virtual school, and studied the relationship between different profiles and online language learning outcomes. Using cluster analysis, we identified four motivational profiles. Students with high intrinsic motivation and moderate extrinsic motivation reported the highest learning satisfaction and perceived progress.
Using Wikis and iPads to Transform Future ESL/EFL Teachers’ Learning Experiences and Teaching Practices
This study explores an institutional initiative to transform traditional courses in ESL/EFL teacher education at a private academic institution through the use of various Web 2.0 tools and iPad applications. More precisely, the study addresses the following questions: (1) How can wikis guide future ESL/EFL teachers to reconceptualize teaching and learning and set new goals for teaching ESL/EFL? and (2) How can the use of certain iPad applications help enact affordances that can guide future ESL/EFL language teachers in devising pedagogically effective teaching materials?
Digital Storytelling and its Impact on Student Learning and Engagement
Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan, Wayne State University
Julie Koehler, Wayne State University
Alina Klin, Wayne State University
Laura Kline, Wayne State University
Felecia Lucht
Digital storytelling, the telling of stories via multimedia, is a valuable pedagogical tool as it enables students to engage in interdisciplinary investigation and multimodal learning through experiencing, as well as creating, digital stories. Using examples from our National Endowment for the Humanities-funded Ethnic Layers of Detroit project, “Experiencing Place through Digital Storytelling,” we demonstrate how digital stories can be used to enhance the learning of language, literature and culture, as well as discuss the role of digital stories in student engagement.
Instructional Design and Natural Language Processing in Dialogue-Based CALL
Piet Desmet, KU Leuven
Serge Bibauw, KU Leuven & Universite catholique de Louvain
Thomas François, Université catholique de Louvain
Dialogue-based computer-assisted language learning (CALL) encompasses applications that allow a learner to practice a foreign language by carrying a conversation with a computer through unconstrained input. Such systems, whether speech- or text-based, present various challenges to the CALL developer, both with the instructional design (degree of openness of the interaction, types of prompt, etc.) and the technological design (rules-driven vs. data-driven system, complexity level of the natural language processing, etc.). We propose a general task design framework for dialogue-based CALL, and align it with recommendations for natural language processing (NLP) techniques to tackle such a challenge, and present the Dialangue system as an application of such principles.
More Information: Handout
Balancing Structure and Flexibility to Achieve Optimal Results wtih Language Learners in an Online Environment
Kristen Walters, Foreign Service Institute
The Distance Language Learning program of the Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute has evolved greatly in recent years to achieve a balance of structured yet flexible online, instructor-guided language training. As a result, the program has achieved significantly improved retention and completion rates, and general student satisfaction with the program has increased. The program would like to share its best practices and lessons learned for delivering online language training to achieve similar optimal results.
More Information: Slides
Technology-Assisted Pronunciation Instruction: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?
Gillian Lord, University of Florida
Pronunciation is often the most salient feature in the speech of a foreigner, yet explicit pronunciation instruction remains one of the most neglected aspects of classroom pedagogy. Technology enhanced instruction can offer vast benefits in this area, thanks to the growing availability of increasingly sophisticated tools and programs that can supplement or even replace in-class pronunciation instruction. This presentation explores the different tools that can and have been used, focusing on theoretical and pedagogical justifications. I highlight research-based benefits, offering examples from a variety of languages and tools, and conclude by offering a roadmap for future research.
More Information: Handout
Web Audio Lab v. 4: Platform for Intensive and Extensive Oral Practice
Richard Feldman, Cornell University
Non-communicative oral practice has been dropped in most language courses, generally thrown out in favor of social and identity moves in class. But mechanical practice out of class is highly useful preparation for in-class communication. Students gain confidence in their fluency and pronunciation. This platform, written by Slava Paperno at Cornell, presents a highly efficient environment for such practice and is very appreciated by students. The presentation will demonstrate student environments for several languages, the teacher interface, and survey results. The program can be used, and materials developed, by other institutions.
Distance Learning, Technologies, Applications and Challenges
Mingyu Sun, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Michael Kramizeh, Michigan State University
This presentation will explore distance learning technologies and their appropriate areas of application in language education. In the last few years, two language centers have facilitated different types of distance learning language classes using different models, one through the Committee on Institutional Cooperation Course Share programs, and the other through direct connection with partner schools. The presentation will discuss the technologies and methodology used in different settings (quizzes, pair work, tests), challenges, as well as best practices.
Stereoscopic 3D Images for Learning Foreign Language Vocabulary
Regina Kaplan-Rakowski, Southern Illinois University
Stereoscopic 3D images are images that have a technologically-enhanced sense of depth, through which they appear to be 3D. This presentation will discuss the historical, theoretical and practical aspects of the use of stereoscopic 3D images for learning. Further, this presentation will outline the potential of using such images for foreign language vocabulary learning as well as certain pitfalls that can accompany their use. The findings of a quantitative study on the effect of stereoscopic 3D images on foreign language vocabulary recall will illustrate to what extent stereoscopic 3D images are effective for students in learning foreign language vocabulary in an experimental setting.