2016 Workshops, May 10, 11, & 14
Click on the titles below or scroll down the page for full descriptions of the workshops. Any extra information available for the workshop, if supplied by workshop leaders, may be found with the long descriptions below.
Tuesday, May 10
Practical Tech Tools for Arabic Language Teachers
Technology for Building Multiple Literacies and Intercultural Communicative Competence
Creating Engaging Video Lessons with Zaption
Wednesday, May 11
Building eBooks for Language Classes with iBooks Author
Preparing Students for Digital Storytelling
Design and Delivery of Basic Online Language Instruction I
Design and Delivery of Basic Online Language Instruction II
Saturday, May 14
Technology Tools for Language Teachers and Learners Beyond the Classroom
Meaningful Play: Gamers as Teachers
Save Time and Get Connected – Google Apps for Collaboration and Productivity for the Language Classroom
Using ANVILL-LTI: Making Web-Based Speech Tasks Easy and Pragmatically Pleasing
Detailed Workshop Descriptions
Practical Tech Tools for Arabic Language Teachers
Half Day Workshop ($50)
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Location: Wells Hall B125
Conducted by: Betsy Lavolette and Ayman Mohamed
In this workshop, we will help teachers respond to the pressure to innovate using technology and overcome common difficulties of working with Arabic on the Internet. Recently, some educators have noted how widely-used platforms — including non GamStop slots — leverage engaging interfaces to captivate diverse audiences, offering valuable insights into digital user experience. Participants will become familiar with tools such as language exchange apps, in-class response systems, language games, and CLEAR’s Rich Internet Applications. Teachers with a great deal of technology experience and those with little experience will all benefit from working with two knowledgeable teacher-trainers who specialize in computer-assisted language teaching and Arabic language teaching.
Participants in this workshop are encouraged to bring lessons plans and/or ideas for lessons that could be enhanced using technology.
Extra information online: http://betsylavolette.com/?p=1811
Technology for Building Multiple Literacies & Intercultural Communicative Competence
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Tuesday, 10 May 2016
- 9:00am-12:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B102
- Conducted by: Mohamed Ansary and Sonia Shiri
Choosing an appropriate technology-based tool to use in the classroom should not be random. Every tool that the teacher uses should serve a specific, clear goal. This hands-on workshop explores free tools that teachers can use to support different types of learning. The workshop will explore a variety of tools that K-16 teachers can use to integrate culture into the classroom. Some other tools will serve how to increase students’ multiple literacies to support their intercultural competence.These strategies address the 21st century skills and the ACTFL’s World-readiness standards such as communication, collaboration and culture.
Creating Engaging Video Lessons with Zaption
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Tuesday, 10 May 2016
- 1:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B125
- Conducted by: Philomena Meechan, Jonathan Jones and Chih-Chieh Li
Zaption is an intuitive web-tool for creating interactive learning experience with online videos. In this hands-on workshop we will explore existing lessons and create our own! Add image, text, and question slides at specific cue points in the video timeline to create “stop-and-think” moments as learners work through a single video or a series of video clip segments. Five question types include drawing response, “jump-to” feedback for reviewing segments or branching and threaded discussion. Analytics provide tracking of individual performance and class statistics and LMS integration also featured. Participants should bring links to YouTube videos they wish to use.
Building eBooks for Language Classes with iBooks Author
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Wednesday, 11 May 2016
- 9:00am-12:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B125
- Conducted by: Jeff Magoto and Robert Elliott
Do you have a desire to develop high quality, professional looking materials for your language classes or program? Do you desire to go beyond the static course textbook and offer students interactive multi-media experiences that are tailored to the exact needs of your class? This workshop will introduce you to iBooks author, a tool that puts the power of eBooks in the hands of ordinary teachers. Bring your idea for a book, as well as text, images and even video, and we will assemble an iBook together.
Preparing Students for Digital Storytelling in the Classroom
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Wednesday, 11 May 2016
- 9:00am-12:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B102
- Organized by: Julie Koehler, Alina Klin, Laura Kline, Felecia Lucht and Sangeetha Gopalakrishnan
Digital storytelling, the telling of stories via multimedia, is a valuable pedagogical tool as it enables students to engage in interdisciplinary investigation and multimodal learning through experiencing, as well as creating, digital stories. In this workshop, we discuss the value of digital stories and then introduce the components and steps involved in creating these stories, from topic choice to publishing the story, using examples from our National Endowment for the Humanities-funded Ethnic Layers of Detroit project, “Experiencing Place through Digital Storytelling”. Participants then will have the opportunity to create their own stories.
Design and Delivery of Basic Online Language Instruction I
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Wednesday, 11 May 2016
- 9:00am-12:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B129
- Conducted by: Kathryn Murphy-Judy, Marlene Johnshoy, Robert Godwin-Jones, Fair Josey and Bonnie Youngs
The BOLDD Collaboratory offers this two part workshop on the design/development (morning session) and delivery (afternoon session) of online courses for lower level language learning. In the design session, we present the theory and practices of effective online design, including special attention to new design modes like mobile learning. For the afternoon session on delivery, we draw ample examples from our own experiences as online instructors with special attention to teacher preparation. Participants may opt to take one or both of the sessions.
At the end of the morning workshop, participants will have gained knowledge and skills with which to begin an ADDIE-based approach to the design of online basic language instruction:
-Analyze content, learners, context.
-Design (i.e., backward design) a standards-based curriculum.
-Develop the course with online tools and course materials, including mobile learning.
Regardless of session, participants will go home with:
-Views of online basic language learning in action (wide variety of examples)
-Worksheets of “questions to think about” for ADDIE-based online language instruction
-Additional resources and bibliography
-Access to the BOLDD collaboratory and mentors
Design and Delivery of Basic Online Language Instruction II
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Wednesday, 11 May 2016
- 1:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B129
- Conducted by: Kathryn Murphy-Judy, Marlene Johnshoy, Robert Godwin-Jones, Fair Josey and Bonnie Youngs
The BOLDD Collaboratory offers this two part workshop on the design/development (morning session) and delivery (afternoon session) of online courses for lower level language learning. In the design session, we present the theory and practices of effective online design, including special attention to new design modes like mobile learning. For the afternoon session on delivery, we draw ample examples from our own experiences as online instructors with special attention to teacher preparation. Participants may opt to take one or both of the sessions.
At the end of the afternoon workshop, participants will have gained knowledge and skills with which to further their online delivery practices:
-Implement through teacher training, student orientation and training, and helpful advice from current practitioners.
-Evaluate learning outcomes and program efficacy through well-designed feedback.
Regardless of session, participants will go home with:
-Views of online basic language learning in action (wide variety of examples)
-Worksheets of “questions to think about” for ADDIE-based online language instruction
-Additional resources and bibliography
-Access to the BOLDD collaboratory and mentors
Extra Information — Handouts: http://bit.ly/BOLDDworkshop2016handouts and Slides: http://bit.ly/BOLDDworkshop2016slides
Technology Tools for Language Teachers and Learners Beyond the Classroom
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Saturday, 14 May 2016
- 9:00am-12:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B125
- Conducted by: Hui-Ya Chuang, Stephen L. Tschudi, Ruslan Suvorov and Julio Rodriguez
Choosing among the bewildering variety of web-based tools, mobile applications, and multimedia technologies available today can be a daunting task for language teachers and learners. This hands-on workshop will introduce a principled approach to selecting free tools that support a variety of functions: collaboration, tool extension, content aggregation, syndication, and production. Time will be provided for participants to explore a curated collection of Web 2.0 technologies and incorporate them into their own instructional designs or virtual learning environments. Lab computers will be available, but participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops.
Meaningful Play: Gamers as Teachers
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Saturday, 14 May 2016
- 9:00am-12:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B102
- Conducted by: Johnathon Beals, Phillip Cameron, Brenda Imber and Val Waldron
This workshop addresses the question of how to effectively repurpose and integrate commercially available games into course content. First, we will present an overview of a pilot course that integrated games into a teacher training curriculum. Attendees will then play a game from the pilot, and discuss the opportunities and challenges of integrating games into their teaching. Finally, we will explore how these concepts might be applied to projects of interest to the attendees.
Save Time and Get Connected – Google Apps for Collaboration and Productivity for the Language Classroom
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Saturday, 14 May 2016
- 9:00am-12:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B129
- Conducted by: Jennifer Borgen
In this workshop, I will demonstrate the most effective uses of Google Apps in the ESL Classroom. In the first part of the workshop, we will learn how to use Google Forms to create easy tests using Flubaroo, simple course evaluations, and student information forms. Next, we will learn how to utilize Google Docs to collaborate on test creations, student papers, and fun in class grammar exercises. In the final part of my workshop, I will show instructors some tips and tricks that Google offers with chrome extensions, Google search tool options, and the possibilities with Flippity.net.
Using ANVILL-LTI: Making Web-Based Speech Tasks Easy and Pragmatically Pleasing
Half Day Workshop ($50)
- Saturday, 14 May 2016
- 1:00pm-4:00pm
- Location: Wells Hall B125
- Conducted by: Jeff Magoto, Sarah Foroughifar and Robert Elliott
ANVILL-LTI (released September 2015) aims to give: 1) language students a set of easy-to-use tools for initiating and responding to a variety of language tasks; 2) language teachers a fast and easy way to create and share lesson material, 3) course developers a free and widely supported platform to modify and enhance the core set of tools that ANVILL comes with (media rich lesson designs, private and public asynchronous voiceboards, synchronous chat, media-based quizzes). Participants will leave the workshop with the requisite information and skill to begin implementing ANVILL-LTI at their own institutions.