CALICO offers hands-on workshops at our annual conference and also throughout the year. These are often (co-)organized by our special interest groups, but at our annual conference, any member can propose a workshop that is of interest to our community.

Current Schedule of Events and Upcoming Online Workshops

March 2025

Friday, March 14, CALICO AI SIG Reading Circle

We will discuss selected chapters from the following book:
Chapelle, C., Beckett, G., & Ranalli, J. (Eds.). (2024). Exploring AI in Applied Linguistics. Iowa State University Digital Press.

• Introduction Chp. 1: Paths for Exploring AI in Applied Linguistics
• Chp 13: Exploring Open AI in Language Teacher Professional Development
• (extra) Chp. 2: Integrating AI Tools into Instructed SLA

We invite you to read the above chapters prior to our discussion.

Event details are below:

⏰: 11am PT/1pm CT/2pm ET

📍: Register in advance on Zoom

In December 2024 the AI SIG hosted Carol Chapelle who led a lively discussion about AI in applied linguistics and beyond, and this event continues this discussion by digging into some of the chapters of this new book. This event is hosted and led by the CALICO AI SIG.

You can expect some get-to-know activities and guiding discussion questions, and an open space to share and learn, meet new people, and reconnect with colleagues.

Download the book here:

Monday, March 17, AI SIG Meeting

The AI SIG has been working hard on and collaborating with the CALICO Executive Board to draft a clear framework on our group’s mission, and we value your insights and contributions. As active members of the CALICO community and sister organizations, your perspectives are essential in shaping our direction. Please join us for an interactive discussion where we will share our progress and gather your insights and feedback: 

• Date: Monday, 03/17 • Time: 9am PT/11am CT/12pm ET • Location: Please register on Zoom 

Following this discussion, we will refine the draft as needed before final review by the CALICO Executive Board, then the Mission, Vision, and Objectives will be published online. For any questions or comments please contact the CALICO AI SIG Chair directly, Lillian Jones, We are looking forward to your participation!

April 2025

Friday, April 4 — Online Workshop — Game-based Learning Using Group Projects

Workshop Leader: Mahmoud Amer
This workshop will demonstrate how game-based learning and students’ created projects can function as high impact learning experiences that promote deeper connections with course content. The presenter will share examples projects that promote collaboration, communication, and team building. By the end of the session, participants will be able to 1) create games they can fit within their curricula through open-access technology, including games that promote active learning, 2) think creatively to craft learning experiences that both engage and challenge students, and 3) embrace a new reality that exploits multiple technologies and repurposes existing ones.
More details TBA and registration will be available.

Previous Events Archive: 2025

Previously Offered Online Workshops

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we grasped the opportunity of experimenting with distance collaboration technologies to meet up as a community and offer fully online workshops. These workshops happened during specific weeks of the year and were also intended to be as ‘hands-on’ and practical as the face-to-face workshops at our conference. Participants could attend no matter where they were located, and still get to interact with workshop leaders and other attendees.

The documents below give an idea of the online workshops previously on offer. Currently, we are offering online workshops again. You can reach out to if you have any questions or suggestions.