Lifetime Achievement AwardThe Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes the outstanding and sustained contributions by an individual to the field of computer-assisted language learning. See recipients. |
Robert A. Fischer Outstanding Graduate Student AwardThe outstanding graduate student is selected by CALICO’s Executive Board. The recipient is recognized at CALICO’s annual conference and is presented with a certificate and a prize. See criteria, procedures and recipients. |
Language-learning Website Award: The Esperanto “Access to Language Education Award”CALICO,, and the Esperantic Studies Foundation present this award to a website offering exceptional language-learning resources. The winning website is recognized at CALICO’s annual conference banquet, and its developers are presented with an Award Certificate and a prize. Noncommercial (cost-free) websites, created and/or maintained by CALICO members, are eligible for this award. Read more and see recipients. |
Outstanding CALICO Journal Article AwardThe outstanding article in the CALICO Journal is selected by CALICO’s Editorial Board from among the articles published in the preceding year’s volume. The outstanding article is recognized at CALICO’s annual conference banquet, and its author(s) is(are) presented with a plaque and a prize. Criteria include importance of the topic addressed in the article, quality of research, and contribution to the field of computer-assisted language learning. See recipients. |
Lifetime Achievement Award recipients
2007: Willard Daetsch
Willard Ticknor Daetsch was Professor Emeritus (German Language and Literature) at Ithaca College, where he was also Director of the Center for Individual and Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty Member of the Board of Trustees, President of the Faculty Council, founder and chair of the Technology Interest Group, and member of the Advisory Committee of the Gerontology Institute and the Board of the Protestant Community. He was appointed a Dana Fellow and visiting faculty at Carnegie Mellon University to investigate use of technology in the learning, teaching, and researching of languages (1987-1989 and 1990-1992) which led to his joining CALICO in 1988. In the Ithaca area he has been active in the community: Cayuga Chamber Orchestra Board and Advisory Committee of the Office for the Aging (Ithaca and New York state). He also serves on the Tompkins County Ethics Committee, Human Rights Commission, and Long Term Care Committee.

Dr. Fischer’s original fields of study were French language and Linguistics. He very quickly began to move into computer assisted language learning and with the help of a technologist, Michael Farris, and grants awarded to him, began producing the software Libra. He was on the executive board of CALICO when the organization seemed to be coming apart and he worked very hard for months to save it and ended up taking on the directorship of it in 1997 and he remained executive director until he became ill and unable to continue in 2011. Up until 2016 he still remained part of the editorial board. While he had many accomplishments in CALL and in publications, he was most proud of what he was able to do with CALICO. He sees CALICO as a vital part of CALL and keeping CALL front and center in language learning and teaching and his greatest accomplishment was keeping CALICO afloat in 1997 and thereafter making the organization stronger each year. Even now, in his retirement, he checks in periodically to see how CALICO is doing. We might not have the organization if not for him.
2018: Nina Garrett
At Bryn Mawr College I majored in French and German, and then I spent a year in Vienna. I took a Master of Arts in Teaching at Yale, and taught high-school German and French for some years. But here at UIUC (where my then-husband had tenure in English) I discovered in 1977 an interdisciplinary PhD program called SLATE — Second Language Acquisition and Teacher Education — where I finally discovered psycholinguistics. Looking for a research assistantship I stumbled into the Language Learning Lab, headquarters for PLATO-based language research and materials development (at that time we had language learning materials in 18 languages, including Coptic), and learned to design error-analysis algorithms. This work made for an elegant synergy with the SLA theory I was studying in SLATE, and that synergy became the basis for my dissertation: I wanted to design psycholinguistically based error analysis on PLATO, which no one had yet attempted, and simultaneously to validate my idiosyncratic theoretical take on students’ unconscious misunderstandings of German grammar. I finished it in early 1982 and that’s when I joined CALICO. Later I was a Research Associate at the LLL, working with TAs in all the language departments both to develop learning materials (at that point on the Apple IIc, later the IBM PC and Macintosh) and to help them understand the interaction of language teaching, SLA, and technology. That interaction structured the rest of my working life. Since language departments had no tenure track for someone like me, I was always an awkwardly placed sort of consultant-in-residence; as most of you know I could never “do” technology myself, and I always suffered from the Imposter Syndrome at CALICO even though everyone here was kind enough to assert that there was a place for theory and grammar. But at last I became Director of Language Study and Director of the Center for Language Study at Yale, working with 100 full-time faculty members teaching fifty languages, with a wonderful staff to handle the technology for me, where I was very happy until I retired ten years ago.
Outstanding CALICO Journal Article award recipients
- 2024: Gilbert Dizon, Foreign Language Learning in the Digital Wilds: A Qualitative Research Synthesis. 40(2), 238-256 (view article)
- 2023: Tricia Thrasher, The Impact of Virtual Reality on L2 French Learners’ Language Anxiety and Oral Comprehensibility: An Exploratory Study. 39(2), 219-238 (view article)
- 2022: Maria Dolores Castrillo and Beatriz Sedano, Joining Forces Toward Social Inclusion: Language MOOC Design for Refugees and Migrants through the Lens of Maker Culture. CALICO Journal 38(1), 79-102 (view article)
- 2021: Isabeau Fievez, Maribel Montero Perez, Frederik Cornillie and Piet Desmet, Vocabulary Learning through Viewing Captioned or Subtitled Videos and the Role of Learner- and Word-related Factors. CALICO Journal, 37(3), 233-253 (view article)
- 2020: Lara Lomicka and Fabrizio Fornara, Using Visual Social Media in Language Learning to Investigate the Role of Social Presence. CALICO Journal, 36(3), 184-203 (view article)
- 2019: Rose van der Zwaard and Anne Bannink, Reversal of Participation Roles in NS-NNS Synchronous Telecollaboration. CALICO Journal, 35(2), 162-181. (view article)
- 2018: Signe Hannibal Jensen, Gaming as an English Language Learning Resource among Young Children in Denmark. CALICO Journal, 34(1), 1-19. (view article)
- 2017: Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen and Tatiana A. Klepikova, The Effectiveness of Computer-based Spaced Repetition in Foreign Language Vocabulary Instruction: A Double-blind Study. CALICO Journal, 33(3), 334-354. (view article)
- 2016: Michael Levy, The Role of Qualitative Approaches to Research in CALL Contexts: Closing in on the Learner’s Experience. CALICO Journal, 32(3), 554-568. (view article)
- 2015: Carola Strobl, Affordances of Web 2.0 Technologies for Collaborative Advanced Writing in a Foreign Language. CALICO Journal, 31(1), 1-18. (view article)
- 2014: Satomi Suzuki, Private turns: A student’s off-screen behaviors during Synchronous Online Japanese Instruction. CALICO Journal, 30(3), 371-392. (view article)
- 2013: Martin East and Chris King, L2 Learners’ Engagement with High Stakes Listening Tests: Does Technology Have a Beneficial Role to Play? CALICO Journal, 29(2), 208-223. (view article)
- 2012: Shannon Sauro, SCMC for SLA: A Research Synthesis. CALICO Journal, 28(2), 369-391. (view article)
- 2011: Masanori Yamada and Kanji Akahori, Awareness and Performance through Self- and Partner’s Image in Videoconferencing. CALICO Journal, 27(1), 1-25. (view article)
- 2010: Chun Lai, Fei Fei, and Robin Roots, The contingency of recasts and noticing. CALICO Journal, 26(1), 70-90. (view article)
- 2009: Paula Winke and Senta Goertler, Did we forget someone? Students’ computer access and literacy for CALL. CALICO Journal, 25(3), 482-509. (view article)
- 2008: Barbara A. Lafford, Peter A. Lafford, and Julie Sykes, Entre dicho y hecho …: An assessment of the application of research from second language acquisition and related fields to the creation of Spanish CALL materials for lexical acquisition. CALICO Journal, 24(3), 427-529. (view article)
- 2007: Volker Hegelheimer and David Fisher, Grammar, writing, and technology: A sample technology-supported approach to teaching grammar and improving writing for ESL Learners. CALICO Journal, 23(2), 257-279. (view article)
- 2006: Steven L. Thorne and J. Scott Payne, Evolutionary trajectories, internet-mediated expression, and language education. CALICO Journal, 22(3), 371-397. (view article)
- 2005: Sandra J. Savignon and Waltraud Roithmeier, Computer-mediated communication: Texts and strategies. CALICO Journal, 21(2), 265-290. (view article)
- 2004: J. Scott Payne and Paul Whitney, Developing L2 oral proficiency through synchronous CMC: Output, working memory, and interlanguage development. CALICO Journal, 20(1), 7-32. (view article)
- 2003: Mark Darhower, Interactional features of synchronous computer-mediated communication in the intermediate L2 class: A sociocultural case study. CALICO Journal, 19(2), 249-277. (view article)
- 2002: Yun-Sun Kang and Anthony Maciejewski, A student model of technical Japanese reading proficiency for an intelligent tutoring system. CALICO Journal, 18(1), 9-40. (view article)
Language-learning Website Award: The Esperanto “Access to Language Education Award”
CALICO,, and the Esperantic Studies Foundation present this award to a website offering exceptional language-learning resources. The winning website is recognized at CALICO’s annual conference banquet, and its developers are presented with an Award Certificate and a prize. Noncommercial (cost-free) websites, created and/or maintained by CALICO members, are eligible for this award. The following is the criteria and directions for nominating a website:
Sites created and/or maintained by current CALICO members are eligible for the Access to Language Education award (ALE). Nominated sites will be judged on the usefulness, the breadth and depth of available resources in support of language learning, meeting some or all of the following criteria. Sites must be open access (cost-free), or have an open access section (which will be the section evaluated for the Award).
1. Ease of access and range of accessibility: Web-based learning resources accessible by individual language learners from varying cultural, linguistic and geographic backgrounds.
2. Versatility of the resources: For learners of various ages (adolescent, university student, and/or adult self-learner) and educational goals (conversation, business, literature, preparation for language competence certification, etc.). Resources addressing varied learning styles and offering diverse types of learning activities and tasks.
3. Breadth of the resources: Materials to help students to progress from the beginning level of language learning to moderate levels of language proficiency. Sites which aggregate and annotate language learning resources available on other sites. Materials for learning more than one language will be considered a plus.
It is NOT necessary to meet all of these criteria. If you have created an outstanding language web site, please consider nominating it. CALICO members may submit nominations for their own web sites, or those of other CALICO members (with their consent).
Nominations should include:
A) a brief paragraph describing the nature and purpose of the web site, B) contact information of the CALICO member who is the web site’s developer/maintainer (name, email address, and telephone number),
C) the URL of the web site,
D) A one-page (or less) discussion of how the site maximizes access to language learning, referencing the criteria described above.
Please be clear, concise, and DESCRIPTIVE in your brief descriptions.
The winner will be announced during the Annual Symposium. Please send nomination information directly to Derek Roff:
Award recipients
- 2024: OnYGo French Géraldine Blattner, Amanda Dalola, and Stéphanie Roulon
- 2023: Introduction to Ukrainian Language and Culture Mirjam Hauck, Caroline Rowan-Olive and Olga Volosova, Open University
- 2022: Multi’ōlelo Maria Díez-Ortega and Huy Phung, University of Hawaii
- 2021: Wilkommen: Deutsch für alle Claudia Kost and Crystal Sawatzky, University of Alberta
- 2020: The Corpus-Aided Platform (CAP) for Language Teachers Ma Qing Angel, Education University of Hong Kong
- 2019: LifeSpark Kevin Waddell
- 2018: Tone Perfect (visit the website) Catherine Ryu, MSU Libraries, and the Mandarin Tone Perception & Production (M-ToPP) Team
- 2017: Center for Applied Second Language Studies (visit the website) University of Oregon
- 2016: Mezdhu nami: An Interactive Introduction to Russian (visit the website)
- 2015: Ayamel, ARCLITE Lab (visit the website), Brigham Young University
- 2014: Resource Center for Teachers of Russian (visit the website) Evgeny Dengub, Susanna Nazarova, Marina Rojavin and Irina Dubinina
- 2013: Papiers-Mâchés (visit the website) Aline Baehler
- 2012: Macedonian Language E-Learning Center (visit the website) Biljana Belamaric Wilsey
- Focus Award: Acceso (visit the website) Amy Rossomondo, the Staff of the Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center, and the KU Department of Spanish & Portuguese
- 2011: Aymara on the Internet (visit the website) Gillian Lord, M. J. Hardman, Justino Llanque-Chana, Howard Beck, & Marcela Pineros
- 2010: EuroCatering Language Training [visit the website] Jozef Colpaert, Frederik Cornillie, Margret Oberhofer
- 2009: Français interactif [visit the website] Karen Kelton, Carl Blyth, & Nancy Guilloteau
- 2008: Arabic Without Walls [visit the website] (request password for educational purposes from Robert Blake & Kirk Belnap (Project Co-Directors); & Sonia Shiri (Course Designer)
- 2007: French Online [visit the website] Christopher Jones (Project Director & Coauthor); Marc Siskin (Technical Lead); & Sophie Queuniet & Bonnie Youngs (coauthors)
- 2006: Franel [visit the website] Piet Desmet & the Lingu@tic team
- Focus Awards: Autonomous Technology-assisted Language Learning (The ATALL wikibook) [visit the website] Gary Cziko
Bauhaus and Beyond: Influences on Chicago’s Skyline [visit the website]
Franziska Lys, Denise Meuser, & Ingrid Zeller (Project Conception and Development); Denise Meuser & Ingrid Zeller (Video Production); Mark Schaefer (Camera and Editing); Franziska Lys, Daniel Escuatia, & Adam Bennett (Software Development) - 2005: German Resources on the Web [visit the website] Jim Witte, Donna Van Handle, & Anne Green (American Association of Teachers of German).
- 2004: Spanish Grammar Exercises [visit the website] Barbara Kuczun Nelson
Robert A. Fischer Outstanding Graduate Student Award
The outstanding graduate student is selected by CALICO’s Executive Board, the deadline to apply is typically in the spring. The recipient is recognized at CALICO’s annual conference and is presented with a certificate and a prize. To Apply for Outstanding Graduate Student, candidates must be enrolled in a Ph.D. program, in good standing, and actively pursuing a degree with a primary focus on CALL (e.g., doing a CALL-related dissertation). They should have already been advanced to candidacy, that is, at least at the point of beginning to undertake research on the dissertation. Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
- CALL research projects completed and in progress,
- CALL development projects completed and in progress,
- Participation in CALICO, and
- General service to the profession, teaching, research, and potential for making significant contributions to the field.
- Candidates may nominate themselves or be nominated by someone familiar with their work.
- Candidates submit a description of their work based on a form available through CALICO: Graduate Student Award Form
- Candidates request a letter of recommendation from an individual familiar with his/her work. The letter of recommendation should be submitted directly to CALICO.
Award recipients
- 2024: Lincoln Bain IV (University of Arizona)
- 2023: Lillian Jones (University of California, Davis)
- 2022: Hiba Ibrahim (York University, Toronto)
- 2021: Mery Diez Ortega (University of Hawai’i)
- 2020: Margherita Berti (University of Arizona)
- 2019: Abby Broughton (Vanderbilt University)
- 2018: Joan Palmiter Bajorek (University of Arizona)
- 2017: Ju Seong John Lee (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
- 2016: Sahar Matar Alzahrani (Umm AlQura University and University of Southampton)
- 2015: Moonyoung Park (Iowa State University and University of Aizu)
- 2014: Frederik Cornillie (University of Leuven)
- 2013: D. Joseph Cunningham (University of Kansas)
- 2012: Theresa Schenker (Michigan State University)
- 2011: Julian ChengChiang Chen (University of Maryland College Park)
- 2010: Tetyana Sydorenko (Michigan State University)
- 2009: Peter Wood (University of Waterloo)
- 2007: Julie Sykes (University of Minnesota)
- 2006: Senta Goertler (University of Arizona)
- 2005: Kara McBride (University of Arizona) and Jonathan Reinhardt (Pennsylvania State University)
- 2004: Sabine Siekmann (University of South Florida)
- 2003: Claudia Kost (University of Arizona)
- 2002: Jozef Colpaert (University of Antwerp)