Language Technology Review Editor Search
The editors of the CALICO Journal are recruiting a Learning Technology Reviews (LTR) Editor. The LTR editor will be responsible for soliciting reviews of language learning courseware, tutorial apps, and online resource websites and will work closely with authors in bringing the reviews to publishable quality. The LTR editor will also use the journal’s online management system to manage these manuscripts through all stages of the publishing process. This is an unpaid position and requires a two-year commitment.
The CALICO Journal publishes an average of six LTRs per volume (two per issue) and uses the framework and format described in Hubbard (2019). Generally speaking, reviews may be no more than 3,000 words (including all text, references, entire review, and bio statement) and contain no more than 4 figures or images. Examples of recently published LTRs can be found here.
For immediate consideration, please send your CV and a short expression of interest to both of the CALICO Journal editors by October 31st:
Bryan Smith bryansmith@asu.edu and Ana Oskoz oscoz@umbc.edu
Hubbard, P. (2019). Evaluation of courseware/tutorial apps and online resource websites.
In N. Arnold & L. Ducate (Eds.) Engaging Language Learners through CALL (pp. 390–430). Sheffield, UK: Equinox.