Call for Proposals CALICO Journal Special Issue
Announcement on CALICO Journal site: click here
Title: Exploring the Interface of Interlanguage (L2) Pragmatics and Digital Spaces
Co-editors: Julie Sykes (University of Oregon) and Marta Gonzalez-Lloret (University of Hawaii)
Description: This special issue of the CALICO journal is intended to explore the interface of Interlanguage (L2) Pragmatics and digital technologies. Specifically, it seeks to expand theoretical horizons, report on targeted empirical research, and explore innovative approaches to L2 pragmatics in formal instructional contexts and informal learning in digitally-mediated spaces. The editors encourage authors to take a micro- and/or macro-level approach to L2 pragmatics in their analyses and encourage the expansion of research populations beyond traditional, university-level classrooms. Empirical studies are particularly encouraged and critical review pieces are also welcome.
The editors seek original submissions that represent diverse approaches to interlanguage pragmatics and digital technologies. Approaches may include (but are not limited to):
- New research methodologies in Interlanguage (L2) Pragmatics
- Multilingual pragmatic behavior of digital spaces
- L2 pragmatics in multimodal technological contexts
- Innovative approaches to learning Interlanguage (L2) pragmatics
- The design and empirical investigation of digital tools for the teaching and learning of L2 pragmatics
- Digital networks and Interlanguage (L2) pragmatics
- Pragmatic assessment with digital tools
Each author will be expected to provide a concise description of their theoretical framework, methodological approach (as relevant to the types of the article), critical research findings, implications for the design, implementation, and evaluation of digital tools for the teaching and learning of Interlanguage (L2) Pragmatics.
Please send inquiries and suggestions for contributions to both Julie Sykes (jsykes@uoregon.edu) and Marta Gonzalez-Lloret (marta@hawaii.edu). Please, list CALICO Journal Special Issue in the subject line.
Extended abstracts (200-300 words) are due by December 1, 2018 and should be submitted via email (Word or PDF format only please) to both Julie Sykes (jsykes@uoregon.edu) and Marta Gonzalez-Lloret (marta@hawaii.edu). Full-length manuscripts will be invited by December 15, 2018. Full-length manuscripts are due by March 15, 2019. Special Issue to be published January 2020. Please note that abstract acceptance does not guarantee publication of the submitted manuscript. All manuscripts will be subject to a double blind peer review process.
The CALICO Journal is the journal of the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) and is devoted to the dissemination of information concerning the application of technology to language teaching and language learning. The CALICO Journal is fully refereed and publishes articles, research studies, reports, software reviews, and professional news and announcements. The CALICO Journal (ISSN 0742-7778) is published three times a year (January, May, and September).