DL SIG members may apply for one of two awards for excellence in online language teaching (K-12 or Higher Education) that are sponsored by the ACTFL DL SIG and the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO). The prizes include a plaque and free one-year memberships in both ACTFL and CALICO. In addition, the awardees receive a spot in CALICO’s Technology Showcase and Poster Session and waived conference registration if they can attend the annual conference in the late spring (May or June).
In order to be eligible, individuals must be members of ACTFL and the DL SIG and must have taught a language online for a minimum of three years. You may nominate yourself or someone else. Please send the following materials to Victoria Russell (varussell@valdosta.edu) and copy Kathryn Murphy-Judy (kmurphy@vcu.edu): (1) a 1,500 word (maximum) statement highlighting your successes and innovations in online language teaching (please include a brief description of your online course(s) and any strategies that you use to engage your online language students in the target language), (2) two letters of recommendation, and (3) your CV. Please combine all of your materials into one PDF file and send it electronically to the email addresses listed above by September 15, 2018.