Volume 11: Design-based Research in CALL

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Design-Based Research in CALL
Editors: Julio C. Rodriguez and Cristina Pardo-Ballester

ISBN: 9780989120883

Ch. 1 Julio C. Rodriguez

Cristina Pardo-Ballester


Ch. 2 Thomas C. Reeves

Susan McKenney

Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Design-Based Research: Increased Complexity for Sure, Enhanced Impact Perhaps
Ch. 3 Diane Larsen-Freeman
A Promising Combination: Complexity Theory, Design-Based Research, and CALL
Ch. 4 Mike Levy
Design-Based Research and the Quest for Normalization in CALL
Ch. 5 Agnieszka Palalas

Debra Hoven

Implications of Using DBR to Investigate the Iterative Design of a Mobile-Enhanced Language Learning System
Ch. 6 Hsiu-Ting Hung Capitalizing on the Dual Goals of Design-Based Research in Computer-Assisted Language Learning Contexts
Ch. 7 Michael D. Bush
Meg Sorensen
An Alternate Reality Experience for Language Learning: A Design-Based Evaluation
Ch. 8 E. Marcia Johnson
Elaine Khoo

Lucy Campbell

Cycles of Teacher Reflection: Using Course-Cast Software to Enhance Fully Online Language Teacher Education


Ch. 9 Patricia Martínez-Álvarez

Brenda Bannan

Blending Practices: DBR and CALL to Enrich Emergent Bilingual Learners’ Concept and Language Development
Ch. 10 Seijiro Sumi

Osamu Takeuchi

The Cyclic Model of Learning: An Attempt Based on the DBG in an EFL Context
Ch. 11 Cristina Pardo-Ballester

Julio C. Rodríguez

Design Principles for Language Learning Activities in Synthetic Environments
Ch. 12 Tasha N. Lewis
DBR and Task-Based Learning: The Ongoing Experience of Designing a Task-Based Telecollaboration