Wednesday, May 22

Main Conference Opening Keynote

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Paul Darvasi

Repurposing with Purpose: How the Playful Art of Bricolage can Bring Us Closer Together

Paul Darvasi is an educator, writer, and game designer who has spent much of his career blending unlikely elements to create meaningful learning experiences. Our connected world furnishes virtually endless material that can be mixed and remixed to produce unprecedented and relevant results. While some may feel constrained by a perceived lack of creativity or the courage to “make it so,” Darvasi believes that anyone can channel the spirit of the scavenger, the ethos of the hacker, and the know-how of the bricoleur to make a better self, and perhaps even a better world!

Bio statement

Paul Darvasi is an educator, game designer, speaker, writer, and PhD candidate whose work looks at the intersection of games, culture and learning. He has designed pervasive games that include The Ward Game, based on Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and Blind Protocol, a cyber warfare simulation that instructs on online security, privacy and surveillance. His research explores how commercial video games can be used as texts for critical analysis by adolescents, and he has worked with UNESCO, the US Department of Education, foundry10, Consumers International, and the iThrive Games Foundation. Paul’s work has been featured on PBS, NPR, CBC, the Huffington Post, Polygon, Killscreen, Gamasutra, Edsurge, Edutopia, and MindShift.


Poster Session and Opening Reception

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

L’emploi des jeux dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères : Pokemon Go

Moira Di Mauro-Jackson

Pokémon Go est un jeu en réalité augmentée qui permet de capturer des Pokémon sur son smartphone. Les Pokémon apparaissent dans les endroits que vous visitez et diffèrent selon votre localisation. Poké Radar est une carte développée par Braydon Batungbacal et Nick DiVona qui permet de géolocaliser en temps réel les Pokémon du monde entier. Cette carte est mise à jour régulièrement par les utilisateurs afin d’être aussi fiable que possible. Comment l’utiliser en classe?

High School Students’ Use of Digital English Learning Strategies and Affective Domains: Focusing on Digital English Learning Environment

Ji-young Bae and Gyoomi Kim

The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of Korean high school students\’ digital English learning strategies from two high schools in Korea. The focus of the current study was to analyze what factors constitute the English learning strategy in the digital learning environment of high school students, and how these factors influence their affective domains in the use of digital English learning strategies. The measurement of digital English learning strategies was revised and developed based on Oxford\’s (1990) SILL. A total of 476 high school students participated in a questionnaire survey, and data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and regression analysis. The results indicated that different types of strategic factors were classified than the original digital English learning strategies from the previous studies.As a result of regression analysis, indirect factors of digital English learning strategies were significantly correlated with the factor of affective domain. Based on the above results, critical implications were provided with regard to the development of learners’ strategies and effects of use of the inventory of digital English learning strategies.

Teacher Perceptions of Using In-Class Formative Assessment by Kahoot and Plickers in Their Language Classes

Yue Dong

Kahoot application is a game-based in-class response system. Through reflecting the questions to the screen with projector, students are asked questions, asked to think, and expected to give answers with a mobile device in their hands (Kahoot, 2015). Similarly, Plickers is a free student response system. It is an AR technology powered application that allows teachers to collect real-time formative assessment data in class. But students’ answers are collected without the need for student devices. Instead, teachers collect answers by scanning students’ answer card (a paper clicker with QR code) for instant in-class quizzes and impromptu polls.(Plickers, 2018) This poster presentation will present the preliminary results of a qualitative study on college language teachers\’ perceptions of using these two tools for in-class formative assessment.

Digital-Composition Tools and Plagiarism in Second Language Writing: Socio-Material Perspectives

Eugenia Vasilopoulos, Angela Daniels and Francis Bangou

In this presentation, we report the result of a study that investigates the experiences of seven international students as second language writers using digitally-mediated tools in the composition process. More specifically, this study focuses on the relationality between digitally-mediated composition and student plagiarism. Drawing on a socio-material perspective, the study examines a) how technology and plagiarism connect in students’ writing practices and b) how these links contribute to the process and the production of their written work. Triangulation of the data sources reveals students’ contingent, creative, and clandestine use of technological tools at different points of the writing process.

Practice and Participation: A Sociocultural Analysis of Identity Negotiation in a Course of Intercultural Communication Using a Blended Teaching Approach

Li Cheng, Jigang Yao, Liu Dong, Lei Yu, and Shixin Dong

Guided by the sociocultural theory, this 2-month case study investigated identity negotiation of seven international students and 14 Chinese students when they worked collaboratively to achieve social, intellectual and affective goals in the course of Intercultural Communication using a blended teaching approach. Data were mainly collected from observations, online interactions, a questionnaire and interviews. The researchers found that multiple identities were found in the participants’ teamwork interactions. Moreover, identity negotiation took place across different cultural groups, across individuals and in different relations of power, both online and offline. Pedagogical implications are then discussed.

A Comparative Study of Academic Socialization of Engineering Students in Two Universities Using the Flipped Classroom Approach

Li Cheng, Jigang Yao, Liu Dong, Lei Yu, and Shixin Dong

This 12- month study compared the learning experiences of two groups of engineering students in two universities in Beijing. Both universities offered similar task-based English-for-academic-purposes courses using the flipped classroom (FCM) teaching approach. The researchers followed two groups of students, 20 in each group, for 12 months (June of 2017 to June of 2018). The analysis of the participants’ team projects, their online and offline interactions, interviews and a questionnaire showed that the FCM approach was effective in developing students’ language skills and professional knowledge. Moreover, different patterns of meaning negotiation were identified.

A Study on the Effectiveness of the Course “Professional Communication Skills” in Computer-Mediated Communication:From the Student’s Perspective

Guanzhen Wu, Li Cheng and Dong Liu

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) has been widely accepted in second language learning. Using the case study and comparative analysis approach, this 3-month study explored the effectiveness of the course “Professional Communication Skills” in CMC. The participants were two classes who attended the course: an experimental group supported by CMC and a control group in a traditional classroom. The experimental group participated in video conferences, used the Virtual Studio System to finish the coursework and communicated with other students. Findings showed that CMC could benefit students in communication, improve information and knowledge sharing and enhance their learning autonomy.

Chatbots in Language Learning: An Empirical Study of Online Conversation Exchanges between ESL Learners and their Chatbot

Sarah Auyeung

The purpose of this study is to analyze human-chatbot interaction in a language-learning context. Text-based conversations between English language learners (ELLs) and a chatbot app will be collected and analyzed using conversation analysis. Learner-chatbot conversational output can provide further insight into how ELLs navigate specific challenges of engaging with conversational agents as language learning tools (González, M., (2015), CALICO Journal, 32(3), 569-594). The research will provide a more complete portrait of conversational features in chatbot speech and learner responses to these features, and contribute to a better understanding of chatbots’ pedagogical effectiveness in language learning.

Redesigning L2 Reading Courses through Multimedia Glosses in EAP Contexts

Imelda Bangun and Inanc Karagoz

This session begins with a brief introduction on some English Language Teaching (ELT) approaches to integrating multimedia glosses and online reading passages to promote vocabulary acquisition, reading comprehension, as well as awareness of current global and local issues. The presenters discuss the process of creating their interactive reading materials and the challenges they went through in advanced English-for-Academic-Purposes (EAP) classes. They also present the findings they obtained after they implemented their materials in their own EAP classes. Participants will receive lesson plans and online reading materials with computer-assisted glosses that can be adapted to their own ELT contexts.

Integrating E-games with Web‐Based Word Processing Tools in an EAP Writing Course

Imelda Bangun, Zhengjie Li and Patrick Mannion

This presentation explores how an instructor engaged English-for-Academic-Purposes students in telecollaborative writing activities focusing on peer review and employed E-games to review lessons and build background knowledge. A notable component of the course involved incorporating a casino en ligne bonus sans depot simulation into the pre-writing quiz games, which provided an innovative way to engage students while teaching persuasive essay techniques. Learning activities centered on telecollaboratively creating persuasive essays and synthesizing texts. Findings from field observations and content analysis indicate the E-games and telecollaborative activities positively impacted writing skills and digital competence. The students also learned how to collaborate with each other and provide peer feedback based on the instructor’s prompts and rubrics. The presenters discuss the implications of the study, which can be adapted to various ELT contexts.

EFL Teachers Create their Own Language Tests Online: A Maker Culture Approach to Assessment Literacy and Professional Development

Liberato Silva dos Santos

This qualitative study discusses how a group of Brazilian EFL instructors have gained autonomy and become developers of their own online classroom tests. Using an experiential learning approach to language test development, participants engaged in hands-on, workshop-style test development and online group discussions about language test development and assessment literacy. Data were collected from participants’ interactions and observations of their test development projects. Findings indicate participants have taken ownership of their test creation processes by adopting a maker culture mindset that can positively impact their relationship with technology and their digital native students and potentially increase learners’ academic success.

A Case for Extended Speaking Practices in the Proficiency-oriented Classroom

Adolfo Carrillo Cabello and Frances Matos

This study analyzed the test results and language backgrounds of 2,065 foreign language students to identify connections between exposure to target languages and expectations of skills proficiency development. Participants included learners of Arabic, Chinese, French, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish who completed ACTFL tests in 3 modalities: speaking, listening, and reading. Results showed significant disparities in curricular goals, benchmarks, and program outcomes. Drawing upon results for intensive lower-level courses, we propose guidelines for the development of technology-mediated sustainable extended speaking practices.

A Study of Cultural Adjustment of International Students Learning Chinese as a Second Language through Social Media

Shixin Dong, Li Cheng, Dong Liu, and Lei Yu

Guided by the theory of “intercultural communication”, this study investigated the cultural experiences of eight international students learning Chinese as a second language (L2) in Beijing. The researchers followed the participants for three months (September to October of 2018) and collected all the online messages in the WeChat group. Results showed that the international students had many new problems in cultural adjustment when they used social media to communicate. Moreover, the influencing factors behind them were complex and diverse. The research will provide suggestions for teaching Chinese as an L2 in the new media age.

Virtual vs. Real Artifacts and Language Learning: A Case Study

Adam Sheard

As digital technology continues to permeate our society, it is becoming more and more crucial for language instructors, ICALL/CALL researchers, and software developers to consider the differences between virtual and real language learning artifacts, their affordances and limitations, and their overall impacts on language learning processes. This case study illustrates how seemingly simple decisions surrounding language learning artifacts such as \”should I take a picture of this?” or “should I upload this to social media?” are impacted by cultural, social, and psychological factors.

Exploring the Evaluating L2 High School Students’ Use of Digital English Learning Strategy: Using Structural Equation Modeling

Ji-young Bae, Gyoomi Kim and Sujung Min

The purpose of this study was to propose a framework that verifies the structural relationships among students’ use of digital English learning strategy (DELS), affective domains, and their individual variables. The study developed a hypothetical model based on previous studies on language learning strategy use as well as digital language learning. The participants were 720 Korean high school students. The instrument was a self-response questionnaire that contained 70 question items based on Oxford’s SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) measuring DELS and affective domains. The collected data were analyzed through structural equation modeling (SEM): Exploratory factor analysis and Confirmatory factor analysis.

A Debrief on the Implementation of Gameful (SDT based) Pedagogy in Chinese, French, and Italian Courses

Phillip Cameron

During Spring and Summer 2018, Qian Liu (Chinese 405), Ryan Hendrickson (French 103), Amaryllis Rodriguez (Italian 101), and Janaya Lasker-Ferritti (Italian 232), worked with Phill Cameron (Instructional Designer), and Evan Straub (GradeCraft Designer and Instructional Designer) to implement Gameful Pedagogical methods (in this case rooted in Self Determination Theory) into their courses. This talk will cover their design principles, how those were implemented, and the results of their implementations, which span Chinese 405, French 103, Italian 101, and Italian 232. The results will be both anecdotal and empirical, as well as from both the instructors and their students.

The Oral History Project: Using Technology to Collect Stories of Target Language Native Speakers

Heidy Carruthers

Based on a socio-cultural theory approach to language learning, intermediate level Spanish language learners performed Oral history interviews to native speakers of Spanish in the community and abroad. This research study explored the experiences of Spanish language learners using this methodology. Participants used technology to record, transcribe, and translate their interviews. Some interviews were published in an online database for the purpose of documenting for future research. Data was collected in the form of surveys, observations, and assessment rubrics. Methodology and results of the study will be presented.