Winter Workshops 2022
Workshop leaders will be in touch about how to prepare for the workshop and then how to join on that day so be sure your contact information is correct when you register. Scroll down for a list of workshops offered and their descriptions.
Register for Workshops
Thursday, January 13
Learn H5P and Jumpstart the Infographics for Language Learning (ILL) Resource
9:00am-12:00noon Central Time
Conducted by: Jeremy Robinson
In this workshop we will discuss Infographics for Language Learning (ILL), a new resource which will act as a hub for legitimately sourced authentic infographics with accompanying question exercises that can be imported into a course, or used directly on the site. In this workshop, you will learn how to use various H5P content types to create interactive question sets and other exercises. To help populate ILL with question exercises, and help you have hands-on practice with H5P, a large portion of this workshop will focus on each participant creating exercises for pre-selected infographics to be included in the resource.
Thursday, January 13
FUNemployed Workshop: Play and Make Your Own
12:00pm-3:00pm Eastern Time
Conducted by: JMia Li, Alfonso Sintjago, Philomena Meechan, and Phill Cameron
FUNemployed is a social, role based, game for between 4 and 7 players. In each round, one player is an employer who is hiring for a particular position and the other players are applicants. Both the job and qualifications for each applicant are selected randomly by the app. (As seen in the YouTube intro video.)
In this workshop, participants will play a digital FUNemployed game, built on Kaizen Castano’s open source code, in order to experience the fun and memorableness of its format, then they learn how to adapt and publish their own versions of the game.
Further, we will introduce an extension of the FUNemployed game, which was developed by Dr. Yi-Su Chen and Ryan Sutton for a product sourcing game between buyers and suppliers. This extension includes a series of qualification categories. These categories are useful for being more specific about an applicant’s qualifications. For example, if you want to build a game for your students where the employer is someone looking for a roommate, then you could make sure that all applicants are given one qualification from a series of categories such as: bed time, noisiness, cleanliness, friendliness, pets. Participants will receive templates for both the basic and the extended version of the game, to customize their own games.
Friday, January 14
Social Media Activism: Implementing an Intentionally Inclusive Pedagogy in the Language Classroom
12:00pm-3:00pm Eastern Time
Conducted by: Sophia Khadraoui-Fortune, Marie-Christine Masse, and Andrew R. Stafford
Recent cultural and societal movements towards social justice have fueled a new critical understanding of World Language instruction. Despite its inherent intercultural characteristics, it has become more evident that standard language instruction reproduces an oppressive system based on class, gender and race. We argue that an intentionally inclusive pedagogy benefits from the use of and interaction with social media platforms to provide meaningful input representing diverse perspectives. This workshop demonstrates how language educators can use social media features and modalities to help students identify and combat oppressive views and biases, resulting in more diverse and inclusive teaching practices.