CALICO offers hands-on workshops at our annual conference and also throughout the year. These are often (co-)organized by our special interest groups, but at our annual conference, any member can propose a workshop that is of interest to our community.

Current Schedule of Events and Upcoming Online Workshops

September 2024

September 20, 12:00 PDT/3:00 EDT, Entrepreneurship Special Interest Group Meeting with special guest Matt Sussman, CEO & co-founder of
Everyone Welcome
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September 27, 12:00-1:00 PDT/3:00-4:00 EDT, Workshop
AI-Supported Language Learning: The Case of
Leaders: Feng Xiao and Jonathan Becker is an AI-based language learning platform designed to personalize and accelerate the language acquisition process. This workshop will demonstrate how employs machine learning algorithms to streamline teachers’ workflows, customize lessons to suit individual learning styles, and provide real-time feedback. Participants will engage with the platform’s interactive features, such as generating level-appropriate learning materials, utilizing speech recognition, adaptive quizzes, and immersive language exercises. The session will also cover best practices for incorporating into educational environments or personal study plans. By the end of the workshop, attendees will be empowered to elevate their language learning experience with
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October 2024

October 3, 1:00 PDT/4:00 EDT, AI Special Interest Group
Meeting focusing on Transparency and Accountability
Everyone welcome, please register ahead: Zoom – Please register in advance

October 5, 9:00am PDT/12:00pm EDT SLAT SIG Online Workshop (1 Hour Duration)
Everyone Welcome
Proficiency Gap? Tech Strategies to Support Acquisition
As world language classes hit the chopping block in many educational systems and threaten to be replaced with language learning apps, we encounter a critical need to demonstrate proficiency outcomes to maintain relevance. How can we use technologies to support the development of proficiency in language classes? Hope Anderson will provide one strategy used by Teaching Solved; it will be followed by a roundtable discussion for participants to share their own strategies, including breaking into groups by type of language taught for additional relevance.
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Previously Offered Online Workshops

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we grasped the opportunity of experimenting with distance collaboration technologies to meet up as a community and offer fully online workshops. These workshops happened during specific weeks of the year and were also intended to be as ‘hands-on’ and practical as the face-to-face workshops at our conference. Participants could attend no matter where they were located, and still get to interact with workshop leaders and other attendees.

The documents below give an idea of the online workshops previously on offer. Currently, we are offering online workshops again. You can reach out to if you have any questions or suggestions.