2022 Sessions
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Thursday, June 2
Using Eye-Tracking to Measure Cognitive Engagement with Feedback in a Digital Literacy Game
Matthew Pattemore, University of Barcelona; Roger Gilabert
Feedback is a key element of the learning process, and the investigation of how language learners engage with different types of feed- back in an automated, digital context such as Digital Game-Based Language Learning is an important topic. Eye-tracking can provide an objective window into these cognitive processes, allowing us to see what players focus on when feedback is given. We investigated 19 Spanish-Catalan 11-year-olds playing 4 EFL literacy minigames to see how they attended to two different types of feedback, and found some evidence that informational feedback may be more effective in this context than metalinguistic feedback.
Assess, Analyze, Accelerate, and Achieve: Utilizing Assessment Technology to Develop Proficiency-Based Programs
Nick Gossett, Avant Assessment
Nick Gossett, Higher Ed Specialist at Avant Assessment, will discuss how programs are and can develop a proficiency-based language program utilizing technology assisted assessment tools. Specifically, he will discuss placement testing, benchmark testing, formative assessment, and summative assessment leading to official credentials for language learners.
Panel Presentation
Language Teaching and Learning Technologies (LTLT) and Assessment
Oksana Vorobel, BMCC, CUNY; Zhi Li, University of Saskatchewan; Stephanie Link, Oklahoma State University; Ruslan Suvorov, University of Western Ontario
This CALICO LTLT SIG sponsored panel will offer a forum on advances in the use of language teaching and learning technologies for assessment purposes. In their presentations, the panelists will focus on some of the current questions related to LTLT and assessment, such as (a) users\’ experiences with an online standardized English language test, (b) evaluation of the affordances of auto- mated feedback for assessment of second language (L2) writing, and (c) the use of interactive videos in L2 assessment contexts. The presentations will be followed by an open question and answer session. Watch Video
Effectiveness of Duolingo Courses in Developing Reading and Listening Proficiency
Xiangying Jiang, Duolingo; Lucy Portnoff, Duolingo
Online language courses have seen accelerated growth but evidence of their effectiveness based on standardized measures re- mains lacking. This study aims to address this gap by investigating the reading and listening proficiency outcomes of Duolingo learners at the completion of 5 units and 7 units in its Spanish and French courses with ACTFL proficiency tests. The findings demonstrated progress at the two points and Duolingo learners reached Intermediate level in both reading and listening when completing 7 units. These proficiency outcomes are comparable to those of US-based university students after four and five semesters of Spanish and French courses.
Reflections on the Creation and Implementation of an Application to Measure and Respond to Real-time Student Engagement Levels in Language Learning Classrooms
Euan Bonner, Kanda University of Int’l Studies; Samuel Godin, Kanda University of Int’l Studies; Matthew Miner, Kanda University of Int’l Studies
This presentation reports on the development and piloting of an on- line mobile application designed to measure learner engagement in the language classroom. The application enables teachers to collect and view analytics of student social, affective, and cognitive engagement in real-time. We attempted to measure the engagement levels of 124 learners over a period of 15 weeks, while also gathering learners’ perceptions of the usefulness of evaluating their engagement, and the experiences of the participating teachers. This presentation demonstrates how engagement measures such as this can be used to innovate classroom teaching and learning, while also highlighting limitations in the application.
VoiceThread and Storytelling: Retooling a Spanish I Curriculum with Cultural Flair to Drive Language Growth
Timothy Ashe, University of Louisville
This classroom report project uses an innovative storytelling method (Alley & Overfield, 2008) and a task-based approach (Ellis, 2003) where the investigator developed a new 1st year Spanish curriculum that focused on form, meaning, and collaboration to in- crease second language proficiency levels for 45 novice learners (A1-A2). This initiative was based on incorporating the task-based approach to engage novice learners using Spanish mininovels by using the power of the multi-media platform, Voicethread, to analyze the themes of the texts. The learning activities that connected to the novelletes were framed around culturally relevant art, music, and sports themes where students made task submissions via the technology platform (chat, voice, images, videos, etc.) to demonstrate their sentence structure and comprehension knowledge al- lowing the students to submit more meaningful responses in the target language. Watch Video
Developing Second-language Oral Proficiency through Immersive Virtual Reality
Çağrı Güzel, University of California Davis
Teaching a second language in a contextualized learning environment is acknowledged as a vital element by many prominent scholars (Shrum, 2015). Immersive Virtual Reality (iVR) has been explored by Second Language Acquisition (SLA) scholars recent- ly due to the affordances it provides for simulating contexts (Lan, 2020). The argument for language learning in an authentic context is rooted in some of the most influential SLA theories of the 21st century in the field. To study how theory and practice align with regards to iVR in language learning, a mixed-method study at a large public university in Northern California documented how iVR sup- ports second-language oral proficiency.
“PearDeck and Kahoot, please!!” Middle- school Students’ Reflection on Learning Spanish in a Pandemic
María-José Arrufat-Marqués, Keys School
This class report highlights the benefits of using multiple technologies in the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language in the middle school setting in the United States, especially during the pandemic. Students filled out a questionnaire where they reflected on their use of multiple technologies to learn various components of Spanish, including grammar, vocabulary, pragmatics and culture. Examples of these technologies include Kahoot, PearDeck, and Conjuguemos. Quantitative and qualitative results provide evidence on the effectiveness of utilizing technology in the middle school Spanish language classroom as they enhance and promote meaningful learning.
The Power of Feedback: Maximizing Time with Your Students
Lauren Rosen, University of Wisconsin
IALLT Presentation
Targeted digital communication between students and instructors provides feedback to address needs and build a trusting open relationship for student-instructor engagement. Reflective feedback is instrumental in informing instruction throughout courses and ultimately leads to the best use of time during both asynchronous and synchronous contact. Based on four models of blended learning and several digital approaches to reflective practice, instructors find they are better able to meet student needs in the moment than ever before. Resulting from instructor responses and adjustments to lessons based on student reflections, a more equitable and inclusive learning community emerges. Watch Video
A Game-based Approach to L2 Spanish Vocabulary Learning in the Second Language Classroom
Carla Consolini, University of Oregon
Game-mediated approaches to language learning can afford a multitude of scenarios that are conducive to learning since they can foster social interaction, collaborative problem-solving, and negotiation of meaning; even in the classroom setting, where time is of the essence. This presentation will discuss the implementation of a collaborative game-based tool to examine vocabulary retention among Spanish novice learners. After implementing a pre, post, and delayed posttest design between experimental and control groups, results suggest the use of game-based activities aided learners in the experimental group in retaining and appropriately using a wider range of vocabulary items, outperforming the control group.
Students’ Longitudinal Experiences of Speaking with Virtual Humans
Elin Ericsson, University of Gothenburg
The use of virtual humans as interlocutors in spoken dialogue systems (SDS) enables opportunities for students to practice speaking skills. One study conducted with 14-year-old Swedish students’ (N=21) investigated longitudinally their experiences of practising speaking English in an SDS. The aim of this presentation is to re- veal results based on the students’ self-reported experiences. Ratings and reflections were collected in a systematic quantitative way using a social media-based platform as a digital logbook. Amongst the findings were indications that students found it easy and fun to speak with virtual humans. Gender differences were revealed in overall experience ratings. Go to menti.com Write the code: 9910 5282 Answer the question
To Teach Online or not to Teach Online: A Comparative Analysis of Proficiency Outcomes Pre-Pandemic and Post-2020 Across Five Languages
Elu Tu, Southern Connecticut State Univ.; Resha Cardone, Southern Connecticut State Univ.; Andrew Bartlett, Southern Connecticut State Univ.; Jesse Gleason, Southern Connecticut State Univ.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, university students reported that the online learning of world languages was influenced by emotional and behavioral considerations (Maican & Cocorada, 2021). However, little is known how the online and on-ground modalities affected language proficiency and what technological resources were available in different contexts. This study investigates 944 students’ world language proficiency at a public university in the Northeast in on-ground and online modalities pre-pandemic (2019 fall) and post-2020 (2021 spring) semesters, and explores the impact of the technological resources provided during the pandemic. Participants were university language learners taking a third-semester language course. Data were collected from 944 students in the form of STAMP proficiency assessments and accompanying technological resources. Results showed a statistically significant difference in students’ proficiency outcomes between pre-pandemic and post-2020 semesters. In particular, writing proficiency significantly declined across languages, whereas reading proficiency levels varied depending on the language. In this presentation, researchers will offer evidence-based recommendations for language teaching during the pandemic and beyond for university stakeholders, world language departments, and instructors.
“A good teacher is…?”: Building Cultural Schemas in a Virtual Exchange
Maria Díez Ortega, University of Hawaii; Marta Gonzalez Lloret, University of Hawaii
This study focuses on a virtual exchange (VE) between student-teachers (STs) in the US and Spain. Manipulable tag clouds were used to organize the ideas that both universities shared on learning and teaching. Using Bucholtz and Hall’s (2005) relationality principle of identity, we examined how US participants made use of two tactics of intersubjectivity (i.e., adequation and distinction) to claim an identity in interaction in relation to their Spanish partners. As part of the analysis, their linguistic resources, non-verbal cues, multi- modal cues and cultural schemas were examined. The presentation will also include recommendations for the use of VEs in similar contexts.
A Methodological Framework for Analyzing the Language of Digital Games
Daniel Dixon, Northern Arizona University
For L2 learners, modern digital games offer a rich source of contextualized language input. Yet, the actual contexts and characteristics of this input has received little attention in the current literature. This presentation proposes a methodological framework for identifying, describing, categorizing, and analyzing the language in digital games. This framework was developed using Biber and Conrad’s (2019) approach to register analysis. Using this framework, DGBLL researchers and practitioners can better target specific linguistic environments within games and measure their effectiveness for L2 learning, while also adding much-needed precision to the generalizability of DGBLL research findings.
Map your Story! Using Geolocation Tools to Produce Dynamic Multimodal Narrative Stories in Language Learning
Marie-Josée Hamel, University of Ottawa; Adam Okoye
The development of multimodal and digital literacy has become ever important in all aspects of education, including language education (Lotherington & Jenson, 2011). Our presentation will introduce two digital writing tasks that promote the development of multimodal and digital literacy through enabling students to use technology to reflect on their bi-/multilingual identity (Hamel, 2019) and in developing a sociolinguistic awareness of the languages that are used in their own environments. We will share examples of these two tasks, both of which use StoryMap (https://storymap.knightlab.com/), highlighting the ways in which students can use online mapping applications to share their stories.
Panel Presentation
Sharing Special Interests Through Their Links to CMC
Paul Lyddon, University of Shizuoka; Signe Hannibal Jensen, Univ. of Southern Denmark; A Jakob Johnson, University of Kansas; Greg Kessler, Ohio University
One reason for CMC’s continuing relevance as a separate “special interest” is its connection to so many other areas of special interest and its consequent potential to unite them all for greater cross-fertilization between them. To explore this idea further, the CMC SIG this year has invited representatives from the SLAT, Gaming, and Teacher Education SIGs to share points of intersection between their own defined areas and the domain of CMC. After a brief initial statement from each, the panelists will engage in a moderated discussion of this topic, followed by a period of open questioning from the floor. Watch Video
Exploring Children’s Foreign Language Learning in a VR Environment: A Practice Report
Melinda Dooly, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Randall Sadler, University of Illinois; Tricia Thrasher, University of Illinois
Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) Environments for language learning have garnered interest from researchers and practitioners, based on realistic imitations of environments where target languages might be used for ‘authentic-like’ interactions (with other learners, bots and avatars). This talk will present data collected from a 3 months-long pilot of 10- to 11-year-old students (N = 25) studying English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Data are analyzed to identify learners’ EFL comprehension and production in both VR and non- VR activities. Comparison of outcomes provides a basis for analysis and discussion of pedagogical implications for VR-based language teaching with early-stage language learners.
Escape Game as a Learning Tool – Evolution from Simple to Complex
Hajime Kumahata, Baylor University
Challenging students in a non-threatening way is a productive approach for improving their language skills. A faculty approached Interactive Media & Language Center to develop an Escape Game in her course. IMLC developed it from a Google-form based game to Mozilla Hubs based virtual game and the game was translated into all languages taught at the institution. This presentation explores and examines the simple and complex versions of the games and the differences in students’ perceptions of the differences in the styles. As this is an open-source game, We will share GitHub information for those who want to develop their own.
Task Completion in Online Language Instruction: Exploring Genre as Limitation or Creative Possibility
D. Joseph Cunningham, Georgetown University; Maria Spegiorrin, Georgetown University; Dan Baughman
This study examines writing tasks completed by postsecondary learners of German in a multiliteracies curricular framework adapted for online delivery. After receiving genre-based instruction in an online instructional environment, beginning-level students wrote a diary entry and an informal letter in German. These tasks, collected over three semesters of instruction, were evaluated according to two rubrics, one for their adherence to generic stages and one for introduction of creative elements. Analysis of the data shows the extent to which multiliteracies- and genre-based instruction can facilitate student task completion in online instruction.
Remote Instruction in Spanish Heritage Language Courses: The Importance of Social Presence
Evelyn Duran Urrea, Lehman College, CUNY; Angelica Amezcua, University of Washington; Anel Brandl, Florida State University; Estrella Rodriguez, Florida State University
This project describes heritage learners’ experiences with remote instruction using the Theory of Social Presence (Hauck and Wernicke 2014) and the Community of Inquiry Model (Garrison et al. 2000) as guiding frameworks to obtain information about the on-line classroom environment. Participating students (n = 126) took a survey at the end of a remote Spanish heritage language course. Among other important findings, we report how classmate interactions influence the frequency and quality of classroom work. Pedagogical implications will be provided.
Misinterpretations of CALL: The Toll of the Pandemic
Michael Winans, Arizona State University
Students enrolled in second language teacher education participated in a study on professionalization. 13 participants were interviewed about their willingness to incorporate CALL when teaching. Although 100% of teachers expressed some willingness, 23% of participants had an initial reactionary response that rejected CALL in favor of more traditional methods. Additionally, 54% of responses included unsolicited mentions of the Covid-19 pandemic in a misinterpretation of CALL. This presentation will look at and listen to the range of SLTE student responses. Interventions for those with a misinterpretation will be suggested to orient CALL as useful and necessary in the 21st century.
IALLT Interest Meeting
A New Conceptual Framework for Evaluating Online Language Courses
Oksana Vorobel, BMCC CUNY; Ruslan Suvorov, University of Western Ontario
In this presentation, we will introduce a newly developed conceptual framework for evaluating online language courses. The development of this framework was rooted in the argument-based approach to evaluation (Kane, 2006) and informed by the recent research on online language education, Community of Inquiry framework (Garrison et al., 1999), and the guidelines and rubrics from the Quality Matters and the National Standards for Quality Online Learning. The presentation will outline the key structural elements of the framework at the micro, meso, and macro levels and discuss the implications of using the framework for evaluating online language courses by different stakeholders.
Affordances, Challenges, and Impact of a TPACK-based Professional Development Model for World Language Teachers
Andrew Walton, University of Texas
IALLT Presentation
World language teachers are often at the forefront of using cutting edge technology for language teaching and learning purposes.
These educators can benefit from ongoing, personalized professional development experiences to foster their technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) in an ever-changing world of instructional technology. Strategic professional development such as Lesson Study (LS) can provide an effective structure that supports the development of TPACK and foster second language acquisition in an authentic and meaningful way. This presentation will highlight the affordances, challenges, and impact that Lesson Study, as an in- service professional development model, has on high school world language teachers and their students..
Picture Language for Semiotic Awareness: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis of Twitter Use by Future L2 Teachers
David Malinowski, San Jose State University
This paper investigates the potential of text-images—where visible text is the focal object in a photograph, meme, or other image— for facilitating language awareness and metasemiotic knowledge among future L2 teachers. Photo elicitation interviews and a multi-modal discourse analysis of four semesters of Twitter posts by students in an undergraduate pedagogical grammar course document evidence of students’ emerging linguistic and metasemiotic knowledge. The paper proposes that learning to capture visible language in real-world contexts can aid L2 teachers-in-training in cultivating their “professional vision” (Goodwin, 1994) of the multimodal forms, meanings, and social interestedness of all texts.
Why is this your favorite place to go? Exploring Young Learners’ Foreign Language Enjoyment and Perceptions of Immersive Virtual Reality
Mike Barcomb
Foreign language enjoyment (FLE) is a psychological dimension that necessitates its own pedagogical techniques, such as opportunities for authentic L2 use (Dewaele & MacIntyre, 2014). Immersive virtual reality (VR) can meet this need because it offers learners a 360-degree life-like environment for L2 use (Lan, 2020). In the present study, two adolescent EFL students participated in three VR immersion-experiences where they presented their favorite destination. Pre- and post-test Likert-style FLE surveys, session recordings, and a post-test interview indicate that participants viewed the experience positively. This presentation highlights the theoretical and pedagogical implications of the findings regarding immersive VR and FLE. Watch Video
Communication Strategy Use of EFL Learners in Video Conferencing, Virtual World and Face-to-Face Environment
Nazlı Ceren Işıklıgil, Istanbul University; Randall Sadler, University of Illinois
This study investigated the communication strategy (CS) use of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in a video conferencing (VC) environment, virtual world (VW), and face-to-face (F2F) environment. The findings of the study indicated that the participants made use of a wide range of CSs and even though some of the CSs differed, mostly the same type of CSs were employed in all the environments. However, the results revealed that the frequency of CSs showed variance among environments. While the participants used the highest number of CSs in the VC environment, they used the lowest number of CSs in the VW. Also, possible connection could be made between the differences in the frequency and the types of strategy use with the distinctive features of the environments, the proficiency level of the participants, and the type of the tasks that was utilized. Additively, ten new strategy types were discovered in this study.
Panel Presentation
Publishing in CALL
Bryan Smith, Arizona State University; Ana Oskoz, University of Maryland Baltimore County; Dorothy Chun, University of California; Trude Heift, Simon Fraser University; Nina Vyatkina, University of Kansas; Phil Hubbard, Stanford University; Oksana Vorobel, BMCC CUNY; Luis Cerezo, American University; Carolin Fuchs, Northeastern University
In this panel editors and associate editors of the major CALL publishing venues will discuss best practices in planning and implementing compelling CALL research. They will also outline the process manuscripts typically go through (from submission to publication) and will provide guidance on how to successfully navigate each step in this process. Editors will be permitted to bring information about their respective journals, but the purpose of this panel will not be to advertise for any particular journal. Watch Video
Developing Cultural Awareness through Geolocation Technology
Gillian Lord Ward, University of Florida; Lara Lomicka Anderson, University of South Carolina; Paola Guerrero Rodriguez, Texas Tech University
Although typically associated with study abroad, research has shown that intercultural competence (ICC) is not necessarily a guaranteed outcome (e.g., Allport, 1954). In this presentation, we explore the development of ICC through the use of geolocation technologies. Specifically, the projects we discuss use the Siftr tool (www.siftr.org) in several learning contexts, both at home and abroad, in order to explore its potential for fostering ICC in different settings. Through learner posts and comments, we demonstrate that students successfully developed aspects of ICC by documenting their experiences with the Siftr app.
Emergency Transition to Online Teaching: Experiences from a Spanish Language Program at the Start of the Pandemic
Paloma Fernández-Mira, Univ. of California Davis; Ana Ruiz; Diane Querrien; Claudia Sanchez Gutierrez, Univ. of California Davis
This mixed-method study documents the 2020 emergency online transition (EOT) in a Spanish language program and reports on the experiences of 210 beginner Spanish learners and their instructors, who went from meeting in person five days a week to having two weekly Zoom sessions that were shorter and more conversation- focused. The data, collected through mid-term and end-of-term student questionnaires, teacher journals and interviews, highlight the importance of participants’ preparation to digital practices and multimodal teaching, students’ development of autonomy, and institutional flexibility to foster a supportive virtual learning environment in the context of rapid change.
Creating Google Quizzes from a Spreadsheet—Pros and Cons
Thomas Robb, Kyoto Sangyo University
Many instructors have found that the Google Forms function for creating quizzes is convenient when the instructor does not have a learning management system (LMS/CMS) available, or finds it too difficult to use for one-off quizzes. While this can be quite useful, the quiz-creation feature is not central to the Google Forms function. This is particularly true since the teacher must manually type in each question and the answer choices. The presenter, wishing to create multiple quizzes designed an approach that allows quizzes to be created from a spreadsheet using a script that he will share. Watch Video
Project-based Language Learning & OER
Kathryn Murphy Judy, Virgina Commonwealth Univ.
The OER project that my VCU colleagues and I have elaborated with the help of undergraduate student researchers-developers over the past five years began with curations as task-based language learning. Thanks to the NFLRC Summer Institute, the French OER project has evolved into truly project based language learning where learners’ semester long collaborations culminate in a product for an outside audience. This presentation will show the technology integrations that scaffold student learning, allowing students to realize their end-of-semester project and include: WordPress, Press-books with H5P (OER etextbook), Google Classroom, Zoom, and a support app developed specifically for these learners.
Three Approaches to Measuring Effectiveness in Digital Game-based Language Learning
Michael Hofmeyr, Osaka University
Previous research in game-based language learning has produced evidence that digital games can facilitate second language acquisition in various ways. A number of these studies have employed quantitative methods to measure learning outcomes. Other studies have followed a qualitative discourse analysis approach to identify instances of interaction types theorised to facilitate SLA. Examples of both approaches will be presented and some of the benefits and drawbacks of each will be discussed. A third approach designed to overcome the limitations of the previous two while retaining most of the benefits will also be introduced along with examples of its application.
The Pandemic as a Catalyst for Pedagogical Transformation
Luca Giupponi, Michigan State University; Emily Heidrich Uebel, Michigan State University
This research project investigates patterns of technology integration practices of post-secondary language instructors after Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). During the pandemic, university faculty have been forced to embrace a variety of educational technology tools in order to deliver their course remotely. Do these practices re- main after the pandemic? By looking at whether instructors go back to their previous teaching practices, or whether their experiences with technology-mediated instruction push them towards the integration of new technologies, we can gain insights on how extraordinary events like the pandemic impact the diffusion of adoption of learning technologies.
ACTFL Programs and Resources for Supporting World Language Educators
Victoria Russell, Valdosta State University; Howard Berman, ACTFL; Bridget Yaden, Pacific Lutheran University
In this session, attendees will learn how ACTFL’s tools, platforms, and resources can support world language educators in their teach- ing, research, and service. Attendees will also learn about a new ACTFL platform where researchers can connect with K-12 teachers to engage in critical research at the primary and secondary levels. The new platform will also enable members to learn new technologies, skills, and teaching practices from each other. Moreover, attendees will learn how to become involved in ACTFL’s hybrid or online mentoring programs, and they will learn the features of ACT- FL’s learning management system and online community, ACTFL Central.
Language Teaching in a Post-Pandemic Future: Using Lessons from Covid for Hybrid Class Redesign
Kyongmi Park, University of California, Berkeley
The move to 100% remote instruction following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has shifted attitudes towards both online and hybrid instruction among instructors and students. As we emerge from the pandemic and look towards the future, there are important lessons to be drawn about what has worked well, what challenges we have faced, and where we can go from here to make language learning both more accessible and more effective. Drawing on student survey data collected over six semesters as well as an analysis of learning outcomes comparing pre-pandemic benchmarks with outcomes from fully online and hybrid classes, this presentation will offer initial thoughts on how to incorporate lessons from the past two years into planning for the future.
Panel Presentation
Learning Affordances of Virtual Exchange: Diversity and Social Justice
Signe Hannibal Jensen, Univ. of Southern Denmark; Shannon Sauro, UMBC; Deniz Gokcora, Borough of Manhattan CC; Robert O’Dowd, Universidad de León; Mirjam Hauck, Open University; Sina Werner, Ruhr University Bochum; Markus Ritter, Ruhr Universität Bochum
This panel consists of 4 presentations each focusing on different affordances of virtual exchange/telecollaboration (henceforth VE). Presentation 1 discusses specific second language learning benefits of engaging in VE. Presentation 2 explores the benefits of VE for intercultural learning and communication. Presentation 3 explores the benefits of VE as an ideal setting for promoting critical agency and critical digital literacy skills across the curriculum. Presentation 4 provides an example of experiential learning through VE to develop a comparative understanding of inequalities experienced by the elderly in the U.S. and Jordan. Watch Video
Virtual Reality Curriculum for Online Language Learning: Teacher and Student Perceptions
Euan Bonner, Kanda University of Int’l Studies; Erin Frazier, Kanda University of Int’l Studies; Ryan Lege, Kanda University of Int’l Studies
Virtual Reality (VR) has been making advances in language learning education over the past decade (Lege & Bonner, 2020). However, few studies have moved beyond the novelty of single-lesson VR experiences nor used VR as the primary method of lesson delivery in language learning curriculum (Kavanagh et al., 2017). This presentation will share the results of a case-study at a Japanese university that investigated the experiences of two university lecturers who conducted English language-focused courses in VR using the Immerse (immerse.online) VR English language learning platform. The results of analysis of both the instructors’ and learners’ experiences will be discussed.
Normal? Lessons Learned from Remote Teaching, Learning, and Working
Senta Goertler, Michigan State University; Mary Ellen Rutemeyer
Much of teaching, learning, and working in moved remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the process, many institutions discovered inadequate infrastructures, insufficient preparation and training of students and teaching staff, and inequities in working and learning conditions. Those challenges also presented opportunities for change and innovation. Participants were surveyed and interviewed about the challenges they and their students continue to experience (e.g., inequitable access to technology and learning/ teaching spaces); innovations they maintained (e.g., using instructional technology) and opportunities they embraced (e.g., flexible work arrangements); and systemic changes that resulted from the pandemic (e.g., adjustment to annual review processes).
Proficiency Development and Smartphone Usage in Study Abroad: Microgenetic Longitudinal Case Studies of French Learners
Aurore Mroz, University of Illinois; Tricia Thrasher, University of Illinois
This study explores how the language proficiency of eight students – tracked with NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do statements – developed relative to their smartphone usage – tracked with Space – during study abroad. Adopting a Complex Dynamic Systems Theory framework and a microgenetic approach to case studies, the trajectories of each participant’s phone consumption and Can-Do statements allowed to visualize floors, ceilings, and probes in proficiency. Spearman’s correlations determined whether and how phone usage related to fluctuations in proficiency, and Kendall’s tau-b its link with language used. Findings revealed wide variations, thus suggesting that there is no one-size-fits-all model to proficiency/smartphone management, but idiosyncratic complex cases.
How Do EFL Preservice Teachers Use Open Educational Resources (OER)? A Social Justice Perspective
Kadir Karakaya, Iowa State University
This study describes an open educational resource (OER) designed to help K-12 educators explore learning technologies that they can utilize in their online teaching practices. Informed by human-centered design and openness principle of open educational practices as a response to the needs of educators in online teaching, this OER development initiative aimed to supply a much-needed resource to reduce social injustices at times of crisis such as the pandemic. The session will showcase the design decisions and challenges encountered. It will also report perceptions and experiences of EFL preservice teachers during the design process. Watch Video
Integrating Standardized Testing in Perceptual Training: Is It Necessary?
MacKenzie Novotny, Iowa State University; Evgeny Chukharev Hudilainen, Iowa State University; Noëmie Sollier, Iowa State University; Viacheslav Vovchenko
It is standard practice in research to use identical pre- and post- tests on all participants to evaluate the effect of an intervention; however, repeated tests may open the door to cheating or boredom in the classroom. In this study, identical pre- and post-tests are added to an adaptive learning tool which uses high variability phonetic training (HVPT) to determine the effectiveness and reliability of the tool. Researchers report on the results and discuss the usefulness of standardized tests in learning tools.
A Needs Analysis for the Conceptualization of Adaptive Tasks
Julie Gijpen, KULeuven Kortrijk – Kulak
Researchers have argued that needs analysis should be at the basis of the development of any instructional design. This study reports on a needs analysis questionnaire for the conceptualization of a framework for adaptivity in technology-mediated task-based language learning. The questionnaire investigates what secondary school learners of French want and need to be able to do with the L2 and what kind of support they need in order to reach their goals. We present analyses of correlations between learning goals and types of support and a comparison of student and teacher data.
U.S. Foreign Language Student Digitally-mediated Language Engagement Outside of Class: What Does it Look Like?
Jeffrey Maloney, Brigham Young University – Hawaii; Daniel Isbell, University of Hawaii at Manoa
In this study we examine what students report they are doing outside of the classroom autonomously for some language learning purpose or extramurally. Data for this study were collected in the most recent round of proficiency tests administered to university students at different universities in the USA. 2,500 students took one of two forms of the survey. Background information and levels of engagement in digitally mediated activities in the L2 outside of class were elicited and analyzed. Cross-comparisons of student practices and how they differ (or do not differ) across language studied, university, and levels of language proficiency are highlighted. Watch Video
To What Extent is Grammarly Able to Address L2 Errors Compared to Human Annotators?
Svetlana Koltovskaia, Oklahoma State University
The presentation will discuss research on Grammarly’s error detection/correction performance. The study was based on fifty-three argumentative essay drafts written by ESL university students. Grammarly’s qualitative feedback given to those essay drafts was measured using precision (accuracy) and recall (system coverage), two concepts from the information retrieval field, and compared to human annotators’ feedback. The results revealed that while Grammarly’s precision rates for flagging and correction were high, the recall rate was low. The presentation will discuss how this empirical knowledge could be used by practitioners in L2 writing classrooms. The presentation will also give suggestions for tool developers. Watch Video
Rhetorical Move Annotation Tool Use for Academic Writing Class
Minjin Kim, Pennsylvania State University
The present study aims to investigate the effects of corpus-based data-driven learning (DDL) in the instruction of rhetorical moves in research articles. It is an important agenda for academic writing instructors to acquaint students with conventions of academic genres in their disciplines. This study will show the effects of technology use (i.e. Research Writing Tutor) and offer another way of pedagogical intervention in genre-based instruction field in which the need of a systematic method of teaching has been discussed.
Leveraging Professional Development Access in an Inter-Institutional Collaboration: Equality in the Era of Digital Divide
Adolfo Carrillo Cabello, University of Minnesota Jana Martin; Julie Evershed, University of Michigan
IALLT Presentation
In light of the socially-oriented theories, this presentation addresses the topic of effective teacher professional development in the context of inclusive and accessible language teaching during the challenging period of the existing digital divide. Using an example of an inter-institutional professional development partnership, the Language Collaboratory, we would like to introduce it as a space that helps to navigate the complexities of language instruction seen through the lens of inclusivity, diversity, equity, access, and social justice.
Friday, June 3
Critical CALL: Issues and Concerns
Deborah Healey, University of Oregon
Educators regularly think about achieving learning objectives with digital tools, including mobile apps. But we don’t think critically enough about how our tools use us. The digital divide is a long-standing concern, now viewable with a privilege frame. Privacy is increasingly at risk. We also make choices about what apps and sites to use, often without looking at who is made invisible, and whose language variety is “correct.” Audience participation is encouraged in this discussion about concerns – and what we can do – about data mining, stereotypes, representation, language choice and more. Let’s get critical about CALL.
Multimodal Input in Language Teaching across the Globe: A Study into Teachers’ Use and Beliefs
Tetyana Sydorenko, Portland State University; Lizz Huntley; Maribel Montero Perez, Ghent University; Mónica Cárdenas Claros, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
While research shows that various types of multimodal input (e.g., videos with or without subtitles) can facilitate vocabulary, listening, and other aspects of language learning, little is known about if and how language teachers use multimodal input in their day-to-day practices (cf. Vanderplank, 2016). In this large-scale study, we report on teachers’ use and beliefs about multimodal input with a view to begin bridging the gap between research and practice. The results indicate that teachers’ use varies by multimedia type and availability of high-quality media, while their beliefs are largely influenced by prior experiences rather than by research findings.
Talk and Don’t Explode! What Features of L2 Language Use in Gamified TBLT Can Defuse a Bomb?
A. Jakob Johnson, University of Kansas; Nina Vyatkina, University of Kansas
Gamified Task-Based Language Teaching can engage learners in L2 spoken interaction and aid the development of L2 pragmatics. We will add to previous research on the possibilities of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, a commercial off-the-shelf digital puzzle game, by answering what features of L2 use help US university students learning Russian successfully complete the task. We will transcribe and code recorded learner speech for length and production and comprehension of command/request speech acts which will then be mapped against task completion or failure and triangulated with learner perceptions of the game.
The Impact of the Pandemic on Proficiency, Performance & Retention in 3rd-Semester Spanish Courses
Jesse Gleason, Southern Connecticut State Univ.; Resha Cardone, Southern Connecticut State Univ.; Elu Tu, Southern Connecticut State Univ.; Andrew Bartlett, Southern Connecticut State Univ.
Universities across the US are eager to know how the pandemic has impacted students. World language departments, in particular, wonder how students’ language proficiency and performance may have changed as a result of the move to fully online instruction. This presentation will focus on changes in student performance, proficiency, and retention across 31 sections of a third-semester Spanish course (n=496) at a small public university in the northeastern US. We will examine how the pandemic has impacted students’ Spanish proficiency, academic performance, and retention, and draw implications regarding the advantages and drawbacks of online language instruction in our context.
Virtual Reality and Spanish for the Health Professions: Combining Technology and the L2 Motivational Self System
Alyssia Miller, University of Tampa; Sarah Manno, University of Tampa
The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of virtual reality (VR) simulations in second language (L2) courses on Spanish for the Health Professions. Simulations were designed to mirror authentic language use in specific contexts and focused on patient interaction in a medical setting. VR was implemented in a one-semester course on Spanish for the Health Professions. Data was collected during the course to gauge participants’ interaction with the simulations, their perceptions towards the implementation of VR in a language course, and the connection between VR as a learning experience and Dornyei’s L2 Motivational Self System (2009).
Panel Presentation
Language Learning and Teaching in Extended Reality
Tricia Thrasher, University of Illinois; Peggy Hartwick, Carleton University; Regina Kaplan Rakowski, University of North Texas; Kevin Papin, UQAM University; Randall Sadler, University of Illinois; Yu-Ju Lan, National Taiwan Normal University
The Immersive Realities SIG invites you to attend a moderated panel discussing practical, theoretical, and research-based aspects of language learning and teaching in Extended Reality. We will start with an overview of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, providing definitions and examples of their applications. We will further present findings from two research studies (one conducted in the U.S. with University-level students and the other in Spain with middle-school students) that highlight language learners’ perceptions of using virtual reality. The panel will conclude with an interactive discussion with the goal of brainstorming future research avenues using XR. Watch Video
Critical CALL and Critical VE for Social Justice and Inclusion
Mirjam Hauck, Open University
Virtual exchange (VE) has emerged as “a powerful instrument and catalyst in advancing efforts to internationalise home curricula” (O’Dowd & Beelen, 2021), and has also put the role of languages and (language) teacher education back to the top of the education agenda, primarily because of challenges related to social justice and inclusion. Our starting point is the interface between critical CALL and critical VE. We will present and discuss examples of exchanges that speak to the critical CALL and critical VE agenda and make the case for critical internationalization at home (iaH) that targets marginalized student populations, encourages critical reflection on intercultural skills, and promotes translanguaging approaches.
ImmerseMe – Learning Languages Authentically using Virtual Reality-based Immersive Lessons
Denis Melik Tangiyev, Purdue University
ImmerseMe utilizes a constructivist approach to increase students’ willingness to communicate and self-perceived communicative competence whilst lowering their anxiety (Papin, 2019). This presentation will walk you through ImmerseMe’s interactive authentic language lessons and discuss current research that has been conducted with ImmerseMe. We will provide an overview of ImmerseMe’s student zone and teacher dashboard for nine supported languages (English/EFL, French, Japanese, German, Spanish, Italian, Indonesian, Greek, Mandarin Chinese) with three new languages (Fall release) including Arabic (MSA), Russian and Brazilian Portuguese. Content is differentiated by level and scaffolded learning modes guide learners towards structured production and autonomy.
Online Teacher Training with Telecollaboration: Lessons from Mexico
Catherine Clements, University of Minnesota
Telecollaboration is the practice of engaging classes of learners in online intercultural exchange using Internet communication tools for the development of language and/or intercultural competence (Helm, 2015, p. 197). It is extensively used for foreign language learning, but less so for language teacher training. This presentation describes the creation and implementation of an online English language teaching (ELT) course in Mexico which included telecollaboration with partners in the US to prepare students for ELT careers. Attendees will leave with ideas how to find and develop tele- collaborative exchanges between language students and language teachers worldwide.
Evaluating Assessments in Support of Learning in an Online Language Teacher Education Course
Mark Visona, Iowa State University; Jeanne Beck, Iowa State University; Junghun Yang, Iowa State University; Fatemeh Bordbarjavidi, Iowa State University
Reflection writing assignments are used as assessments in a growing number of online courses and virtual exchange programs, but little research has examined their value for promoting and assessing learning. To evaluate a reflection assignment used as an assessment, this study examined 45 reflective texts written by English language teachers in a global online course, their associated scores, comments, and rubrics, as well as interview responses from raters. The analysis identified targeted course content, which informed the discourse analysis of the reflection texts and interview responses. This study demonstrates how assessment perspectives help to evaluate assessment practices in online learning.
Effects of Captioned Video on L2 Speech Perception in Intermediate L2 Learners of Spanish
Maribel Montero Perez, Ghent University; Anastasia Pattemore, University of Barcelona; Ellen Simon; Patrick Goethals
During the past decade, we have seen a surge of studies into the role of audiovisual input and captions (L2 subtitles) for different aspects of L2 learning. However, few studies have investigated the effects of captioning on speech perception. To address this question, this study explored the effects of watching an episode of a Spanish TV-series (with/without captions) on intermediate L2 learners’ performance on a 60-item shadowing task which measures whether learners are able to repeat sentences (i.e. treatment sentences, new sentences from the same TV-series as the treatment, and new sentences from a new series) in the L2.
Digital Tools and Social Agency: The Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR) Contextualized
Bernd Rüschoff, University of Duisburg-Essen
The CEFR as the central policy document for language education of the Council of Europe has impacted language education inter- nationally. The framework considers action-orientation and social agency as key to successful language learning, particularly as online interaction and transaction have become normalized social and professional practices. Considering this, there is a need for rethink- ing curricula, methodologies, and aims and outcomes of language learning. To contribute a suitable framework for this process, the Council of Europe has now updated and extended the descriptive scheme in the CEFR Companion Volume, now specifically including skills and competencies needed for digital practices. This paper will present an overview of the „new“ CEFR as well as a discussion of how the revised and additional descriptors might impact the use of digital tools in the language classroom.
Spaced Repetition and High-variability Phonetic Training in Second-language Learning
Evgeny Chukharev Hudilainen, Iowa State University; Noëmie Sollier, Iowa State University; MacKenzie Novotny, Iowa State University; Katherine Challis, Iowa State University; Nadezhda Dobrynina, Iowa State University
Linguatorium is a non-profit project led by scholars and students in applied linguistics with the aim of creating a platform where research findings can be turned into practical, classroom-ready CALL applications. In this presentation, we will summarize our 11-year experience of designing, implementing, and evaluating research- grounded CALL tools for second-language learning. Specifically, we will present a vocabulary learning tool based on learner modeling and spaced repetition, and a tool for learning L2 phonological contrasts based on adaptive high-variability phonetic training. We will further discuss our plans for developing a system for learning complex inflectional morphology.
How to Grow a Funny Bone: Computer-supported Adventures in Laughing Multilingually
Zsuzsanna Abrams, University of California
Humor plays an essential role in establishing friendships, signaling identity or using language creatively. Yet, L2 learners often find it difficult to understand, participate in and produce humor. Technology can alleviate some of these difficulties by offering relevant linguistic and cultural information, sources of humor and communities that help make sense of jokes. The data comprised of multimodal materials, interviews, and self-reflective journal entries by 25 university students with diverse L2s and proficiency levels. The findings offer insights into learner-identified sources of humor and strategies for managing gaps in linguistic and cultural background-knowledge to interpret, create and participate in humor. Watch Video
Plenary Speaker
Julie Sykes
New Frameworks and Practices:
Extending CALL into the Next Digital Age
The current conditions of a rapidly changing world require an increasingly dynamic perspective of human interaction in which learners are prepared for never-before imagined contexts of communication (Thorne, Sauro, & Smith, 2015; Sykes, 2019). In this talk, we will explore the advent of the next digital age. In doing so, we will consider ways in which an extended view of computer-assisted language learn- ing (CALL) can create conditions for socially just language learning through attention to a multiplicity of contextual variables, learner characteristics, and language varieties (Grammon, 2021; Ortega, 2019; van Lier, 2007). Drawing on current research, I will first present a multidimensional, dynamic framework to operationalize intercultural pragmatic competence that can be used to guide the creation of digi- tally mediated learning and assessment tools responsive to the needs of the times. I will then suggest ways in which emerging digital technologies can promote the development of the critical language skills essential to the socially just teaching and learning of languages. Finally, I will conclude by offering future ideas for the integration of the proposed extended notion of CALL in digital tool development, teach- ing and learning interventions, and research in the field.
Future-Proofing our Language Teaching
Ursula Stickler, Open University
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how online language teaching can benefit learners and teachers. As CALL experts, many of us have provided support and training to others less fortunate. However, volunteering and emergency support are not a sustainable practice. We need to consider how our expertise can become recognised teacher education. This presentation will introduce vignettes of future language teacher roles derived from a qualitative survey; and report on the results of a project that integrated online and offline project based learning to allow students the experience of virtual immersion at a time when traveling proved impossible.
Developing and Evaluating a CALL Tool for Learning French Vowels: A Design-Based Study
MacKenzie Novotny, Iowa State University; Evgeny Chukharev Hudilainen, Iowa State University; Noëmie Sollier, Iowa State University
High-variability phonetic training (HVPT) is well-established as the best-available method of learning L2 phonological contrasts, and several CALL tools that are based on HVPT are available for English as the target language. However, to date, no such tools have been developed for many other L2s. In this study, the researchers developed and evaluated an HVPT-based tool for the learning of a subset of vowels in continental French. The study adopts the design-based research (DBR) methodology and reports on two de- sign iterations of the tool.
Facilitating Global Citizenship through Social Justice Topics
Deniz Gokcora, BMCC
This presentation reports on a collaborative online international learning project between a community college developmental course and a freshman composition course at a four-year university. Using CUNY Academic Commons, CBox platform, students met on Zoom meetings. and made an oral presentation by selecting a mutually agreeable social injustice topic. The presentations included a rhetorical analysis of a digital picture referring to a social justice issue. Finally, students were given a Global Competencies Initiative survey at the end of the course. The results show that the technological tools motivated students to engage in collaborative learning and created meaningful student learning opportunities.
Exploring Teacher Evaluations of Educational Apps and Websites for English Learners
Shelley Xu, California State University
This qualitative study focused on the evaluations of apps (e.g., Ka- hoot) and websites (e.g., Mystery Science) that 80 K-12th teachers used for teaching their English learners at various proficiency levels. Data analysis included identifying patterns of teachers’ evaluations (Silverman, 2006). Elementary school teachers focused more on English learners’ English language learning (e.g., comprehension) while middle and high school teachers appreciated the technological support for English learners’ content learning (e.g., science). Most K-12th teachers shared their frustrations with some technical features (e.g., navigation difficulty) and high level of academic language (e.g., vocabulary and text structures) used in apps and websites.
Panel Presentation
Mavericks of Mind: Experimentation in Social CALL for the Language and Technology Profession
Christopher Daradics, University of Oregon; Julie Sykes, University of Oregon; Thor Sawin, Middlebury Institute of Int’l Studies; Gabriel Guillen, Middlebury Institute of Int’l Studies; Stephanie Knight, University of Oregon
Responding to calls for social and ecologically valid language learning technology, we offered praxis oriented panels at CALICO 2019 and 2021 on the needs and adjacent possible futures of the language education paradigm. This year, using those data and in- sights, participants will escalate our collective momentum with industry leaders, teaching practitioners, and academic pacesetters in technology and intercultural communication. Through our collection of resources and statement of position, minted as a non-fungible token (NFT), this session will catalyze an ongoing affordance for advancing high quality language learning, labor-market organization, and coordination among instructed SLA, design practitioners, and product developers.
The Gamification of Errors: A Case Study
Jacqueline Robbins, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Christine Appel, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Focusing on errors is undoubtedly useful for language learning but in online contexts, immediate and personalised corrective feedback activities can be challenging. Since the shift to online teaching caused by the global pandemic, few still believe that online contexts should be exclusively synchronous and at least parts of courses are best delivered asynchronously. We describe how corrective feedback (using prompts and elicitation) is carried out asynchronously in the context of an EFL B2 course for adults. We then analyse the effects of gamifying corrective feedback on participation and motivation, with the aim of fostering increased learner engagement.
Designing VR Immersive Environments for Learning Pragmatics: A Pilot Study
Carla Consolini, University of Oregon; Naiyi Fincham, University of Hawaii
Recent years have seen a growing body of research and practices adopting Immersive virtual reality (VR) technologies for world language teaching and learning. By activating multi-sensory stimulations and engaging learners in multimodal communication, immersive VR holds promising potentials for learning pragmatics and developing intercultural awareness. This presentation introduces an immersive VR environment created for advanced Spanish learners who plan to travel to Argentina. Results from a pilot study that evaluates the design and its affordances for learning and teaching will be presented, followed by discussions of plans for further improving and expanding this project, and a refined research agenda.
Individual Factors and Perceptions of Inclusivity in Online Language Teaching: An Empirical Exploration
Liudmila Klimanova, University of Arizona; Amber Lubera, University of Arizona; C.G. Kelley, University of Arizona
This paper explores language learners’ perceptions of equitable language teaching practices and reports the results of a comprehensive mixed-method study of student perceptions of inclusivity in online language teaching. Drawing from recent theoretical scholar- ship on equity and inclusivity in teaching (e.g., Kormos & Nijakowska, 2020; Oleson, 2020), the study examined students’ perceptions of online language learning practices from the perspective of equal opportunity, equity, and inclusion. Discussion of the results will offer insights into broader generalizations on the ways of creating an inclusive and equitable learning environment in online language classes.
Opportunities for Languaging and Social Interaction via Game-based Activities: A Close Analysis of Language-related Episodes
Yuchan Blanche Gao, Arizona State University
Game-based learning has gained increasing popularity in second language (SL) education, and yet studies that focus on supporting SL learners in secondary school content classes are scarce. This presentation aims to explain the theoretical justification and research design of a game-based SL (GBSL) dissertation project. Drawing on a sociocultural model including Vygotskian sociocultural theory and Swain’s collaborative dialogue, this study uses language-related episodes as a unit of analysis to explore English language learning through participation in a science educational game and wraparound activities. This presentation contributes to the current GBSL scholarship particularly in the context of secondary school STEM education.
Patterns of Group Interaction in a Task-Based Videoconferencing-Project
Sina Werner, Ruhr-University Bochum
This presentation focuses on findings of a PhD study that explores patterns of group interaction in a task-based videoconferencing project. The study investigates how EFL student groups from a German secondary school collaborate in breakout rooms while working on five complex tasks. Analyzing several data sources (recordings of breakout sessions, interviews, and questionnaires) and following a qualitative approach, the study aims to derive implications for language teaching in task-based group work in videoconferencing.
Panel Presentation
Preparing for a Job in Academia
Maria Díez Ortega, University of Hawaii; Denis Melik Tangiyev, Purdue University; Marta Gonzalez-Lloret, University of Hawaii; Naiyi Fincham, University of Hawaii; Michael Winans, Arizona State University
Are you interested in jobs in academia and want to explore both professorial and other positions within academia? This panel will focus on three panelists and their experiences preparing, entering and hiring for positions in academia. Our panelists will be providing 1) an overview of professorial and other jobs in academia and 2) practical advice for job applications, from cover letters to interviews and campus visits. There will also be time to chat and ask questions to the three panelists. Watch Video
Moving Beyond Mechanical Practice in Tutorial CALL with Fluid Construction Grammar
Frederik Cornillie, KU Leuven & imec
An outstanding challenge in tutorial Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is to develop computational systems that are able to deal with the analysis of both the form and the meaning of learners’ L2 production. Tackling this challenge is essential for tutorial CALL to move beyond mechanical language practice towards offering opportunities for meaningful and eventually communicative practice. In this talk, we show how this challenge can be addressed with Fluid Construction Grammar, a formalism for computational modeling and processing of construction grammars. We demonstrate its possibilities at the hand of a case on the learning of argument structure constructions in German L2.
Engaging Future International Students in 360° Learning Simulations — A Design-based Study
Nicolas Guichon, Université du Québec à Montréal
As the pandemic has reduced study abroad opportunities, we examine technology-mediated alternatives that offer students immersive language and culture learning experiences. With VISITEURS, a design-based research project, we investigate the potential of 360° immersive videos assembled into a learning scenario conducive to engaging students in a variety of culturally grounded situations. A sample of target users’ engagement is assessed with three indicators: (1) emotions visible on users’ faces, (2) their interactions with the interface, (3) their post-task reflections. Final recommendations are provided for the design of immersive learning scenarios which aim to enrich the preparation of international students’ mobility abroad.
Language Teachers about their Digital Written Corrective Feedback Practices during the Pandemic
Marie-Josée Hamel, University of Ottawa; Louis-David Bibeau, University of Ottawa
Language teachers all have some forms of written corrective feedback (WCF) practices (Evans et al., 2010), but little is known about teachers’ use of digital technologies to provide such feedback (Hamel & Bibeau, 2021). Since the pandemic has forced teachers to adapt their pedagogy to a (new) digital teaching environment, we investigated how this affected their WCF practices by conduct- ing semi-guided interviews with 10 experienced university-level language instructors. Our presentation will include highlights of this study and a discussion on how the results, from a CALL ergonomics perspective (Caws & Hamel, 2016), inform the design of a WCF software prototype we are developing.
Technology Integration in Gamified Language Learning Projects: The PIC-RAT Analysis
Joan Tomas Pujola, Universitat de Barcelona; Christine Appel, Universitat Oberta Catalunya
Integrating technology into language curriculum requires a reflection on pedagogical objectives and which applications can be most effective to fulfill them. The PIC_RAT model is a student-focused, pedagogy-driven guide for technology integration (Kimmons, Graham & West, 2020). PIC refers to students’ use of technology: passive, interactive, and creative; and RAT refers to the teachers’ pedagogical impact on whether technology replaces, amplifies, or transforms teaching practices. This paper analyses technology integration in three gamified language learning projects in which teachers using the PIC-RAT matrix reflect on the variety of technologies used and the effectiveness of technology integration in their projects.
Building a City in the Sky: Multimodal Engagement in VR
Dorothy Chun, University of California; Diana Arya, University of California; Honeiah Karimi, University of California; David Sañosa, University of California; Phoebe Tran, Angi; Kevin Hernandez Rios, University of California
The conceptualization of multiliteracies by the New London Group (NLG, 1996) highlighted the situated nature of language use as a socially complex network of multimodal engagement. CALL and SLA scholars have advocated broadening the scope of language learning to include the development of multiliteracies (Reinhardt & Thorne, 2019; Warner & Dupuy, 2018). In this paper, we explore the multimodal engagement of four adolescents in immersive virtual reality as they engage in activities that were designed to maximize key IVR affordances (embodied cognition, presence, agency, and immersive contextualization). Our video data of lengthy IVR sessions provide evidence of their developing multiliteracies.
Research on Mobile Augmented Reality Projects for Language Learning
Steven Thorne, Portland State University; Tetyana Sydorenko, Portland State University
This presentation traces a multiyear arc of scholarly inquiry that has involved creating and researching mobile augmented reality (AR) projects for language learning, which, as we show, provide learners with opportunities for location-situated social and collaborative interaction. Mobile augmented reality research findings include the behaviorally visible epistemic authority of the mobile device in play- er-player interaction, the functions of read-aloud written text during game play, participants’ meaning making processes that incorporate immediate physical surroundings, instances of language learning using Language Related Episodes as a unit of analysis, and cataloguing social actions use in AR gameplay, in particular the use of directives.
Social Justice-Oriented Project Design
Rachel Mamiya Hernandez, University of Hawaii
Recent events have highlighted the need for more responsive, meaningful, and equitable instruction rooted in social justice. One way of fostering a more responsive, just, and engaging learning experience is through Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL). PBLL engages students with language, communities, and content. Grounded in a constructionist perspective of technology use for language learning, this session showcases projects that address themes of antiracism and social justice in the language classroom. Specifically, it highlights an antiracist e-book project done by learners in Brazil and the U.S. and a podcasting project that focuses on understanding the lived experiences of the local Spanish-speaking community.
Vocabulary Learning Using Immersive 360° Pictures
Regina Kaplan Rakowski, University of North Texas; Kevin Papin, UQAM University
Using immersive 360° pictures to annotate vocabulary is a novel and potentially effective approach to vocabulary learning. This within-subject study included four counterbalanced online interventions where beginner, adult learners of L2 French studied vocabulary annotated in 360° pictures embedded with various multimedia (text, images, audio, and videos). This four-week, mixed-method study generated quantitative data based on students’ productive and receptive vocabulary scores. Moreover, weekly post-intervention surveys gathered data on demographics, intrinsic motivation, and the sense of presence. Qualitative data were based on students’ reflective journals and semi-structured interviews. This study has practical implications in CALL and instructional design.
Leveraging Boardgames in the L2 Classroom
Sébastien Dubreil, Carnegie Mellon University
This presentation examinees what it means to use games and game design as a way to structure language instruction. Anchored in the context of a multi-level French course entitled “culture of games and gaming culture” (with both intermediate- and advanced-level students), we used commercially available French games as a window into French culture. Students played, critiqued, analyzed, and designed games to foster and support language and culture learning. Examples of games created and the impact on student learning will be presented.
Developing Reading in a Technology-Mediated TBLT Context
Maria Isabel Orega, University of Algarve, Portugal
This paper presents a reflection on the implications of the approach to teaching based on Technology – Mediated TBLT (Thomas & Reinders (eds.), 2010; González-Lloret & Ortega, 2014; González-Lloret,2016). The results of a questionnaire on the reading habits of students of the University of Algarve and on their preferences for reading media are presented and analysed. Examples of technology mediated tasks are presented, taking into account that, in a language course, the final aim is to develop students ́ plurilingual and pluricultural competence (Byram, 2009; Zarate, Lévy & Kramsch, 2008). We also consider that the development of digital literacies increases the role of reading as a crucial way of learning.
Beyond Assessment: Integrate ePortfolio into Language Curriculum
Hongying Xu, University of Wisconsin
ePortfolio has been used as an assessment tool in foreign language education, but not as frequently used as part of the learning process. This presentation reports the use of a culture ePortfolio project in an intermediate L2 Chinese class, including the set-up, implementation, and assessment of the project, and how it helps students develop their intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and their learner autonomy (LA). These impacts were measured both from pre and post training surveys and from students’ postings and reflections in their ePorfolios. Experiences with this ePorfolio project from both students’ and instructors’ perspectives will also be shared.
Saturday, June 4
Designing Digital Writing Tools: A Case for Genre-based Automated Writing Evaluation
Stephanie Link, Oklahoma State University
This presentation introduces a learner-centered framework for designing digital L2 writing tools with feedback affordances. By connecting learning theory to an applied methodology, we centralized learners as feedback users and providers, situating them as multi-dimensional individuals who participate in writing as both a socially-situated and cognitively-processed phenomenon. We apply the framework to the development of a genre-based automated writing evaluation tool called Dissemity for “disseminating research with clarity.” This intelligent tutoring system leverages the power of NLP and AI to enhance writing for publication. Development started with 133 potential user interviews and web analytics to track use and inform development.
Using Augmented Reality Technology to Enhance EFL Students’ Language Performance, Motivation, and Collaboration
Alan Hung, National Taiwan University; Danny Huang, National Taiwan University
Augmented Reality (AR) has been defined as a system that enhances learners’ primary senses (vision, aural and tactile) with virtual or naturally invisible information that is made visible by digital means. The study uncovered the impacts of learners’ proficiency, motivation, and collaboration on learners’ linguistic, auditory and video performance in their AR projects. The study recruited 93 students to participate in an AR project where they created augmented tours. The results indicated that there was no significant effect of proficiency and motivation on students’ AR performance. However, there was a significant effect of collaboration on AR performance.
A Systematic Review of Research on High-Immersion Virtual Reality for Language Learning
Regina Kaplan Rakowski, University of North Texas
Virtual reality (VR) has been shown to be beneficial for increasing learners’ engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. This presentation offers a systematic review of existing research on VR-assisted language learning, encompassing 32 peer-reviewed studies published between 2015 and 2021. The study yielded three main findings: (1) multiple exposures to VR are necessary for effective learning; (2) VR is beneficial for contextual vocabulary learning; (3) perceptions of language learning in VR are positive, but its effective- ness is understudied. We also describe trends in the types of VR technologies, VR content used in language learning, and learners’ perceptions of VR-assisted language learning. Watch Video
Panel Presentation
Flagship Professional Development: Integrating the Flagship Student Video Project with Technologies for Teaching for Advanced Chinese Proficiency
Jainhua Bai, Kenyon College; Madeline Spring, University of Oregon; Jianling Liao, Arizona State University; Yea-Fen Chen, Indiana University
As the number of K-12 CFL students increases, Chinese programs are witnessing a higher demand in advanced classes; they call for more Chinese courses and more professional development opportunities for teachers of advanced learners. This panel is about a hybrid professional development workshop that offers to allow teachers to learn how best to integrate technology in guiding students toward professional level presentational skills. The workshop will focus on specific software such as Extempore, Ponddy Reader, FlipGrid, and Podcasts.
Exploring Social Justice Issues through Technology-Mediated Project-based Language Learning
Stacy Amling, Des Moines Area Community College
Recent events have highlighted the need for more responsive, meaningful, & equitable instruction rooted in social justice. Project- Based Language Learning (PBLL) can facilitate this deeper learning because it engages students with language, communities, & content. Teaching with PBLL enriches the linguistic and cultural learning opportunities for students, and incorporating tech tools facilitates much of the creative, revising, and sharing of the final product. This session showcases an e-book project that brought together High Quality PBLL with social justice themes in the Spanish language classroom. Learners created e-books showcasing their work that could be shared with the wider community.
Technology to the Rescue! Computer-mediated Feedback for L2 Phonology Acquisition
Diana Velazquez Lopez, University of Florida; Gillian Lord Ward, University of Florida
Research into computer-assisted pronunciation teaching (CAPT) has shown that technology-assisted approaches can be beneficial to second language learners, but little work has compared different tools and approaches. This project explores how technology-mediated feedback can benefit second language Spanish vowel pronunciation by investigating two different types of technology-based feedback – feedback focusing on global comprehensibility and feedback focusing on segmental articulation. Namely, we look at Automatic Speech Recognition provided by iSpraak (www.ispraak. com) and acoustic visualization through the Praat (www.praat.org) program. Preliminary results indicate that both technologies do facilitate pronunciation improvement, although there are important differences in both phonological outcomes and learner reactions.
Connecting during Disruptive Times: English Language Learner Perspectives on Using an Asynchronous Video Discussion Platform for Social Presence
Ellen Yeh, Columbia College Chicago; Grace Choi, Columbia College Chicago; Yonty Friesem, Columbia College Chicago
This study applied a social presence framework (Rourke et al., 2001) to examine ways university-level international students develop social interaction in a virtual asynchronous learning community within an online class during disruptive times. Students participated in weekly online exchanges on a video discussion platform (Flip- grid) in the form of oral dialogue journals for reflection on their academic learning during the pandemic. The study investigates English language learners’ perspectives on using a video discussion plat- form for asynchronous computer-mediated communication (ACMC) and how social presence is expressed and fostered in video-based ACMC communities during emergency remote teaching.
The Role of Technology in 6 Years of Local Intercultural Exchanges
Gabriel Guillen, Middlebury Institute of Int’l Studies; Thor Sawin, Middlebury Institute of Int’l Studies
This presentation reviews the role that technology played in six years of an intercultural exchange project conducted in California, connecting Spanish-learning graduate students in a course entitled Spanish in the Community with ESL learners in three local Spanish-dominant communities. In particular, we focus on the use of recordings with smartphones, adapting the Growing Participator Approach (Thomson, 2012), Whatsapp, to build community and connect stu- dents during the Covid19 interruption, and other technological artifacts such as posters, handouts, and post-it notes to build rapport, capture novel language structures, and share collective reflections.
Mobile-assisted Language Learning Research Trends and Patterns
Kadir Karakaya, Iowa State University; Aras Bozkurt, Iowa State University
The rise and penetration of mobile technologies into our everyday lives paved the way to use these technologies in many aspects of life including education in general and language learning in specific. As such, mobile learning (m-Learning) or ubiquitous learning (u-learning) approaches are widely used in educational processes (Park, 2011). These technologies not only provide communication and interaction opportunities, but also enable learners to produce content as well as consume it. Being characteristically ubiquitous, mobile technologies are used to facilitate both formal and informal learning (Stockwell, & Hubbard, 2013) inside and outside classroom activities (Peng, Jager, & Lowie, 2020). Language teaching and learning did not remain indifferent to these developments, and has used mobile technologies in a wide range of areas for L2 (Kukulska-Hulme, 2009). In this regard, this paper explores the research trends and patterns in mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) studies and intends to identify thematic clusters that emerge from MALL studies. Watch Video
How Team 10 Survived the 7 Deadly Questions and Won the Hackathon: A Postmortem
Richard Medina, University of Hawaii; Stephen Tschudi, University of Hawaii; Maria Díez Ortega, University of Hawaii; Julio Rodriguez, University of Hawaii
Effective design for gamified language learning stresses full integration of language learning affordances and functional, meaningful use of language into gameplay while sustaining general principles of effective game design. Looking back on a game-design hackathon in which teams of 4-5 students were challenged to implement principles of effective design for gamified language learning, we present an analysis of the winning team’s prototype to reveal how it reflects effective integration of communicatively oriented, game-integral language learning affordances in the gameplay while meeting the challenge of game-design heuristics.
An Empirical Investigation of the Use of Mixed-Reality Experiences for Understanding the Pragmatic Concept of Social Distance and Solidarity-Building Strategies
Stephanie Knight, University of Oregon; Julie Sykes, University of Oregon
Mixed-reality experiences (MREs) are participatory, immersive, play-oriented experiences in which participants complete multi-step tasks to discover and unpack critical information about communication. This presentation reports on initial pilot study data examining second-year, university-level students and the effectiveness of MREs in impacting their understanding of a critical pragmatic concept: social distance. Specifically, we will examine pre-, during-, and post-data to measure (1) the development of learners’ understanding of how social distance and solidarity-building strategies are expressed across languages; and (2) how participation in the MRE impacts learners’ expression and interpretation of solidarity. We conclude with implications for future research and pedagogy.
Designing for Speaking Interaction in LMOOCs: The Magnificent Seven of TandemMOOC
Christine Appel, Universitat Oberta catalunya; Joan Tomas Pujola, Universitat de Barcelona
How to teach and provide opportunities for speaking interaction remains a challenge for LMOOCs. In this paper, we present the design process of an LMOOC, English-Spanish tandemMOOC, that integrates tandem language learning with the purpose of developing participants’ speaking interaction skills (Appel & Pujolà, 2021). We describe seven design elements that have been key in the process of integration of tandem language learning in a MOOC format. The course adopts a task-based approach mainly through synchronous oral communication. The analysis and discussion are carried out within the framework of Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology (Reeves 2006).
The Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Use of Photo Story in Teaching Swahili Composition in St. Lawrence University
Dennis Munyole Simiyu, KCA University
The use of a multiplicity of instructional learning resources to develop the ability of learners to engage in literacy skills and academic language is heralded as the most promising activity in the language- learning process. Using CALL to write composition calls for an aspect of creativity and imagination which must be entirely utilized. Photos have been used broadly to teach vocabulary and sometimes sentence building in Swahili classes. However, rarely is composition writing. This paper studies the effectiveness of CALL and the use of photo stories in teaching Swahili composition as a way of second language acquisition.
The Effect of Adaptivity on Learning Outcomes in CAPT
MacKenzie Novotny, Iowa State University; Evgeny Chukharev Hudilainen, Iowa State University; Noëmie Sollier, Iowa State University; Viacheslav Vovchenko
Computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) applications have been increasingly reliant on learner modeling and adaptive algorithms to deliver instruction that is intended to be more effective (i.e. yielding better learning gains) and efficient (i.e. yielding such gains faster than non-adaptive approaches). However, no empirical studies to date have investigated the degree to which adaptive algorithms perform better than traditional, non-adaptive approaches. This presentation will report on a randomized controlled study that directly evaluates the effect of adaptivity on learning outcomes.
Using Automated Indices of Cohesion to Explore the Growth of Cohesive Features in L2 Writing
Mark Johnson, East Carolina University; Mahmoud Abdi Tabati
Although the use of cohesive devices is of paramount importance in L2 writing research, scant attention has been devoted to examining local, global, and text cohesive features across two genres at different time points using computational indices. Motivated by this gap, this study was designed to explore how the production of cohesive features changes over time in 270 narrative and argumentative essays of 45 L2 writers. Results suggest that local and global cohesive devices were positively evaluated among the narrative essays. In contrast, among the argumentative essays, only global cohesive devices were positively evaluated. Local cohesive devices were negatively evaluated.
HelloTalk for L2 Socialization: A Learner’s Perspective
Joy Maa, Carnegie Mellon University; Katharine Burns, Carnegie Mellon University
This study examines language learning applications as a space for L2 socialization from a learner’s perspective. An advanced L2 Japanese learner used HelloTalk, a popular language exchange app, to text native Japanese speakers over a semester. She was interviewed weekly about her conversations, and the interviews were transcribed and analyzed alongside her text messages. Findings showed how the learner engaged with issues of ideology and CMC-specific discourse in her interactions, which formed both opportunities and obstacles for her L2 learning and use. Results reveal the invisible forces that shape learners’ participation-socialization in unguided CMC, and potential pedagogical implications are discussed.
The Role of Time Distribution of Captioned TV Series on Learning L2 Multiword Expressions
Anastasia Pattemore, University of Barcelona
Audio-visual materials like original version TV series and movies are recognised by language teachers as an excellent way to fill their classes with authentic language. While there have been a few studies on various language features, input, and learner effects, little is known about the role of time distribution – how much time should be left between the viewings of different episodes. This study explores the effects of viewing five TV series episodes under three time distribution conditions – extensive (once per week), intensive (once per day), and binge-watching (all episodes in one session).
Digital Resources and the Future of Language Education: A Pan-European Survey of Lessons to be Learned from the Pandemic
Bernd Rüschoff, University of Duisburg-Essen
In 2021, a team of experts conducted a survey on behalf of the Council of Europe’s European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) and the European Commission to find out how institutions, language teachers and learners responded to the challenges presented by successive lockdowns and social distancing. It also explored how language teaching methodologies might evolve, particularly when drawing on the flexibility afforded by digital resources. Over 1700 professionals in 40 countries responded working at different educational levels. Respondents painted a clear and rich picture of how teachers and learners have coped. They provided insights into some of the positive changes in language teaching that the pandemic has generated, as well as challenges that teachers and learners have confronted, often recognizing technology as an option to “keep learners on track and involved”.
Indigenous CALL: Promoting Social Justice through Language Revitalization Initiatives
Liudmila Klimanova, University of Arizona; Jessie Bruchac; Allan Hayton, Doyon Foundation; Angass’aq Sally Samson, University of Alaska; Sabine Siekmann, University of Alaska; Aresta Tsosie-Paddock
This panel explores recent academic and community-based initiatives in sustaining the study of native American languages and cultures through the use of technology and CALL methodologies during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. There are many paths language revitalization can take, but the central aspect of language revitalization is the creation of new speakers and the provision of opportunities to maintain and support continuous instruction in indigenous languages. Panelists will discuss technology-enhanced programs and courses they created in the efforts to support the learning and teaching of these languages in their academic and community settings as well as address the hurdles and challenges of language revitalization in the United States. Watch Video
A Systematic Review of Theory-informed Design and Implementation of Digital Game-based Language Learning
Rui Tammy Huang, University of Florida; Matthew Schmidt, University of Florida
Serious research efforts on digital game-based language learning (DGBLL) began around 2000. Along with the growing number of empirical research publications, the body of literature reviews on DGBLL is increasing. However, there is a lack of study explicitly investigating the roles theory plays in DGBLL. The current study performed a systematic literature review of prior empirical studies published between 2011 and 2020 across ten academic databases. Findings are presented along the dimensions of (1) theories referenced by researchers and emergent trends and (2) roles that theory plays in DGBLL. Implications for future research are suggested based on the findings.
Can We Detect Short-term Fluency Development after 2 Hours of Chat with a Dialogue System?
Serge Bibauw, Universidad Central del Ecuador
Dialogue systems, such as chatbots and dialogue-based games, provide an opportunity for safe, meaningful conversational practice to foreign language learners. We evaluated how much the speaking fluency of A1-A2 teenage learners of French (N = 164) was impacted by a very short-term synchronous written practice with a dialogue-based CALL game. Pre-post comparisons of various semi- automatized fluency measures confirm that such precise metrics can detect short-term L2 fluency development. The detected effects are promising, even if the limited time on task, the shortcomings of the instructional design, and the limited transfer of learning from writing to speaking do not allow the effect to significantly outperform the test-retest training effect.
So, You Would Like a Flipped-classroom: How Should You Support Your Learning Outside the Classroom?
Goretti Prieto Botana
Current approaches to adult second language instruction often call for flipped-model frameworks where class-time is devoted to interaction, and meta-level instruction happens autonomously, outside of the classroom in computer assisted-environments. Given the complexity of certain linguistic targets, and the crucial role of noticing in learning, these models beg for questions as to how we may best support learners as they attempt to navigate grammatical aspects of language on their own. Hoping to shed light on this issue, this paper reports on data from a pretest-posttest experiment aimed at gauging the relative merits of various forms of computer- delivered, explicit treatments. Watch Video
Online Diagnostic Assessment: A Data Analysis of Proficiency-Based Grammar and Reading Assessments
Trina Montano, DLIFLC
This session presents data collected from a pool of advanced (Level 2) and advanced high (Level 2+) Spanish learners who took online proficiency-based reading and grammar assessments at a large military language school. By cross referencing users’ reading proficiency levels with scores on a dynamic assessment of grammar, evidence suggests that while learners demonstrated competence in most structural features, they demonstrated less competence in the ability to use discourse features. The implications of the study encourage teachers to examine curricular and instructional practices that affect grammatical competence for L2+ learners. Watch Video
U.S. Language Students’ Lives, Emotions, and Well-being
Cristina Pardo, Iowa State University
This presentation explores the perceptions of 89 language students in an American context. Data were collected in May and June 2021 through an anonymous questionnaire via Qualtrics. The survey included 26 questions distributed within four sections: background information, students’ life, emotions and well-being, and online language classes. The objectives of this presentation are: (1) to identify the needs of language learners, (2) to identify their emotions and problems that have affected the success of learning a language at an American institution, and (3) to offer general recommendations to high-level administrators to help second language development in language programs. Watch Video
Validating the Use of Measures of Utterance Fluency as Reasonable Representations of Overall Oral Proficiency in Automatic Speech Evaluation (ASE)
Zoe Handley, University of York
This study compares measures of the fluency of learners’ performance in an IELTS-style speaking task with listener ratings of the functional adequacy of those same oral productions to evaluate the extent to which the measures of utterance fluency reflect the construct of functional adequacy. 60 Chinese learners of English completed seven tasks in English: 1) IELTS-style speaking task, 2) productive levels test, 3) word associates test, 4) picture naming task, 5) grammar knowledge test, 6) sentence inflection and agreement task, and 7) sentence transformation task. A sample of eight native speakers rated the learners’ oral productions for functional adequacy.
Reflecting on the China-Ireland Task-based Telecollaboration Project for Beginning Level Learners: A Case Study of Adolescent Learners of Chinese as a Second Language in Ireland
Mengdi Wang, Trinity College Dublin
An increasing number of young people in Ireland have expressed a strong interest in learning Chinese language and Culture. This doctoral research project takes a Design-Based Research (DBR) approach with 2 research cycles to develop a task-based telecollaborative initiative for adolescent learners of Chinese at a beginner level in the Irish post-primary school system. It aims to investigate how learners develop their language competency and intercultural awareness through telecollaborations with Chinese native speakers of the same age. Watch Video
From their Kitchen to Yours: Exploring Culture through Virtual Exchange
Crystal Marull, University of Florida
Virtual exchange (VE) has been adopted across disciplines to connect students across national borders. Motivated by the recent pandemic, VE has been adopted to enhance conversation practice between language students and native speakers. This model, however, is limited in providing rich cultural immersion. However, a new approach has emerged via LinguaMeeting called Experiences. These Zoom-style events offer diverse cultural opportunities in the target language ranging from a personalized concert by a Spanish- guitar-playing host to a Honduran cooking class. Survey findings reveal that these exchanges offer similar benefits as study abroad experiences such as increased student communication and critical thinking skills. Watch Video
Intercultural Dialogue on Social Justice and Global Citizenship via Telecollaboration
Aparajita Dey Plissonneau, Dublin City University; Maria Loftus, Dublin City University; Alan Smeaton, Dublin City University; Hyowon Lee;
Michael Scriney, Dublin City University; Mingming Liu, Dublin City University
This is a comparative study of Irish students’ perception of and engagement with intercultural dialogue with Francophone students on neutral topics such as university and work life in the first semester and discussion of sensitive social justice issues, such as diversity, discrimination, and power relations in the second semester. A qualitative study was conducted with the participants, involving a survey questionnaire (n = 50) and interviewing focus group participants (n = 25). The students’ perceptions and accounts were triangulated with their actual online interactions between students. The tasks related to social justice gave way to richer exchanges between students. Watch Video
Input, Output, & Feedback: A Triad Approach to L2 Pronunciation Training in a CALL Environment
Lilian Jones, University of California Davis
This study explores the role that target language input plays in L2 acquisition, especially in the area of developing pronunciation skills and the role of error feedback to ‘scaffold’ (Lantolf, 1994; Lantolf & Thorne, 2007) the learner’s performance. The session presents a 10-week study measuring student outcomes of L2 Spanish pronunciation between two groups of learners, one group who received native speaker pre-recorded audio input and one group who did not. Participants completed a three-part task: bimodal input (written text and listening), output (learner-produced speech), followed by machine-graded feedback via iSpraak. Assessment measures were made by comparing the results of the feedback: a numerical score (0–100%) and any mispronounced words. Watch Video
Technology-enhanced Project-Based Language Learning Studies in East and Southeast Asia: Implications for CALL and Global Contexts
Jeanne Beck, Iowa State University; Gulbahar Beckett, Iowa State University; Junghun Yang, Iowa State University; Febriana Lestari, Iowa State University; Hwee Jean Lim, Iowa State University
Drawing on a systematic analysis of 114 Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) and Teaching (PBLT) research articles from East and Southeast Asian contexts published between 1980-2020, this presentation reports on the benefits and challenges of implementing technology-enhanced PBLL (TEPBLL), with implications for PBLL classrooms and CALL worldwide. Illustrated with examples that can be incorporated into multiple contexts, we will discuss how technology is integrated into classrooms to teach critical thinking skills and the importance of exposing students to authentic English in contexts with limited L2 use outside of the classroom. In addition, teacher training practices and assessment strategies will be discussed. Watch Video
An Investigation of Student Teachers and Their Cognitions of CALL
Louise Hanna, Ulster University
The primary aim of this research was to longitudinally investigate the attitudes of student teachers towards CALL. The intention of this study was to track CALL cognitions from the same MFL student teachers – from the commencement to the completion of ITE. This research has spanned across the four nations of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). The research objectives for this investigation were as follows: To investigate whether there are differences in the perceptions of student teachers towards CALL between commencement and completion of ITE. To examine the factors that impact on the use and integration of CALL in teacher education across the UK. To explore the role of regional contexts impact upon student teachers’ integration of CALL. To consider additional opportunities that could enhance CALL integration in ITE. Watch Video
‘Wow this is me!’: The Power Dynamic of English Observed in Interactions in Global BTS Fan-subbing Practices
Yu Jung Han, University of Rochester; Dewi Satria Elmiana, University of Mataram
This session presents the observations on the fan-subbed videos on YouTube on the global boy band, BTS. The YouTube comments assessed and evaluated the accuracy and appropriateness of the fansubbing. And during such interaction, English functioned as a tool to facilitate such discussions without its conventional, precedent power dynamic as a lingua franca. Audiences will discuss the pedagogical implications of such fan practices in ELT education.
“An opportunity to take a look at experiences I could have had”: Digital Ethnography in Online Korean Language Courses
Jee Hye Park, Georgia State University; Hakyoon Lee, Georgia State University; Gyewon Jang, Georgia State University
Drawing on Berti’s (2020) cultural teaching using digital ethnography, this presentation presents a digital ethnographic project in college-level online Korean language courses. The project aimed to develop Korean as a foreign language (KFL) learners’ critical perspectives of contemporary Korean society, culture, and people. The students collected and analyzed digital images and photos. The students’ project outcomes reveal that the digital ethnography project can be effective for foreign language learners to challenge prescribed cultural descriptions in Korean language textbooks, discover new cultural facts about contemporary Korean society and people, and develop their intercultural perspectives of their own and Korean cultures. Watch Video
Providing EFL Writers with Multimodal Feedback Experiences: Learner Uptake and Engagement
Mei-ching Ho, University of Taipei, Taiwan
With the pervasiveness of interactive software, second/foreign language writing instructors have ever-growing access to various modes for technology-enhanced feedback (e-feedback), yet little research to inform their choices. One innovative mode for e-feed-back provision is via multimodal screencast, which allows teachers to record their own on-screen activities and add audio narration. Despite its technological affordances, very few have investigated multimodal teacher commentary in ESL/EFL writing contexts. More-over, the nature of e-feedback via screencast and e-conferencing has remained fairly underexplored. This study attempts to examine how multimodal teacher feedback in two blended-mode conditions affects feedback nature and students’ attitudes toward the modes. Watch Video
Visiting Anne Frank’s House in VR: Communicative Activities with High School Language Students
Robin Couture-Matte, Université Laval
This presentation showcases a classroom project on the use of virtual reality with students enrolled in an English as a second language program in Quebec, Canada. More specifically, over 150 high school students (aged 13-15) participated in the project over one month. As part of the project, students carry out communicative tasks as they virtually visited Anne Frank’s house with the use of the Oculus Quest 2 virtual reality headset. Outcomes of the project point to the advantage of using virtual reality for motivation and vocabulary development. Challenges and future uses of virtual reality will also be discussed. Watch Video
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Feedback Game Mechanics for Learning Request-making in English
Naoko Taguchi, Northern Arizona University; Daniel Dixon, Northern Arizona University
This study developed a digital game that taught pragmatically-appropriate request-making expressions in English. Participants (118 English learners) read a scenario and watched a video that depicted that scenario. After watching the video, they saw four options of request-making expressions and selected the most desirable expression directed to the speaker in each video. Two game versions were created. In Version A, learners saw one interlocutor reaction after selecting a request form. Version B allowed learners to see the full-range of interlocutor reactions attached to different request-form options. Learners significantly improved their knowledge of request- making regardless the game version they played. Watch Video
Pandemic L2 Learning: Students’ Perceptions, Experiences, and Challenges in Online Settings
Kimberly Morris, University of Wisconsin; Pablo Robles García, University of Toronto
Because students’ perceptions of teaching practices can impact their L2 development and success (Kern, 1995), it is crucial to examine their experiences during the transition to emergency remote instruction during COVID-19. Through an online survey, this study explored the perceptions of 120 university L2 students regarding the effectiveness of different modalities and teaching strategies along with their engagement, participation, and workload. Results confirmed the effectiveness of online synchronous instruction and group interactions to foster active engagement among students. Perceptions regarding workload, effort, and participation were similar to traditional F2F classes, thus illustrating the perceived value of computer-assisted language learning. Watch Video
Enhance Online Learning by Using Padlet, Pixton, and Miro in the Beginning and Intermediate Chinese Language Class
Lisha Xu, Mount Holyoke College
This presentation reports the uses of Padlet, Pixton, and Miro in the online Chinese language class at the beginning and intermediate levels. The tools used in and out-of-class to enhance online learning. The study aims to judge the appropriateness and make adjustments in implementation for future use. For this purpose, I will discuss the evaluation frameworks for the tools, the exercises and activities designing, ways of integrating them into the class or as supplementary work to enhance the learning, and students’ feedback reflected in the course evaluation. The discussion follows by future pedagogical implications of using the tools. Watch Video
Digital Multimodal Composing via Visme: EFL Students’ Perspectives
Quang Nam Pham, University of South Florida; Mimi Li, Texas A&M University
This presentation reports an empirical study on digital multimodal composing (DMC) via Visme with the Vietnamese EFL students in an English for Specific Purposes course. In this study, a total of 185 participants completed two infographics tasks, one individually and the other collaboratively. Drawing on the online questionnaire survey, the presenters focus on the students’ perceptions of using Visme for composing infographics, and their perceived advantages and disadvantages of individual DMC and collaborative DMC. Pertinent pedagogical implications are also discussed in this presentation. Watch Video
“School English”: Creating Online Learning Materials to Assist Refugee Parents in Learning the Language and Culture Surrounding US Schools
Jeanne Beck, Iowa State University; Athena, Hui Jiang, Iowa State University
For refugee parents resettling in the US, learning the language and culture of their children’s schools can pose many difficulties. To meet these needs, practical online materials are needed for non-profit refugee organizations, refugees, and their tutors. This presentation will describe how freely accessible online course content was created that 1.) allows the study of school English online for self-paced study for refugee parents; 2.) provides teaching tips for English tutors on how to effectively introduce the linguistic and cultural knowledge, and 3.) consists of materials that could be printed or used offline with refugees with low-tech or bandwidth. Watch Video