2019 Friday Sessions, May 24
9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Room: Mozart
eTandem Videoconferencing : A Learner Perspective
Susan Parks
This presentation reports on the researcher’s experience as a learner during an English-Spanish eTandem videoconferencing exchange. The researcher-learner was learning Spanish and had an elementary level of proficiency. The exchange took place on the Tandem Canada Platform; all sessions were recorded. The presentation will report on the analysis of the focus-on-form episodes as well as strategies used by the researcher-learner to maximize learning in this context. Implications for setting up tandem language learning exchanges will be discussed. The study is also of interest as it offers a rare report on a tandem language learner with an elementary level of proficiency.
Room: Beethoven
French Strand
Willingness to Communicate Outside of the Classroom: Can Virtual Reality Help?
Kevin Papin
Montreal is a Canadian metropolis with a distinct regional variety of French and a high level of bilingualism. These sociocultural elements add challenges for students learning L2 French when they interact with Montrealers, which can lower their willingness to communicate (WTC) in the target language outside of the classroom. The study examines the contribution of semi authentic oral tasks based on online virtual reality scenarios to students’ L2 WTC outside the classroom. A mixed-methods approach is used to monitor students’ WTC while exploring their perceptions of the virtual tasks as a preparation to L2 use in the real world.
Room: Ravel
Web-based ILR Self-assessment for Intensive Language Courses: A Tool for Teachers, Learners, or Both?
Chris Brown and Nadezda Novakovic
Research suggests task-based, criterion-referenced self-assessment instruments are effective for evaluating learners\\\’ language proficiency/knowledge, depending on course structure and goals. More descriptive/contextualized self-assessment items, as opposed to decontextualized can-do statements, also show promise as predictors/reflections of learner ability. The Language Training Center program at LARC-SDSU developed and piloted an ILR-based self-assessment protocol in Qualtrics with a data display application for learner and instructor review of pre- and post-course self-assessment profiles. The instrument was used with intensive language courses, focusing on self-assessment data compared with pre- and post-course Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) scores, and on utility of self-assessment data for instructors.
Room: Tchaikovsky
Technology Use, Technology Attitudes, and Attitudes about FL Learning at the Secondary Level in the US
Pam Wesely
This presentation will share findings from a study about secondary foreign language (FL) students’ attitudes about language learning and technology usage. The relationships between student attitudes about the use of technology in their FL class, their attitudes and self-confidence about their language class, and the prevalence of technology in their language class are all of interest in this investigation. FL students from 37 US high schools responded (N=1039) to an online survey. The presentation will summarize the findings from the study and will make conclusions about the correlations that exist or do not exist between the different variables.
Room: Brahms
Say that Again? Comparing ASR Systems for Accuracy and Usability
Jennica Grimshaw and Walcir Cardoso
This project explores the pedagogical potential for the use of freely available automated speech recognition (ASR) software by evaluating these tools for accuracy and usability. Native and non-native English-speaking students were recorded (audio and screen capturing) reading a list of words and sentences into the ASR programs and rated each on usability. Judges assessed participant output by transcribing recordings (to compare with ASR output) and rating them on comprehensibility using a 6-point Likert scale (Moussalli & Cardoso, 2017). Our discussion will establish a set of criteria to aid language instructors in selecting pedagogically appropriate ASR applications for use in the classroom.
Panel — 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Room: Concerto
Advances and “Make-it” Moments in Research on Language Teaching and Learning Technologies
Tuvi Voorhees, Signe Jensen, Pia Sundqvist and Liss Kerstin Sylven
This CALICO LTLT SIG sponsored panel will offer a forum on advances and “make-it” moments in research on language teaching and learning technologies. Through facilitated discussion, the panelists will offer insight into (a) the role of language teaching and learning technologies in their recent research, (b) the type of technology generally used by their research participants, and (c) suggestions for future research. At the end of the session, all participants will be invited to share their ideas and/or questions about their research.
9:45 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.
Room: Mozart
Social Networking VR for Language and Intercultural Learning
Meei-ling Liaw
This presentation reports the process and findings of integrating social networking virtual reality software into a yearlong university EFL course for assisting students’ development of oral English language and intercultural communication learning. The participants used VR technologies to practice language tasks with their peers before engaging in authentic communication in virtual social spaces with other online users. The study collected and analyzed participants’ oral language performances while interacting with peers in simulated communication contexts and those in the virtual social spaces with other online users. Based on findings, the researcher draws pedagogical implications and provides instructional suggestions in this presentation.
Room: Beethoven
French Strand
Critical Reflection and Transformative Engagement through Digital Collaborative Reading
Virginia Scott and Abby Broughton
Faiza Guène’s first novel, Kiffe kiffe demain (2004), offers insight into the experience of a young girl whose parents immigrated to France from North Africa. Using a digital collaborative reading tool, SocialBook (https://www.livemargin.com), we studied the ways students interact when discussing issues related to poverty, identity, and exclusion among immigrants living in the outskirts of Paris. In this presentation we will describe SocialBook, review the reading tasks we designed, and present our findings from a qualitative study conducted in an upper-level university French class. Ultimately, we will show that collaborative online reading enhances students’ critical reflection and cultural awareness.
Room: Ravel
Investigating Learners’ 21st Century Skills in Blended EAP
Farhana Ahmed
This presentation reports on research investigating learners’ 21st century technological skills in a blended EAP context. Findings from this multi-staged, mixed methods study will share EAP learners’ beliefs about EAP technology integration, perceptions of benefits, limitation on teaching and learning along with constraints inhibiting technology use. Individual, contextual and pedagogical factors influencing and shaping students’ technology use and negotiated behavior arisen from direct intervention and subsequent change of learner beliefs towards technology use in learning English will also be shared. Implications for English language teaching, teacher education, curriculum design and ongoing research will be discussed.
Room: Tchaikovsky
Evaluating Pitch Visualization for Chinese Learners: A Preliminary Report
Carly Born
Prompted by requests from Chinese instructors the author designed a system for conducting asynchronous speaking exercises including a feature that displays a pitch line visualization from student recordings. In the last few years, the author has collected recordings from students at Carleton College in first-year Chinese using various implementations of the pitch visualization display for analysis. The goal of this study is to critically investigate the value of pitch visualization as a pedagogical intervention in teaching Chinese tones. The author will report on relevant research, the study methods and give a preliminary report on findings.
Room: Brahms
Gaming for Beginner Level Learners
Marta Gonzalez-Lloret, J. Scott Payne and Maria Diez Ortega
This study explores the effect of a task-based language learning game on beginning level Spanish students. The study compares grammar and vocabulary gain scores of three groups of participants: one group played the game in pairs, another played individually and a third, the control group, engaged in other comparable online activities. In addition, pre- and post-surveys were conducted to measure the participants’ change in willingness to communicate as well as their perceptions of the effects of the game on their language learning. Results suggest a difference in language gains as well as motivation and willingness to communicate for the group that played in dyads.
10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Room: Mozart
Fostering Intercultural Competence through Videoconferencing Conversations with Native Speakers
Marta Tecedor and Raychel Vasseur
Drawing on Byram’s (2000) intercultural competence (IC) framework, this study examines how recurring videoconferencing conversations with native speakers prompt fourth-semester learners to demonstrate and develop IC. Two questionnaires, four reflection papers, and two interviews were collected and analyzed using content analysis. Preliminary results reveal that videoconferencing is an ideal medium to engage students in formal classroom settings in cross cultural communication and to foster their IC. However, several factors play a role in shaping learners’ IC development, mainly their initial perceptions of the target culture and their ability to interpret and evaluate the information gleaned from their interlocutors.
Room: Beethoven
French Strand
Examining the Affordances and Limitations of Flipped Adult Community-Based Language Programs
Geoff Lawrence
This government-funded study examines stakeholder perceptions of the affordances and limitations of flipped language learning in adult, community-based ESL and French language programs. Findings demonstrate the potential of flipped programs to individualize learning and to inform and regulate curriculum and classroom practices. However learners expressed concern about the time-consuming online work, the absence of interaction and the lack of online learning community. Instructors were unclear about flipped language pedagogy and concerned about the time needed to support learner digital literacies. This paper concludes with recommendations on flipped program design and strategies to build sustainable teacher and learner capacity.
Room: Ravel
Can Intelligent Personal Assistants Help Language Learners Improve their Pronunciation? Focus on English Simple Past Tense
Souheila Moussalli and Walcir Cardoso
Our previous research on the pedagogical use of Intelligent Personal Assistants (IPAs) by ESL learners revealed its potential to motivate learners and improve their pronunciation in English. This follow-up study investigates the ability of popular IPA, Amazon Echo, to assist ESL learners in the development of their phonological awareness, perception and production of regular past tense allomorphy in English (e.g., past -ed can be pronounced as talk[t], play[d] and add[id]). Our discussion emphasizes the pedagogical potential of IPAs for L2 phonological awareness development and their ability to personalize learning and extend the reach of the language classroom.
Room: Tchaikovsky
Joining forces: Collaborating to Improve Assessment of Online Language Teaching Readiness
Luca Giupponi, Emily Heidrich, Koen Van Gorp, Nicolas Swinehart and Ahmet Dursun
The Online Language Teaching Readiness Assessment is an instrument that aims to evaluate language instructors’ readiness for teaching in diverse online contexts based on Compton’s (2009) framework for online language teaching skills. In 2018, Michigan State University joined the development team at the University of Chicago in order expand the construct and refine the tool, integrating aspects that have emerged in the practice of OLT since the development of Compton’s framework. This presentation will discuss the development of the assessment and its piloting with in-service and pre-service instructors, as well as the collaboration process between the two universities.
Room: Brahms
The Role of Learner Autonomy in CALL to Impact Oral Competence for Intermediate Learners of Spanish
Kelly Arispe
This presentation reports on three 15-week iterations of a mixed-method study that examines the impact of learner autonomy on oral competence for intermediate-mid/high second language learners of Spanish, situated within a Design-Based Framework. Learners used a social media content creation tool, Soundcloud, to archive six 30-minute chat sessions with a partner. Learners individually reviewed and tagged their chat recording responding to guided reflections that target characteristics from performance benchmarks specific to their level as well as three concrete goals for improvement. Results from surveys, focus groups, guided interviews and qualitative analysis of chat reflections will be shared.
Panel — 10:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Room: Concerto
Mavericks of Mind: A Social CALL for Language and Technology Professionals
Gabriel Guillen, Christopher Daradics, Julie Sykes and Thor Sawin
Recent policy statements (2018) are demanding a change in the language education paradigm, addressing needs of both formal and informal language learners. Simultaneously, new CALL pedagogies seek to integrate social practices outside the classroom (Dubreil & Thorne 2017), interlanguage pragmatics (Sykes 2018), and less-commonly taught languages (Sawin & Guillén 2018). However, contemporary language learning products barely address learners’ social and ecological needs (Heil, Wu, Lee, & Schmidt 2016; Sawin and Guillén 2017; Guillén, Sawin, & Springer 2018). This panel invites participation in a Community of Practice for high quality language learning, labor-market coordination, and strengthened intersections between instructed SLA, user-experience design, and product development.
11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Room: Mozart
Immersive Stereoscopic Three-dimensional Visualizations Impede Vocabulary Learning: Evidence from a Large-scale Experimental Study
Regina Kaplan-Rakowski and Lin Lin
One potential way to learn vocabulary effectively is through the implementation of visual representations of target vocabulary. Such visualizations can include digital photographs in non-stereoscopic three-dimensional (NS3D) and stereoscopic three-dimensional (S3D) formats. Especially with the increasing popularity of virtual reality language learning, in which S3D visualizations are typically embedded, it is important to investigate whether S3D photographs are effective for vocabulary learning. The results of this large-scale (N=371), experimental, within-subjects study revealed vocabulary learning with S3D visualizations to be significantly less effective (p<0.05) compared to NS3D visualizations. In contrast, the level of engagement towards S3D visualizations showed significantly higher.
Room: Beethoven
French Strand
Designed and Emerging Affordances in Relation with Interactional Breakdowns in Tutor-Tutee Instructional Uses of Conversation for L2 (French) Development via Synchronous Videoconferencing
Aparajita Deyplissonneau
Affordances are action possibilities offered by an environment or an object to an actor in the environment (Gibson, 1977). Gibsonian thinking and Activity theory share the basic idea that perception is connected with action. Following Engeström’s (1978-2014) Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and an ecological CALL perspective, this study identifies the affordances that emerge in the instructional use of conversations between French tutors and Irish students learning French. The video conversations reveal divergences from the scripted session plans and interactional breakdowns. The post-session reflections of participants shed light on the perceived and unperceived affordances in relation with breakdowns.
Room: Ravel
An Innovative Approach to Improving L2 Pragmatic Competence in an ESP Setting: Role-playing with a Spoken Dialog System
Nazlinur Gokturk, Yasin Karatay, Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen and Ananda Muhammad
This study explores the potential usefulness of a spoken dialog system (SDS) complemented with human feedback for improving L2 pragmatic skills in an ESP classroom setting. Based on the findings obtained from learners’ pre- and post test scores, their oral discourse, and semi-structured learner interviews, we will discuss the potential of using such a hybrid (computer delivery-human feedback) approach for improving L2 pragmatics as well as learners’ engagement with the system. We will conclude with a discussion of implications for the design and use of SDSs for L2 pragmatics teaching and learning.
Room: Tchaikovsky
CALL as Transdisciplinary Endeavor: Toward a Respected Community
Jozef Colpaert and Philip Hubbard
To date, CALL has been primarily multidisciplinary, importing concepts, methods and knowledge from other disciplines rather than building its own. An alternative, more cohesive, interdisciplinary approach allows greater communication across disciplines but entails specific challenges and becomes exponentially more complex as more disciplines become involved. Following recent movements in SLA/applied linguistics, we argue that transdisciplinarity, defined here as the ontological co-creation of knowledge constructs on a higher, boundary-transcending level of abstraction, is the path forward. We offer examples of how this can be put into practice to position CALL as a respected and respectable discipline with its own theoretical foundations.
Room: Brahms
Language Integration Through E-portfolio (LITE): Connecting Language Communities, Educators, and Researchers through an Action-oriented and Pedagogically Innovative Online Tool
Faith Marcel, Robert Price, Geoff Lawrence and Aline Germain-Rutherford
This presentation highlights research examining an innovative online tool for language educators, learners, and researchers to foster and develop knowledge and awareness of their plurilingual repertoire while facilitating language learning strategies. Presenters will provide an overview of the unique features of LITE (Language Integration Through E-portfolio), including a focus on its innovative pedagogic approach supported by indigenous epistemologies. Results from piloting the tool in language classrooms across North America and Europe will be shared, revealing the importance of collaborative, reflective online environments where students actively document and share their language learning journeys.
2:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Room: Concerto
L2 Vocabulary Testing and Adaptive Learning: Educational Apps and Spaced Rehearsal for Vocabulary Retention
Pablo Robles-García and Claudia Helena Sánchez-Gutiérrez
The 3,000 most frequent words in a language offer approximately 95% of lexical coverage in most spoken input. However, research on vocabulary in L2 textbooks and teacher talk (Davies, 2005) show that neither sources of input focus on these words. Consequently, learners do not master these words even after several years of L2 instruction (Laufer, 2000). The present study aims to develop an online vocabulary breadth test that assesses L2 Spanish learners’ knowledge of the 3,000 most frequent words and use the results to create a vocabulary teaching program via Cerego, an app that uses spaced rehearsal for vocabulary retention.
Room: Mozart
Language MOOC Design for Social Inclusion through the Lens of Maker Culture
Elena Martin Monje, Maria Dolores Castrillo and Beatriz Sedano
The expansion of MOOCs (Massive, Open, Online Courses) is very much associated to instructors interested in the craft of teaching, innovating and experimenting with different methods to improve and expand students’ learning experience. This presentation showcases the design of the Language MOOC “Puertas Abiertas: Español para necesidades inmediatas” (Open Doors: Spanish for immediate needs), and how it is connected to the Maker Movement, since the team of course designers has included university professors, non-governmental organizations and volunteers (actual refugees) committed to creating quality language materials for refugees and migrants arriving in Spanish-speaking countries, following a “low-cost”, DIY philosophy, together with a socio-constructivist pedagogy.
Room: Beethoven
French Strand
“Making” Meaning: Using Perusall to Enhance Reading Comprehension in an Introduction to French Literature Course
Richard Gray
Capitalizing on two years of experience interacting with Perusall, a peer-to-peer interactive reading tool, this practice-based report highlights how students in an Introduction to French Literature course “generate” distinctive reading comprehension of the French language and culture through a shared, constructed experience. Thus embodying the slogan that “making is fundamental to what it means to be human” (The Maker Movement Manifesto 11), this presentation will also report on how Perusall allows students to create meaning as well as how their engagement constitutes an innovative act of language and cultural learning in which participating students “make” something from this collective endeavor, which thus improves reading comprehension.
Room: Ravel
Voice to be Heard: Using Instagram for Digital Storytelling to Foster Language Learners’ Engagement
Ellen Yeh
Many English language learners (ELLs) struggle to actively participate and claim their own voice in the classroom, which hinders their success in American educational settings (Núñez et al., 2016). This study draws on framework of bridging activities (Thorne & Reinhardt, 2008), demonstrating ways to incorporate Instagram as a multimodal digital storytelling tool in order to foster college-level ELLs’ engagement. With a pedagogically-focused project design and implementation, Instagram could potentially be an effective tool for reflection on deeper learning for language learners. The findings were used to establish guidelines and best practices for the unique challenges of using Instagram for digital storytelling.
Room: Tchaikovsky
Fostering the Development of Multimodal Literacies: An Investigation of Multimodal Text and Lesson Design in the Context of a Hybrid Graduate-level Multiliteracies Course
Beatrice Dupuy
Multimodal literacies are a core component of 21st century literacies. While there is consensus amongst stakeholders concerning the necessity of teaching multimodal literacies, many L2 faculty report feeling unprepared for multimodal pedagogies. This study investigates how graduate students enrolled in a hybrid graduate-level multiliteracies course applied their newly developed theoretical knowledge in two multimodal practices. Findings indicate that courses that engage future L2 faculty into thinking deeply about multimodality and applying their newly developed knowledge in concrete explorations have the potential to prepare them to integrate multimodal pedagogies in their instruction, although challenges and limitations exist.
Room: Brahms
Dimensions Characterising the UdeC English Online B-Learning Environment and the EdX Upper-intermediate English MOOC
Ana Gimeno Sanz and Emerita Bañados
This paper will depict how a team of language specialists have given shape to a CALL b-learning environment for teaching English as a foreign language to university students from different study programs at the Universidad de Concepción (UdeC), Chile, and how another team in Spain have designed an upper-intermediate level EFL MOOC, intending to reach out to potential learners worldwide. The authors will discuss some of the questions asked and the answers found when designing and implementing these environments. The presentation will include illustrations from both online courses. The session will conclude with a few words about the newly launched LatinCALL Association.
3:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Room: Mozart
App Attrition in Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Focus on Duolingo
Haluk Tuncay, Walcir Cardoso and Mela Sarkar
The study aims to identify the factors that contribute to “app attrition” (a process whereby language learners abandon an app based on data collected from users of ‘Duolingo’. Using questionnaires (including Likert-scale items and open-ended questions) and semi-structured oral interviews, we examined 60 Turkish Duolingo users learning English in Turkey on many factors that have been reported to contribute to app attrition. In our discussion, we address the pedagogical implications of our findings by highlighting ways of mitigating the effects of app attrition in self-directed language learning, and propose a model for assessing app attrition in CALL/MALL research.
Room: Beethoven
French Strand
Linguistic Landscape Analysis in First-Year French: Can Multimedia CALL Make It So?
Carol Chapelle
This paper reports on a study investigating how well beginning-level multimedia CALL materials represent the linguistic landscape of the francophone locations appearing in the video, including sites in Québec such as Montréal and Trois Rivères. The widely-used multimedia narrative and supporting learning tasks were authored and produced by professionals but not necessarily for the intent of engaging students in linguistic landscape analysis. The study examines the extent of the linguistic landscape images presented throughout the narrative, assesses their quality for teaching skills for conducting ethnographic linguistic landscape analysis (Malinowski, 2015), and suggests ways of extending from input and analysis tasks to students\’ projects incorporating images and video.
Room: Ravel
Creative Foreignization or Detrimental Fossilization? A Case Study of Two Teenage L2 English Learners’ Language Use when Playing League of Legends
Pia Sundqvist and Liss Kerstin Sylven
The aim of this study is to gain new knowledge about L2 learners’ use of their L1 and L2 while engaged in oral interaction in multiplayer video games. Gameplay data consisting of screen- and audio recordings from five League of Legends-matches were collected from two players/learners (both aged 18; L1 Swedish, L2 English). An inductive qualitative approach was employed to analyze data linguistically, focusing on (i) code-switched vocabulary (CSV), (ii) frequency of CSV, and (iii) the pronunciation of CSV. The results reveal extensive use of CSV in oral game interaction and numerous sequences of language play conducive to L2 learning.
Room: Tchaikovsky
Automating L2 Pronunciation Instruction and Evaluation
Dan Nickolai, Christina Garcia and Lillian Jones
Educational technology platforms are increasingly leveraging real-time Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) to provide instantaneous corrective feedback to language learners. As these tools grow in prominence and popularity, educators may wonder whether ASR should supplement or supplant traditional pronunciation practice and instruction. A survey of prior research on CALL tools points to the promise of ASR as being especially impactful with regards to improving target pronunciation (Golonka et al., 2014). This presentation will explore this claim by presenting the results of a 15-week classroom study that compares the effects of traditional pronunciation instruction and ASR techniques on beginning Spanish language learners.
Room: Brahms
The Effect of Delivery Mode on L2 Students’ Listening Comprehension Skills: Context vs Animated Videos
Layla Karatay
This study investigated the effect of different delivery modes on L2 students’ listening comprehension. A mixed-methods explanatory research design was used to identify whether animated videos or context videos (i.e., live-action videos) facilitated better listening comprehension. The effectiveness of the delivery modes was assessed by the participant’s ability to orally summarize the videos. Also, students’ perceptions of the delivery modes were elicited through a survey to gain a deeper insight into how ESL students viewed each mode. The results indicated that there is a significant difference between the mean scores of the animated video group and the context video group.
Panel — 3:00 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Room: Concerto
Second Language Writing and Technology
Oksana Vorobel, Ana Oskoz, Greg Kessler and Erin Todey
The increasing use of continuously-evolving digital technologies not only affects the nature of second language (L2) writing practices but also has a huge impact on language educators’ approaches to teaching students how to write. This panel, sponsored by the CALICO SLAT SIG, will explore the influence of digital social tools on L2 writing practices and changes that various technological contexts and tools bring to language classrooms. The panelists will discuss implications for L2 writing research and practice. The panel presentations will be followed by an open question and answer session.
3:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Room: Mozart
ARbis Pictus: Augmented Reality for L2 Vocabulary Learning
Dorothy Chun
We conducted a within-subject experiment with 52 learners who learned 30 Basque words, half of the words with a computer flashcard tool and the other half with Augmented Reality using the HoloLens (mixed reality smartglasses). Results indicated that when participants learned through AR, they scored significantly higher on both same-day and 4-day delayed productive recall tests and also found using the HoloLens more enjoyable (Ibrahim et al., 2018). Some intriguing findings are that repeated exposure to words did not affect retention, and there seemed be a significant advantage of AR over flashcards for multilingual students, females, and less proficient students.
Room: Beethoven
French Strand
(Not) Left to Their Own Devices: Developing L2 Literacies through Digital Social Annotated Reading
Kristen Michelson
Digital Social Annotated Reading (DSAR) affords collaborative annotation of and dialogue about texts within a virtual platform. This study compares reading and dialoguing practices among intermediate L2 French learners resulting from three different reading conditions—DSAR, face-to-face (FTF), and DSAR + FTF—relating learners’ dialogic interactions to their development of cultural knowledge. Results from this study contribute to current understandings of the affordances and constraints of digital tools for dialogue and interaction with and about texts.
Room: Ravel
CultureReady Basics
Leila Harriss
Today’s global economy requires military and civilian personnel, from the Department of Defense (DoD) and other government organizations, to interact and build relationships with individuals from other cultures to promote security and stability (Rasmussen, Sieck, & Duran, 2015). To prepare personnel for the range of interactions they might experience, an easy-to-navigate, accessible training tool that allows learners to develop general cross-cultural competence as well as region-specific culture and language skills is needed. Utilizing a blended learning approach, CultureReady Basics’ interactive design navigates learners through an exploratory, cultural scenario based on the actual experiences of people who worked, studied, or deployed to other countries; rich didactic content providing important facts, information, and examples to help learners understand each competency at a deeper level; and a deliberate practice exercise that allows learners to apply what they learned in the lesson. To further support knowledge acquisition and retention, learners also have the opportunity to assess their cultural and language knowledge and skills through a series of targeted questions and reflection prompts.
Room: Tchaikovsky
Exploring the Various Learning Spaces of a Technology-enhanced Classroom
Melanie Wong
The following presentation discusses the findings from an ethnographic case study (Duff, 2008; Heath and Street, 2008) of a grade 6 technology-enhanced classroom. The findings from this study indicate that in K-12 technology-enhanced classrooms students move between a variety of learning spaces and engage in rich literacy practices (e.g., watching YouTube videos and Snapchatting with peers). The boundaries are never clear and often invisible. The results from this study have significant implications for K-12 educators, researchers and policy makers.
Room: Brahms
Less Commonly Taught Languages Partnership: Innovating LCTL Instruction through Technology
Emily Heidrich, Koen Van Gorp and Luca Giupponi
This presentation will discuss the Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTLs) Partnership, a grant-funded project in which historically under-enrolled and under-supported LCTL online courses are developed, taught, and distributed collaboratively through the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) using a course sharing model. Transitioning LCTL courses online presents many logistical challenges, especially considering that most LCTL instructors have never participated in any kind of online learning experience – let alone taught online. The onboarding and professional development of instructors facilitated by different technological tools will be discussed as a way to advance online LCTL courses.
Awards Ceremony and Member Business Meeting
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
CALICO Social Quest
5:45 pm
This year, CALICO is once again offering a social event on Friday afternoon/evening. This time, in keeping with the maker theme of the conference, and with the help of a CASLS team spearheaded by Julie Sykes, Stephanie Knight, and Christopher Daradics in collaboration with Sébastien Dubriel, we will play together in Montreal. A special thanks to Natallia and Denis Liakina for their help as well!
Linguists and Ghost Hunters Unite! The ghost of fur baron Simon McTavish is stirring, and it is up to the CALICO 2019 attendees to learn how to communicate with him. Join us in a mixed reality hunt, and race against the clock to save Montreal from McTavish’s impending terror.