Book Series Call for Chapter Proposals
CALICO Journal Book Series: Advances in CALL Research and Practice (https://calico.org/book-series/)
Call for Chapter Proposals
Book title: Project-based Language Learning and CALL: Theory and Practice
Editors: Michael Thomas Ph.D. and Kasumi Yamazaki Ph.D.
This book is a timely edited collection that aims to be the first substantive scholarly book on project-based and cross-curricular language learning using digital technologies. The book will include a) new empirical research on project-based language learning utilizing CALL technologies and b) conceptual and theoretical chapters that address new methodological approaches for researching project-based and cross-curricular language learning in digitally-mediated learning environments. This dual focus distinguishes the volume from previous books on project-based learning in which digital technologies have not been the main focus. CALL research involving a variety of languages will also be encouraged.
The book is timely in that, inspired by OECD reports and curriculum reforms in several countries, a repositioning and re-evaluation of foreign language education in school-based education has been taking place in which foreign language learning is taught in a multi-disciplinary approach involving an emphasis on collaborative literacies, including problem-solving, civic engagement and telecollaboration. In this mix, language learning, particularly driven by developments in CLIL (content and integrated language learning), is being taught as one of several disciplines in a way that firmly emphasizes communication and creativity rather than a traditional functional approach.
The volume aims to make important contributions on a range of themes that are central to the work of classroom teachers and course and materials designers, as well as researchers in the field. Chapters will explore how project-based approaches utilising CALL encourage teachers and learners to:
- engage in creative forms of language learning both within and outside of traditional classrooms;
- connect with other disciplines and teach languages through the medium of culture and other school and university subjects;
- critically explore the potential and limitations of digital technologies alongside cross-curricular forms of instruction;
- strategically rethink the role and positionality of language learning in the school and university curriculum.
Further to exploring the way project-based language learning is currently being used in classrooms and its potential to enrich multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to teaching and learning, chapter authors will consider a variety of concerns and challenges affecting the teaching and learning of foreign languages. In terms of pedagogy, the volume aims to investigate current instructional methods, including among other topics, learning strategies, feedback, different types of peer assessment and mentoring. At the institutional level, the book aims to investigate teacher resilience and readiness in relation to technology, managing curriculum change and quality assurance and assessment, and to do so by encouraging critical approaches to technology education and normalised approaches to foreign language learning.
The book also aims to explore how telecollaborative projects involving language learners and teachers in different geographical locations and cultures are using collaborative forms of cross-curricular learning with different delivery methods. We will aim for geographical coverage of current developments in PBL as well as examining how it is or may be used in development contexts in Africa, the Middle East, South America and Asia and encourage chapter authors to submit collaborative chapters that draw on funded projects and research that addresses an impact, transdisciplinary, social and critical agenda with respect to CALL.
As part of the first stage, prospective authors are required to submit a 300 to 500 word abstract/expression of interest for their intended chapter, outlining its main concerns and methodology. The dates and timeline are shown below:
- 300 to 500 word abstracts/expression of interest due: 1st July 2019
- Notification of acceptance to proceed to chapter stage: 15th July 2019
- First draft of chapters due: 15th December 2019
- First stage peer review: January to February 2020
- Final manuscripts due: May 2020
- Final publication: Spring 2021
Authors are required to submit their abstracts/expressions of interest to both editors by email (MThomas4@uclan.ac.uk) and (Kasumi.Yamazaki@utoledo.edu) as a MS Word attachment (Times New Roman, 11pt, single spaced) including a title for their chapter and 50 word biography of each author, as well as contact details. All submissions will undergo double blind peer review prior to acceptance.
Kasumi Yamazaki Ph.D. is Assistant Professor of Japanese in the Department of World Languages & Cultures. Her research focuses on a wide range of contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) pedagogy and integration, namely, the use of 3D simulation games and virtual realities (VRs), the development of intelligent CALL (ICALL) systems, and the effectiveness of hybrid teaching curricula. Her areas of expertise include Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Japanese Language Pedagogy, English as a Second Language (ESL) Pedagogy. Dr Yamazaki currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of Technology in Language & Teaching and Learning.
Michael Thomas Ph.D. is a Professor in the School of Language and Global Studies at the University of Central Lancashire, UK and Principal Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. He is the author or editor of over thirty books and peer reviewed special editions and founding editor of four book series, including Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching (Bloomsbury Academic), Digital Education and Learning (Palgrave Macmillan US), and Global Policy and Critical Futures in Education (Palgrave Macmillan, US, with Jeffrey R. Di Leo). Among his other books are Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning (2012) (with Mark Warschauer and Hayo Reinders) and Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning (2008).