Digital Literacies in Language Education


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Digital Literacies in Foreign and Second Language Education

Editors: Janel Pettes Guikema and Lawrence Williams

ISBN: 978-0-9891208-9-0

Chapter Information

Janel Pettes Guikema
Lawrence Williams
Ch. 1 Heather Lotherington
Natalia Ronda
2B or Not 2B? From Pencil to Multimodal Programming: New Frontiers in Communicative Competencies
Ch. 2 Lawrence Williams
Lee B. Abraham
Evan D. Bostelmann
A Survey-driven Study of the Use of Digital Tools for Language Learning and Teaching 
Ch. 3 Silvia Benini
Liam Murray
Challenging Prensky’s Characterization of Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants in a Real-World Classroom Setting
Ch. 4 Juan Pablo Jiménez-Caicedo
María Eugenia Lozano
Ricardo L. Gómez
Agency and Web 2.0 in Language Learning: A Systematic Analysis of Elementary Spanish Learners’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Motivations about the Use of Blogs for the Development of L2 Literacy and Language Ability
Ch. 5 Malgorzata Kurek
Mirjam Hauck
Closing the Digital Divide: A Framework for Multiliteracy Training
Ch. 6 Lilian Mina
Enacting Identity through Multimodal Narratives: A Study of Multilingual Students
Ch. 7 Jonathon Reinhardt
Chantelle Warner
Kristin Lange
Digital Games as Practices and Texts: New Literacies and Genres in an L2 German Classroom
Ch. 8 Ana Oskoz
Idoia Elola
Integrating Digital Stories in the Writing Class: Toward a 21st-Century Literacy
Ch. 9 Carl S. Blyth  Exploring the Affordances of Digital Social Reading for L2 Literacy: The Case of eComma
Ch. 10 Maarit Mutta
Sanna Pelttari
Leena Salmi
Aline Chevalier
Marjut Johansson
Digital Literacy in Academic Language Learning Contexts: Developing Information-seeking Competence
Ch. 11 Martine Peters
Mary Frankoff
New Literacy Practices and Plagiarism: A Study of Strategies for Digital Scrapbooking
Ch. 12 Janel Pettes Guikema
Mandy R. Menke
Preparing Future Foreign Language Teachers: The Role of Digital Literacies

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Publication Type

.epub, .mobi, .pdf, Print


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