Volume 13: Learner Interactions Online


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Researching Language Learner Interactions Online: From Social Media to MOOCs

Editors: Edward Dixon and Michael Thomas

ISBN: 978-0-9963165-0-7

Chapter Information

Ch. 1 Edward Dixon
Michael Thomas
Ch. 2 Dana Milstein Pancake People, Throwaway Culture, and En Media Res Practices: A New Era of Distance Foreign Language Learning 
Ch. 3 Alice Chik English Language Teaching Apps: Reconceptualizing Learners, Parents, and Teachers
Ch. 4 Timothy Lewis
Anna Comas-Quinn
Mirjam Hauck
Clustering, Collaboration, and Community: Sociality at Work in a cMOOC
Ch. 5 Fernando Rubio The Role of Interaction in MOOCs and Traditional Technology-Enhanced Language Courses
Ch. 6 Edward Dixon
Carolin Fuchs 
Face to Face, Online, or MOOC–How the Format Impacts Content, Objectives, Assignments, and Assessments
Ch. 7 Vickie Karasic
Anu Vedantham
Video Creation Tools for Language Learning: Lessons Learned
Ch. 8 Michael Thomas Researching Machinima in Project-Based Language Learning: Learner-Generated Content in the CAMELOT Project
Ch. 9 Yuka Akiyama  Task-Based Investigations of Learner Perceptions: Affordances of Video-Based eTandem Learning
Ch. 10 Ilona Vandergriff Exercising Learner Agency in Forum Interactions in a Profesionally Moderated Language Learning Networking Site
Ch. 11 Motoko I. Christensen
Mark Christensen
Language Learner Interaction in Social Network Site Virtual Worlds
Ch. 12 Geraldine Blattner
Amanda Dalola
Lara Lomicka
Tweetsmarts: A Pragmatic Analysis of Well Known Native French Speaker Tweeters
Ch. 13 Theresa Schenker Telecollaboration for Novice Language Learners–Negotiation of Meaning in Text Chats between Nonnative and Native Speakers
Ch. 14 Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta
Learning On-The-Go in Institutional Telecollaboration: Anthropological Perspectives on the Boundaries of Digital Spaces
Ch. 15 Marie-Thérèse Batardière Examining Cognitive Presence in Students’ Asynchronous Online Discussions
Ch. 16 Kelsey D. White Orientations and Access to German-Speaking Communities in Virtual Environments
Ch. 17 Megan Case Language Students’ Personal Learning Environments Through an Activity Theory Lens
Ch. 18 Bonnie Youngs
Sarah Moss-Horwitz
Elizabeth Snyder
Educational Data Mining for Elementary French On-line: A Descriptive Study
Ch. 19 Stephanie Link
Zhi Li
Understanding Online Interaction Through Learning Analytics: Defining a Theory-Based Research Agenda

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