Immersive Realities
Welcome to the Immersive Realities SIG! We are interested in how technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Virtual Worlds (VWs), Augmented Reality (AR), and more can enhance the language teaching and learning processes.

We put out a newsletter every couple of months and occasionally meet virtually, either via videoconference or in other immersive platforms, to discuss topics in the field or just to socialize.
Here are some ways to connect with the SIG and be included:
Registration form to add your name to the roster of SIG members:
Facebook Page:
Please contact the chair if you are interested in receiving our newsletter, participating in our online events, or adding a resource to our website!
Denis Uebiyev, Current Chair (
Carla Consolini, Associate Chair (
Tricia Thrasher, Past Chair (
Kevin Papin (, Regina Kaplan-Rakowski (, Randall Sadler ( &
Thom Thibeault (, Ancient Chairs