• Conference

    CALICO 2025

    Converging Realities and Realms of Possibility May 27-31, 2025, San Diego State University, San Diego (CA) Theme We are thrilled to announce CALICO 2025, to be held in San Diego, California, May 27–31, 2025, hosted by the Language Acquisition Resource Center at San Diego State University.  San Diego County is home to speakers of over 40 languages and from more than 130 countries. With millions of people moving between the US and Mexico each year, the San Diego–Tijuana metropolitan area is the busiest land-border crossing in the world. Inspired by this dynamic backdrop and by the vibrant linguistic and intercultural encounters that take place in this region, our conference theme…

  • Conference

    CALICO 2024

    Confluences and Connections: Bridging Industry and Academia in CALL May 21-25, 2024, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh (PA) Theme The CALICO 2024 Conference welcomed our members in Pittsburgh, PA, the ‘City of Bridges’!  With its iconic spans symbolizing connectivity and progress, and its rivers joining in a spectacular confluence, Pittsburgh served as the perfect backdrop for this event.  Home to renowned academic institutions (Carnegie Mellon University, Pitt), industry leaders in technology-enhanced learning (Duolingo) and educational games (Schell Games), as well as community networks of innovative educators (Remake Learning), Pittsburgh is a place to explore confluences and make connections. Against the ever-evolving landscape of technology-enhanced language learning (TELL), our 2024 conference explored…

  • Conference

    2024 Poster and Showcase Sessions

    Thursday, May 23 Unveiling Digital Identities: EFL Academics’ Agency in Constructing Online PresenceMaha Altheyabi This study explores the evolving landscape of digital identity among English Language Teaching (ELT) academics, emphasizing the essential role of online presence and behavior in our interconnected world. EFL academics must adapt to the digital sphere to enhance their professional reputation, networking, and development. However, this transition presents challenges related to language and culture. Through digital engagement, including social media, academics manage their identity, connect with peers, and promote expertise. Yet, this digital journey poses risks, demanding the control of content to safeguard credibility. In the context of highly regulated Saudi academia, this study examines personal…

  • Conference

    2024 Regular and Panel Sessions

    Thursday, May 23 Session One Navigating the Ethical Landscape of ChatGPT and Fostering Critical Thinking and Digital Citizenship in Language Teaching and LearningColum Yip, Sunao Fukunaga This action research examines the ethical use of ChatGPT in writing instruction at a Japanese university. We held an 11-week workshop on critical digital literacy (Bacalja et al., 2021), academic integrity, and the utilization of ChatGPT as a writing aid. Our quantitative and qualitative results indicate that students were satisfied with the grammar and audience awareness feedback provided by ChatGPT but found the content feedback to be inconsistent. Overall, students felt confident in their ability to use ChatGPT ethically but emphasized a critical need…

  • Conference

    Conference 2023: Regular and Panel Sessions

    Thursday, June 8 Panel Presentation AI-based Tools and Instructed Language Learning: What Role Should They Play? Robert Godwin-Jones, Carl Blyth, Kimberly Vinall, Emily Hellmich and Mandy Lau Tools powered by artificial intelligence are all around us, but their use in the classroom has been controversial. This panel will explore advantages and pitfalls of integrating AI tools into instructed SLA, focusing on the following: machine translation, voice assistants, and immersive technologies. Neural-network-based AI tools offer powerful tools, but concerns include implied/embedded socio-political orientations, native speakerism, and limited diversity in data collection/analysis. Ethics and authenticity/originality highlight pedagogical issues. The panelists, drawing from both experimental studies and theory-based analysis, will address practical uses…

  • Conference

    CALICO conference

    The annual conference of CALICO is our main event, and can be anytime from spring break to July, depending upon the available time of the host institution. Our conference typically lasts five days, and consists of hands-on workshops, plenary speakers, regular paper sessions, poster sessions and tech demonstrations, special interest group meetings, our awards ceremony, and social events. We typically meet face to face, but there are options for online participation, too. Upcoming conferences Past conferences

  • Conference

    2023 Conference Workshops, Plenary Speakers, Technology Showcase Presentations and Poster Presentations

    Tuesday, June 6 — Workshops An Introduction to Virtual Reality Social Environments and Language Learning Conducted by: Randall Sadler This ½ day workshop will introduce educators to VR for language learning. First, a brief introduction of VR and how it has been shown to improve language learning will be given (Stage 1). Then, attendees will be taught how to use Meta Quest 2 VR headsets (Stage 2), which will be provided by the presenters. Stage 3 will introduce participants to 7 existing free social VR spaces with pedagogical potential for language teaching. All participants will be given access to a website with full tutorials for the various apps, lesson ideas,…

  • Conference

    2022 Sessions

    Jump to Friday, Jump to Plenary, Jump to Saturday Thursday, June 2 Using Eye-Tracking to Measure Cognitive Engagement with Feedback in a Digital Literacy Game Matthew Pattemore, University of Barcelona; Roger Gilabert Feedback is a key element of the learning process, and the investigation of how language learners engage with different types of feed- back in an automated, digital context such as Digital Game-Based Language Learning is an important topic. Eye-tracking can provide an objective window into these cognitive processes, allowing us to see what players focus on when feedback is given. We investigated 19 Spanish-Catalan 11-year-olds playing 4 EFL literacy minigames to see how they attended to two different…

  • Conference

    2022 Workshops, Opening Plenary, Posters

    Jump to Poster   Jump to Opening Plenary   Jump to Showcase Tuesday, May 31 Workshops Critical Thinking, Task Engagement, and Learning with Educational Escape Rooms Conducted by: Joy Egbert, Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni, Sandra Mina-Herrera, Estephanie López Contreras, Rose Maleki and Sarah Movius An educational escape room is a team-based, f2f experience with digital support. During an escape, participants interact with language and content in order to solve puzzles and reach a goal within a time limit. Educational escape rooms can address task engagement, critical thinking, and focused learning. This workshop will provide a pedagogical framework, involve participants in an escape, and show them why and how to build their own. Handouts:…