• Publications

    Call for Proposals: CALICO Book Series, Spring 2026

    CALICO is now soliciting proposals for the next volume in the Advances in CALL Research and Practice book series to be published in Spring 2026. The volume may be a single-authored monograph or edited volume and may treat any topic related to the field of CALL. Proposals should include the following information: Proposals should be submitted as a Word document to steph.link@okstate.edu no later than September 15, 2023. Final chapters must be submitted to Equinox no later than August 30, 2025. You can find more information about the series here: https://www.equinoxpub.com/home/advances-call-research-practice/ The 2026 volume will be the tenth book in the new series. Previous volumes include: 2016 Landmarks in CALL…

  • Membership,  News

    Graduate Student SIG Newsletter Spring 2021

    Our graduate student special interest group chair has been hard at work putting together events for our graduate students, like the panel in January on alternate career paths for PhDs.  She’s also produced this very informative newsletter that should be of interest to all CALICO members.   Grad Student SIG – Newletter – Issue 6 – February, 2021

  • News,  Publications

    Call for Chapter Proposals, Book Series

    CALICO Book Series: Advances in CALL Research and Practice (https://calico.org/book-series/) CALL FOR CHAPTER PROPOSALS 2022 CALICO Book Title: IDENTITY, MULTILINGUALISM, AND CALL Chapter Proposals due – August 1, 2020Guest Editor: Liudmila Klimanova, Ph.D. Interest in digital multilingual identity in the fields of applied linguistics and language education has been growing exponentially in recent years, encompassing new variables and realities of life, such as translanguaging, heightened multilingualism, linguistic superdiversity, multimodal computer-mediated communication, and even social justice and forensics (e.g., Chiang & Grant, 2018; Grant & Macleod, 2016). New theoretical assumptions and recent global challenges urge us to problematize the construct of virtual identity (Kramsch, 2009) in the face of globalization, increased…