Program Schedule 2018

Thursday, May 31

Thursday, May 31, 8:30am – 9:00am

Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Mentoring Program for Online Language Teachers

Christopher Hromalik, Kathryn Murphy-Judy, Julio Rodriguez, Victoria Russell, Ruslan Suvorov

This session reports on the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of a mentoring program for online language teachers. This mentoring program is offered by the ACTFL Distance Learning SIG and the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC), with support from the BOLDD Collaboratory that was involved in developing one of the sets of online materials. We will describe the collaborative process of creating the program, demonstrate the TED-Ed lessons and digital badges, and report on the Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 pilots before the official launch of the program in Fall 2018 for all of ACTFL’s 12,000 members.

Beyond the Classroom: The Effects of Online Face-to-Face Interaction with Native Speakers and Traditional Classroom Interaction on the Development of Intercultural Competence

Antonio Pérez-Núñez

This study compares the effects of (1) online face-to-face interaction with native speakers and (2) traditional classroom interaction on the development of intercultural competence of students of Spanish enrolled in a conversation course. Participants (N=22) completed a 39-item questionnaire that gathered information on their (a) attitudes, (b) knowledge (c) intercultural skills and (d) cultural awareness as a result of the treatment (i.e., online face-to-face interaction with native speakers). A pre-posttest comparison showed significant differences in the group that engaged in online interaction regarding their attitudes, knowledge and intercultural skills, whereas only differences in knowledge were found in the control group.

Differences between Synchronous and Asynchronous EFL Collaborative Writing

Quang Nam Pham

With the differences in the natures of collaboration between Google Docs (synchronous) and Wikis (asynchronous), it is assumed that EFL students may exhibit distinct patterns of engagement when they collaboratively complete writing tasks in these two platforms. Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and Scaffolding serve as a theoretical framework to explore how EFL students’ writing processes take place in different Web 2.0 environments. Data are analyzed based on the concepts of language-related episodes (LREs), types of contribution (language-related and non-language-related), scaffolding strategies and peer interaction model. Mixed results are presented and implications discussed.

“It’s like The Magic School Bus!”: Learner Perception and Attitudes toward a 3D Virtual World Based Japanese as a Foreign Language (JFL) Curriculum

Kasumi Yamazaki

This presentation delves into a comprehensive longitudinal study that scrutinizes the efficacy of utilizing a 3D virtual world to teach Japanese as a Foreign Language. From the fall of 2014 to the fall of 2017, our subjects, totaling 25 participants, enrolled in an advanced conversation class wholly conducted in Meet-Me. This 3D platform was, at that time, analogous to offshore sportsbooks in its popularity and its cutting-edge approach to engagement—offering an immersive, interactive experience much sought-after in Japan.

Our core aim here is to dissect and appraise the students’ learning journeys, their perspectives, and their stances towards their involvement in this digital setting. The qualitative data we’ll scrutinize stems from a trifecta of sources: a detailed 20-item Likert scale survey, one-on-one interviews, and an array of in-class written exercises. These tools serve not just to measure educational outcomes but to gauge the comprehensive learner experience, much as a review of offshore sportsbooks would assess the overall user experience beyond just the odds and payouts.

Exploring Narcofútbol in Colombia: A Study of Students’ Perceptions of Virtual Reality

Claire Mitchell

This presentation reports on learners’ perceptions of a virtual reality project conducted in two advanced-level Spanish courses. Learners (n=43) worked in groups of two or three with Seekbeak (a virtual reality website) to create a virtual tour of Medellín, Colombia based on content related to narcofútbol (the involvement of drug money in Colombian soccer). Adopting an iterative approach to data analysis (Charmaz, 2006), qualitative data collected from pre- and post-task questionnaires as well as post-task focus groups provide insight into learners’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges of the virtual reality project along with a number of pedagogical implications.

Blended Learning and Online Coaching: Differences of Instructional Interventions in the Self-assessment of Fluency and Class Participation

Frances Matos-Schultz, Adolfo Carrillo Cabello

This presentation will present results of a study that analyzes how online conversation coaching sessions impact learner’s self-assessment ratings of fluency and class participation, and how these ratings relate to instructor’s ratings of these categories in four self-selected sections of an advanced- beginner first year Spanish course at the University of Minnesota. We will discuss how consideration of self-assessment influences the assessment process in view of Dynamic Assessment practices and will address the implications of online coaching in blended learning.

At First I was Nervous, but Now I’m Fine: International Teaching Exchange and Individual Teachers’ CALL Knowledge and Beliefs Development

Jeffrey Maloney

This paper focuses on the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) program. Using a qualitative, multiple case study design I investigate the beliefs and knowledge growth of CALL for seven FLTAs throughout their one-year assignments in the USA. I adopt the Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework to examine knowledge gains in using CALL. FLTA’s beliefs concerning technology’s affordances changed and knowledge of CALL use increased. However, adoption of technologies was widely varied. I outline strategies for creating a structured training program to help FLTAs leverage their experiences in the United States to improve CALL practice in their home contexts.

Thursday, May 31, 9:15am – 9:45am

Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in the Informal Digital Learning of English (IDLE) Context: Tertiary EFL Students’ Perspectives

Ju Seong Lee

This study examined L2 learners’ willingness to communicate (WTC)—specifically, among Korean EFL learners taking part in an informal digital learning of English (IDLE) environment. Findings indicate that sociopolitical variables (i.e., L2 communication practice and social anxiety), contextual variables (i.e., familiarity with interlocutors and communities), and an individual variable (i.e., L2 self-confidence) are major sources of influence on participants’ L2 WTC. Additionally, these five variables interplayed simultaneously during L2 communication in the IDLE context. Along with suggestions for pedagogical implications, this study will broaden current knowledge of L2 WTC beyond the classroom by using an emergent dynamic model of L2 WTC in the IDLE context.

The Globalization of Teacher Training: The Development of a Global Online Course in Technology and Language Education


Kim Becker, Liberato Silva dos Santos, Ananda Muhammad, Volker Hegelheimer

Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) may be viewed as being beyond the reach of many practitioners in low resource environments because of its dependence on access to technology. However, for CALL to have a global impact, training teachers and teacher trainers in low-resource environments is essential. In this presentation, we outline the development of an eight-week global online course on the use of educational technology in language learning and teaching for the American English E-Teacher Program supported by the U.S. Department of State. The course has gone through four iterations and been delivered to 300 participants all over the world.

Using Technology-mediated PBLL to Promote Social Justice


Jesse Gleason, Ruslan Suvorov

The goal of this research project was to explore Spanish learners’ perceptions of the effectiveness of technology-mediated project-based language learning (PBLL) for fostering their awareness of social justice and learning Spanish. This technology-enhanced PBLL experience was designed and implemented in an introductory-level Spanish course to develop students’ critical multiliteracies in Spanish and in English and to raise their awareness of issues around social justice by using the four key areas (i.e., identity, diversity, justice and action) of the Standards for Teaching Social Justice from Teaching Tolerance (

Practice and Issues of Flipping Learning with Overseas University in English Learning – From a Viewpoint of Self-Regulated Learning

Yumiko Abe, Mikael Hood, James Elwood

Research has shown that self-regulation correlates positively to academic achievement. Students who are able to self-regulate tend to be more motivated to plan, organize, and self-monitor than students who do not self-regulate (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990). Kosnin (2007) found that self-regulation is a strong predictor of academic success in college. The purpose of study is to investigate the relationship between motivation and self-regulation, and the outcomes of a self-regulated flipped learning system in a CSCL setting. In addition, we investigate how learner characteristics (e.g., gender, nationality) influence learning outcomes in such contexts.

Interactive Fiction for Second Language Learners Collection

Jeremy Robinson

This presentation will explore the creation of a collection of Interactive Fiction stories aimed at Second Language Learners. Interactive Fiction refers to stories which allow the reader freedom to choose the paths and outcome of the story. The creation of the stories in the collection began as an initiative of the Culpeper Language Learning Center at Gustavus Adolphus College in the Spring of 2017 and continues as additional stories are produced. This presentation will share rationale for creation of the collection, experiences thus far, and a call for participation in this project from other individuals and institutions.

The Scrolling Cloze for Quick Assessment of Reading Level

Thomas Robb

The scrolling cloze activity, developed by the author, shows promise as a quick method to ascertain students\’ general reading level over a wide range of abilities from A1 through C2 on the CEFR scale. Students view a moving script of a brief paragraph, or common collocational phrases with colored \”?\” and then click on the appropriate colored tile choices of the 10 presented before the \”?\” scrolls off the screen. The results to date correlate at greater than 0.70 with the TOEFL IBT. The activity takes less than 15 minutes to complete and can be used free of charge.

Thursday, May 31, 10:00am – 10:30am

Automating Elicited Imitation for Spoken Practice in German L2: Task Design, Speech Recognition, and Language Models


Frederik Cornillie, Dirk De Hertog, Kristof Baten

This talk reports on a study that examined the potential of oral elicited imitation (OEI) from the perspective of pedagogy and language technology. The design of the OEI activity was inspired by Input Processing (VanPatten, 2004) and required German L2 learners to process spoken stimuli for meaning through a picture-matching task before repeating the stimuli. The study recruited learners from beginner to upper-intermediate proficiency levels in order to obtain a potentially wide range of semantic, syntactic, and phonological variation, compared two state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition tools, and developed language models with a view to automating OEI for spoken language practice.

Total Immersive English Language and Intercultural Learning with Web 2.0 and VR

Meei-Ling Liaw

This study explores the feasibility of integrating cutting edge-technologies, including Web 2.0 and VR tools, into an EFL course to facilitate university students’ oral language skills and intercultural learning. Drawn from sociocultural views, learning tasks involving uses of different types of technological tools were designed. The tasks allowed students to scaffold the learning of specific oral language tasks in which they would engage in during intercultural telecollaboration with a class of university students in Canada. Based on findings, advantages and pitfalls of using Web 2.0 and VR tools to create immersive language and intercultural learning environments will be discussed.

Tools for Telecollaboration: Suggestions for Success

Randall Sadler, Melinda Dooly

The use of telecollaboration in the language teaching process has been steadily increasing, and educators now have access to a wide variety of communication tools to enhance the telecollaborative process. However, assessing the relative quality and usability of these resources—particularly considering the many hundreds that may be found—is often a challenge. Based on fourteen years of telecollaborative projects, the presenters will share a numbers of CMC tools that have proven to be successful in both teacher-training and student-to-student telecollaboration, and will include illustrations of how they have been used by the researchers with the groups mentioned above.

E-feedback and Teacher Cognition

Estela Ene

This presentation explores the alignment between teacher perception and actual use of teacher e-feedback in ESL composition classes at a US university. E-feedback given on papers and in online chats are analyzed in light of teachers’ stated feedback priorities. Implications for implementing effective electronic feedback are discussed.

Panel Presentation 10:00-11:15

Research with Language Teaching and Learning Technologies

Oksana Vorobel, Greg Kessler, Shannon Sauro, Bryan Smith

This panel, sponsored by the CALICO LTLT SIG, will offer a forum on research with language teaching and learning technologies. Through facilitated discussion, the panelists will reflect on their research experiences, “connecting CALL’s past to its future.” Specifically, the panelists will present their recent research with language teaching and learning technologies, talk about challenges they have encountered, and share their advice for scholars who would like to conduct research with language teaching and learning technologies. The moderated part of the panel presentation will be followed by an open question and answer session.

Thursday, May 31, 10:45-11:15

Mobile Social Media: Enhancing Intercultural Competence in ESL Community Engagement

Ellen Yeh, Svetlana Mitric, Matt Stockman

This presentation reports how the use of mobile social media within a learners-as-ethnographers approach enhances language learners’ intercultural competence. Previous research has focused primarily on dominant-culture/language students serving culturally and linguistically different populations. Limited research has investigated ESL learners as active agents serving in the local communities in the U.S. or using mobile social media to develop their language acquisition and intercultural competence. The current study aims at narrowing this gap by developing 21st century literacies through community engagement. The findings reveal that community engagement is an unexplored pedagogy for intercultural competence and language learning and implications will be discussed.

LUCIOLE, an English Listening Comprehension Learning Game for 6-9 Year Olds

Mathieu Loiseau, Coralie Payre-Ficout, Marie-Pierre Jouannaud, Adrea Soh, Anne Blavot

Despite reticences among school teachers, due mainly to a lack of confidence in their own oral proficiency (Delasalle 2008, 376), French official instructions demand that children “train their ear to the sounds of a new language” (MEN 2015, 29) as early as CP (1st grade — 6 year olds). Indeed, studies have shown that French learners display more difficulties in listening comprehension skills than their European counterparts (European Commission 2012). Influenced by input-based foreign language acquisition theories (Krashen 1982; Bybee 2008), LUCIOLE aims to be an aid for English listening comprehension by providing language activities based on native speakers recordings.

Using iPad minis to Enact Affordances for Constructive Feedback and Self-reflection as Preservice Teachers Embark on a Teaching Journey in Tanzania

Stella Hadjistassou, Chris Allen

In this study, we introduce an initiative where pre-service teachers enrolled in a Swedish university completed their third practical teaching experience in Tanzania. iPad minis were used to record pre-service teachers’ teaching practice and the videos were uploaded on the Moodle VLE. The aim of the study was to address the following research questions: (1) What is the role of the iPad mediated sessions in enacting affordances for constructive feedback? (2) What kind of feedback strategies does the experienced instructor provide to students? (3) What role can the iPad mediated recordings play in helping pre-service teachers reflect on their teaching practice?

Evolving Classrooms: Promoting Collaborative Language Learning in Computer Labs


Cassandra Rosado, John Kotnarowski

The research on how to promote active collaboration by language students in a computer lab is limited. This presentation outlines efforts to design a flexible learning space that promotes active student collaboration within the confines of a static computer classroom. Instructors were given the opportunity to design their ideal classroom layout using Google Drawing and reflected on the pros and cons of various layouts while contemplating the need for and merit of new classroom technology and furniture. Presenters will offer participants insight into how to facilitate the process of reimagining a language classroom along with possible “ideal” layouts to consider.

Word Games: Gamification to Motivate Student Vocabulary Use in Intermediate-level French Writing

Abigail Stahl, Elizabeth Weber

We present a gamified vocabulary activity designed to encourage intermediate French students to incorporate current vocabulary into their writing by introducing elements of competition and fun. In a previous study, we established that students tend to rely on online word searches instead of using the textbook vocabulary lists, which are tailored to each writing topic and are level-appropriate. We turned to gamification within the writing process as a way to entice students to use the most appropriate resources. Preliminary results show student engagement in the game and success in directing their attention to the target vocabulary.

Connecting Second Language Developmental Stages to Automated Essay Scoring

Travis Moore, Robert Reynolds

Automated essay scoring (AES) systems are growing in popularity in ESL contexts as they reduce the costs associated with rating written discourse. AES relies on indirect proxies of writing proficiency to provide scores, but Vajjala (2016) notes that little has been researched on which linguistic features improve accuracy. Since the interlanguage development of English negation follows predictable stages (Ortega, 2014), we extracted and encoded nearly 5,000 instances of this feature from a corpus of 3,600 human-rated ESL essays. While improvement in AES accuracy was small, a novel ordering of the stages not previously described in SLA research emerged.

Thursday, May 31, 11:30am – 12:00pm

Using Instagram to Investigate the Role of Social Presence in Intermediate Level Language Classes


Lara Lomicka, Fabrizio Fornara

Recent research indicates that Instagram is becoming more popular in classrooms (Al-Ali, 2014; Barbosa et al., 2017; Hoy, 2016; Whiddon, 2016), and there are numerous project descriptions for its use. However, few studies have examined content-based outcomes of Instagram. We attempt to investigate the pedagogical value of Instagram on the development of students\’ social presence in the language classroom. Students in intermediate university level French and Italian classes used Instagram for six weeks to reply to questions posted by the instructor to engage in interaction with classmates. This research looks at how students establish a community of inquiry (Rourke et al., 1999), and develop social presence in posts.

Correlating Game Design Mechanics with Language Learning: The Role of Involvement

Jonathon Reinhardt, Samantha Edmiston

This project examines connections between digital game involvement – narrative, tactical, affective, and social – and language learning. Results of a pilot study using an interactive fiction game will inform the design of a future experimental game that will isolate particular mechanics associated with involvement types and test their relationship to specific learning outcomes. It is hypothesized that the game language a player must understand in order to make various game choices will lead to the noticing and learning of that language, but that it depends on how the associated mechanic is tied to involvement level.

Make waves! Contributing to the Future of CALL by Surfing through the Past

Stephanie Link, Kelly Cunningham

In this presentation, we offer a systematic exploration into the recent history of our field. By dissecting over 500 publications from the last ten years of CALL, we show the development of a broad, diverse, and ever-growing body of research that draws on interdisciplinary connections, international contexts, and increasingly interconnected patterns of collaboration. Using bibliometrics, we surf through this large body of research to understand the wealth of possibilities CALL offers in efforts to turn our research and practice into waves of knowledge progression in our field.

Speaking Up for World Languages: Advocacy, JNCL, and Your Voice

Betty Rose Facer

This presentation will focus on the most pressing issues surrounding world languages and what language advocates from the Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL)–National Council for Languages and International Studies (NCLIS) and elected officials are doing to address them. Participants will have a better understanding of (1) the vital role JNCL-NCLIS plays in advocating for world languages, (2) the federal programs and policies that promote the study of world languages, (3) the issues critical to advancing our profession, and (4) how to join the advocacy movement and make your voice heard.

Exploring the Needs of Educators Working with Pre-School Bilingual Language Learners: The Case of Russian Language Online School Live Fairytales

PowerPoint Presentation

Albina Kayumova, Gulnara Gimaletdinova, Lilia Khalitova, Gulnara Sadykova

This report will present and discuss the results of integrating a pilot version of an online school Live Fairytales aimed at Russian language learners aged 3-5 who live outside of Russia or who grow up in multiethnic areas of Russia. Online school resources were integrated into the curricular of five sites and involved 40 children. Data sources included reports of 5 educators from research sites, interviews with 6 school developers, and results of a questionnaire for educators. Educators expressed their overall satisfaction with the school concept, audio-visual content and interactive exercises. However, length and difficulty of fairytales were questioned.

Vocab Victor: Word Learning Games for the Smartphone


Heidi Brumbaugh

This presentation introduces Vocab Victor, a smartphone app which helps learners improve their vocabulary by teaching them new words and strengthening their knowledge of the words they already know. All three of Vocab Victor’s different word learning games will be presented. We’ll also show how learners can track their progress and study their words. Vocab Victor teaches a range of vocabulary knowledge, including form, meaning, associations, and collocations. It uses intelligent computer assisted language learning techniques to adapt to the learner’s level, track their progress, and reinforce word knowledge.  The pedagogical and linguistic underpinnings of the software will be discussed.

Using Wikis to Promote Collaborative Writing in the Arabic Language Classrooms

Eman Saadah

This is a case study that reports on using wikis for collaborative writing by four small groups of L2 learners of Arabic. Participants are asked to perform four writing tasks in advanced Arabic classes. We aim to investigate the qualities of wiki group writing products by focusing on analyzing certain morphological features such as subject-verb agreement, noun-adjective agreement, and the construct state. In addition, we examine the effectiveness and dynamics of peer interactions during the writing processes. Preliminary results indicate that group interactions and peer corrective feedback have improved the quality of the writing products.

Thursday, May 31, 1:45pm – 2:15pm

The Effect of Computer-mediated Telecollaboration on EFL Learners’ Intercultural Sensitivity and Writing Proficiency

Hsieh-Jun Chen, Yun-yin Huang, Randall Sadler

This study reports on a mixed-methods research on how synchronous (written feedback and video-chat interaction) and asynchronous (written feedback only) telecollaboration facilitated EFL learners’ intercultural sensitivity and writing proficiency. Relevant analyses included probes into the communication between the Taiwanese students and US lecturers, the Intercultural Sensitivity Scale, multiple drafts of the students’ compare and contrast essays, and reflective journals. The findings reveal that while both synchronous and asynchronous feedback positively enhanced the students’ overall writing proficiency, the feedback effect regarding intercultural sensitivity was more mixed. Pedagogical implications regarding the practice of computer-mediated telecollaboration in EFL contexts are provided.

Large-group Peer Review in an Online Course

Lin Zhou

This research project studies a fully online second language writing course with ten Chinese high-school students from an ecological perspective. The focus of analysis is the large-group peer-review/peer-response activity that students engaged in for ten sessions, and the study investigates what the affordance networks (Swain, 2013) of this fully online course are and how students’ effectivity sets (Swain, 2013) were activated through the online activity.

Social Media for Social Inclusion? Barriers to Participation in Target-language Online Communities

Ellen Yeh, Nicholas Swinehart

There are many potential benefits to learners participation in target-language online communities in the “digital wilds” (Thorne, Sauro, and Smith, 2015), but little research in the factors that may limit such participation. This presentation uses data from a wider study of learner perspectives on anonymous user-generated content to investigate the degree to which learners participate in target-language online communities and the barriers that may keep them from reaching full participation. Results are used to make recommendations for learner-training programs.

Minimizing Transactional Distance: A Case Study of Web-Based Synchronous and Web-Based Asynchronous Grammar Courses

Fenfang Hwu

Transactional distance theory postulates that the essential distance in distance education is transactional, not spatial or temporal. Some researchers define this distance by four sets of variables: learner-content, learner-instructor, learner-learner, and learner-instructional technology. Even in face-to-face teaching there is some element of transactional distance. This presentation reviews the manners in which a synchronous web-based grammar course emulated the transactional distance of the face-to-face counterpart and compares achievement scores. Further, using the scale of transactional distance, it investigates students’ perception of distance in the asynchronous equivalent and the impact of various distance variables on achievement scores, perceived learning, and course satisfaction.

A Study on the Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Videos

Mingyu Sun, Hongying Xu, Remya Sarma-Traynor

This study contextualizes the use of the flipped classroom videos in Chinese instruction at three higher education institutions. The goal is to investigate the effectiveness of the videos on beginning level learner’s understanding and performance of difficult grammar points. The flipped classroom videos are created from learner perspectives. The hypothesis is that flipped classroom videos are effective in promoting student’s language proficiency. The presentation will share research results and discuss the best practices in creating flipped classroom videos, and in how to enhance in-class interactions.

The Importance of Student Oral Production and Feedback in Language Learning and Assessments: The LearningBranch Approach

Stephane Rivard

This presentation reports on how students’ speaking performance is improved by integrating oral production and interactive feedback in a mobile-enabled, web-based platform. Examples are taken from instructors’ experiences using the LearningBranch platform to deliver French, English and career training instruction in blended environments. Oral production activities include instructor-created content using audio recording, video and other media, plus automated speech recognition feedback. Instructor feedback includes precise commenting on the student’s work using audio or text, via a notification center. The opportunity to practice and the interactive feedback greatly increases the students’ motivation and performance.

Panel Presentation, 1:45pm – 3:00pm

Automatic Analysis of Complexity/Accuracy/Fluency

Robert Reynolds, Elena Cotos, Haiyang Ai, Sowmya Vajjala

Many CALL practitioners are unaware of recent developments in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that can significantly ease the burdens on both teachers and students in language-learning courses. This panel offers a practical introduction to technologies that facilitate two major tasks: 1) automatically evaluate the accuracy/fluency of a learner’s output, 2) automatically evaluate authentic texts to determine their reading level or their usefulness with regard to learning a specific grammar topic. We present a number of tools to perform these tasks, and we each present some of our own related research. (Sponsored by the ICALL SIG.)

Thursday, May 31, 2:30pm – 3:00pm

Using Virtual Reality and Google Cardboard to Enhance Cultural Awareness


Margherita Berti, Jacob Monzingo, Stefano Maranzana

This presentation reports preliminary findings collected during a virtual reality (VR) tour of Italy in which participants expressed attitudes regarding the implementation of VR and Google Cardboard in the language classroom for the development of cultural awareness. Understanding the many facets of the target culture is fundamental in language learning and being immersed in virtual environments allows students to gain insights about the target culture. Studies that have investigated the use of VR for L2 development are scarce (Lloyd, Rogerson, & Stead, 2017), thus it is crucial to understand how VR can be successfully utilized in language learning and pedagogy.

Increasing Student Engagement in Online Composition Courses


Cassandra Rosado, Leyla Lambert

One of the challenges facing students in online courses is a feeling of isolation. The online learning environment can be particularly challenging for non-native speakers who may need additional support with the linguistic, cultural and technical aspects of the course. In this session, we will share our experience of designing and teaching an online writing course for international students with a focus on strategies for increasing engagement and interaction through synchronous peer meetings, instructor conferences, instructor videos, and forums. We will share meeting agendas, forum instructions and instructional videos that can be adapted for a wide range of online courses.

Negotiating Apologies in a Virtual Spanish Class: The Impact of Explicit Pragmatics Instruction

Kimberly Morris, Rebecca Pozzi

Although apologies are a universal speech act that is crucial to the maintenance of positive social relationships, the teaching of L2 apology norms remains underexplored in literature related to computer-assisted language learning (Sykes, 2013). This study examines the impact of explicitly teaching apology strategies in an intermediate online Spanish course. Analyses of a pre/post oral elicitation task and naturalistic videochat data revealed an increased use of apology strategies among students following instruction, though some individual differences were observed. Findings suggest that apologies can be taught through an online course, resulting in more successful communication in virtual settings and beyond.

Faculty Collaboration and Mentorship for Online/Hybrid Courses

Adam Gacs, Shannon Donnally Spasova, Wenying Zhou

At Michigan State University, some language programs have experience in teaching online and hybrid courses, while others want to begin to offer them. A collaboration grant offered through the new School of Language Sciences and Literary and Cultural Studies gave an opportunity for those groups of instructors to team up to increase the types of class offerings. This presentation will discuss the lessons learned and best practices that came out of the collaboration, as well as broach the subject of innovative ways that faculty roles may be changing in an environment where hybrid and online language courses are increasingly popular.

The English Profile as a Tool for Determining the CEFR Level of L2 English Pedagogical Resources

Jack Burston

This presentation describes the English Profile, a recently released database of vocabulary and grammatical constructions found within the written production of some 333,000 Cambridge ESOL test takers, and explores its usefulness in determining the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) proficiency level of L2 English pedagogical resources. Such information is critically important for curriculum design, materials creation and selection as well as assessment. However, as will be discussed, while determining CEFR vocabulary levels with the English Profile is reasonably straightforward, working with the grammatical database is considerably more complicated and in many cases requires the subjective judgment of the investigator.

Thursday, May 31, 3:15pm – 3:45pm

Maximizing L2 Speaking Practice: Adobe Voice in Action

Angelika Kraemer

Providing students with opportunities for advancing their speaking skills is a crucial component in proficiency-oriented classrooms. Digital resources can help extend the classroom and allow students to engage with the language. This presentation showcases a project utilizing Adobe Voice for digital language learning. Students in second-semester German used iPads to create weekly projects, addressing pre-assigned topics. To identify effects of these projects on students’ speaking skills, students in the iPad section and the non-iPad control sections completed a modified SOPI as pre- and post-speaking assessments. Preliminary results indicate that students in the iPad section produced longer and more fluent speech.

“Special couriers have been dispatched to retrieve your brains” – About a Young Boy’s L2 English Encounters

Liss Kerstin Sylvén

Drawing on research into the L2 learning potential of exposure in non-instructional settings, this paper reports from a qualitative study where a Swedish boy was interviewed when he was 7 and 10 years old about his encounters with English. The presentation reveals the extent to which he spends in contact with English, and how he goes about understanding these encounters’ occasionally very demanding language. Situating this narrative within the frameworks of the interaction hypothesis (Long, 1981) and motivation theory (Dörnyei, 2009), the discussion concerns the inherent potential, and possible problems, for SLA in extramural activities among very young learners.

Ready, Steady, Spain! A Virtual Reality Training Students of Spanish Traveling Abroad

Giovanni Zimotti

The current study attempts to investigate the potential benefit of using a custom designed Virtual Reality (VR) experience to reduce the social distance between the students and the speakers of the target language. This VR experience lets the students acculturate with the Target Language (TL) culture and at the same time practice and consolidate certain pragmatics competences of Spanish in a simulated natural setting. The final goal of this experiment is to reduce the impact of culture shock once abroad and facilitate interaction between the learners and the speakers of the TL.

Exploring the Role of Automatic Speech Recognition in the L2 Classroom

Dan Nikolai

This presentation will outline the parameters and results of a small-scale study on the implementation of automatic speech recognition (ASR) software in the context of an intermediate French course. The software being evaluated was designed by the researcher to combine a web-based formative assessment tool with the power of Google Chrome\’s multilingual speech-to-text engine. By examining pre- and post-course student audio recordings and corresponding ASR transcriptions, the researcher was able to draw some initial conclusions about the efficacy of the intervention. Both the results of the study and a demonstration of the software will be presented.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Teacher E-feedback in ESL Writing

Estela Ene

Drafts with e-feedback from three teachers were collected from 70 ESL students. Synchronous e-feedback was collected from online writing conferences. We found that teachers relied on directive and metalinguistic feedback. When asynchronous and synchronous e-feedback supplemented each other, e-feedback was perceived as more usable. The study illustrates the overall usefulness of teacher e-feedback.

Panel Presentation 3:15pm – 4:30pm

FRLG Curations, OER Modules & Teletandem Project

Kathryn Murphy-Judy, Robert Godwin-Jones, Yan Gao

The presenters will discuss the evolution they have undertaken in teaching 4th-semester language from commercial textbooks to teacher-created OER to a new model centered around student-selected learning materials. The main focus will be on a department-wide initiative featuring “participatory action research\” which involves student curation of online sites/materials, with a subsequent teacher/student shaping of select materials into interactive learning modules. The project is evolving currently to add an additional collaborative dimension through teletandem participation in the curation process by partners from universities abroad. We will discuss this evolution in examples taken from teacher-authored OER, student-curated sites, and sample interactive modules.

Thursday, May 31, 4:00pm – 4:30pm

Are They Telecollaborating? A Long-term Study of Students from the Past to Teachers of Now

Jelena Marjanovic, Melinda Dooly, Randall Sadler

It is becoming increasingly common to find telecollaborative language learning projects in education. However, there are few longitudinal studies regarding the impact of these exchanges. To this aim, this presentation will discuss a long-term study on participants of a telecollaborative exchange between two teacher education courses from 2005 to 2015. Employing surveys and semi-structured online interviews, the study identifies past graduates who are currently working in education and are involved now (or in the past) in telecollaborative language teaching. Results of the longitudinal study, including the teachers’ perceptions on the impact of the telecollaborative exchange on current practices are discussed.

Issues and Strategies of Game Design for Language Learning

Mathieu Loiseau

For the past decade, Game Based Learning (GBL) has been gaining attention in the field of technology enhanced learning in general and that of CALL in particular, as could testify a dedicated issue of ReCALL in (Cornillie, Thorne, and Desmet 2012). Yet some doubts have been raised by some publications. Some doubts are methodological (Girard, Ecalle, and Magnan 2013; Jong, Lee, and Shang 2013), but the more striking could be described as “ontological” (Lavigne 2013) underlined by the “chocolate-coated broccoli” metaphor (Bruckman 1999; Söbke, Bröker, and Kornadt 2013). The game design strategy we describe here stems directly from these doubts.

Combating the Seduction of Certainty in Mobile Applications for Language Learning: Lessons Learned from the Design of LingroToGo

Stephanie Knight, Julie Sykes

Though many mobile applications designed for language learning purport to motivate language acquisition, they fail to capture the complex, dynamic nature of language. In this presentation, LingroToGo, a mobile app for Spanish learners, will be shown to distinguish itself from other applications through its functional language approach and incorporation of strategy and pragmatics instruction. The research-based pedagogical and theoretical foundation of LingroToGo thus established, this presentation will examine the various lessons learned from the app’s development. Topics covered will include the iterative process, commitment to a sound pedagogical and theoretical framework, cultivation of an engaging user experience, and marketing.

Emphasizing the Role of Ownership in Preparing Language Teachers to Use Technology

Mahmoud Amer

Language teachers are the key players of successful implementation of technology in the classroom (Hubbard, 2008); however, research shows a large number of teachers in training do not feel well prepared to use CALL technologies pedagogically (Cummings Hlas, Conroy, and Hildebrandt, 2017). This paper documents challenges teachers in training faced during a summer course in which they participated in a technology for language learning course. The presentation will show how integrating the ownership component of app creation can help students leverage their imaginations, and their long-term application of technology into the classroom.

Developing and Evaluating an Online Language Course

Liling Huang, Amber Navarre

The presentation introduces the design and the effect of the first full-fledged online Chinese language course at Boston University. The author will first discuss the course design, combining asynchronous lesson, synchronous conferencing, and self-guided exercises. By showcasing one online module, the author will introduce its pedagogical principle and address issues of assessment and academic integrity. In order to examine the effect of the online course and understand the challenges faced by online teaching, the presentation will also compare it with another section of the same course offered in a face-to-face format, designed and taught by the same teachers. Data includes students’ questionnaires, course evaluation, student performance in the tests, and interviews with the instructors.

The Games for Language Learning Database

Jeremy Robinson

This session introduces the Games for Language Learning Database which showcases numerous, hand-picked, free or low-cost games which can be used for learning languages. By the time of this presentation, the database will include games in 17 focus languages, games either designed for language learning, or games designed with other purposes and available in the target language. Each game entry includes guidelines for recommended proficiency, specific content areas addressed, instructions on how to use the game for language learning, screenshots, and other information. The session will showcase the database and explore the rational, development, and lessons learned throughout its creation.

Friday, June 1

Friday, June 1, 9:00am – 9:30am

Online Pedagogical Drama Game-Supported Second Language Writing Curriculum

Lin Zhou

This is a design-based project with an ecological, dialogical and distributed (EDD) (Linell, 2009; Newgarden & Zheng, 2016; van Lier, 2004; Thibault, 2011) theories-driven design of learning environment enriched by an online pedagogical drama game. The purpose of this research is to uncover the relationships between the activity theory (Engestrom, 2000), the EDD framework, Internet pedagogical drama game-supported second language writing curriculum, and the implementation of a seven-day curriculum, which was built on a flipped classroom setting in which participants read teacher-chosen articles about a particular topic before three-hour face-to-face sessions consisting of group discussion, a game session, and a timed-writing session.

Evolution of CALL in CALICO Journal

Fuqiang Zhuo

This presentation traces the evolution of CALL in hundreds of articles published in CALICO Journals between 1984 and 2017. A set of maps over this period shows the development of CALL by examining important terms, by using co-citation analysis to identify research clusters (i.e., the most influential articles), and by applying co-word analysis to reveal the most researched topics and relationships. This presentation will point out the important distributions, patterns, trends and future direction of CALL.

Noticing Gaps in Intelligibility through Gmail Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR): Impact on Accuracy and Proficiency

Aurore Mroz

L2 learners’ fear of speaking is not simply about the fact that their pronunciation may not be understood by a NS, but about not knowing precisely when they fail to be understood. This mixed methods study on the pronunciation of 28 learners of French hypothesized that the text generated by Gmail Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) could simulate to learners how their speech is understood by NS, to help them identify their gaps in intelligibility. It aimed at determining the impact of this feedback on their intelligibility, accuracy, and proficiency, while documenting their noticing process and construction of comprehensible output.

Factors Influencing Language Teachers’ Decisions to Adopt Educational Technology

Abir El Shaban

The study reports on how Diffusion of Innovations Theory informed the process of language teacher development in education technology use; shedding light on this issue may support facilitators in providing teachers with context-appropriate professional development in education technology use. The study featured a qualitative design with semi-structured interviews and three on line surveys to explore language teachers’ decision making around educational technology adoption, based in a context in which recommendation from literature for teacher professional development were applied. Findings revealed that relative advantages, and compatibility were the most important attributes for teachers to adopt technology. Also, female teachers were the significant adopters.

Interacting with Fiction: IF in the Classroom

Alexis Kim

While there has been a resurgence in retro gaming, there is still little information on using Interactive Fiction in classrooms, much less for language learning. This project details the creation of a IF game for ESL learners; this includes a focus on extensive reading and vocabulary acquisition. Teachers interested in using custom games in the classroom can use the project as a model or guide to identify potential pitfalls. Specific tips will be given for use in the classroom along with alternative design programs.

“I just love that we are able to speak so much in the classroom”: Leveraging Interactive and Communicative Tasks through the Flipped Classroom

Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez

This case study investigated the effectiveness of the flipped learning approach in an intermediate Spanish course to leverage interactive and communicative tasks. Guided by criteria for CALL task appropriateness (Chapelle, 2001) and ACTFL performance guidelines, this study evaluated the affordances of online CALL tasks and in-class communicative activities through a student survey and an instructor interview. The results showed that online CALL tasks offered potential to develop learners’ basic understanding of Spanish grammar and vocabulary, and in-class tasks reactivated these understandings to engage students in a highly communicative learning environment. Pedagogical implications are discussed for the effectiveness of flipped language learning.

Panel Presentation, 9:00am – 10:15am

Teaching Introductory Foreign Languages in an Oral Synchronous Environment

Marie-Christine Masse, Sara Villa, Daisy Bow, Hiroko Miyashita

In the fall of 2016, the Foreign Language Department at the New School embarked on a pilot program to explore online teaching in synchronous and asynchronous modalities in French, Japanese, and Spanish. One very unique feature of our pilot program is its focus on oral synchronous teaching in both introductory and intermediate language courses. Research on online language instruction designates oral synchronous environments as one of the most promising areas of online teaching (Meskill & Anthony, 2014) and describes it as an environment that provides multi-modal tools that can be used to amplify the instructional communicative modalities of a language course, otherwise lacking in traditional asynchronous/ hybrid courses.

Friday, June 1, 9:45am – 10:15am

Understanding the Impact of Genre-based AWE Affordances through the Lens of Utilization

Stephanie Link, Sarah Huffman, Elena Cotos

This mixed-methods study investigates the usefulness of genre-based AWE from three angles: novice writers’ interaction with automated rhetorical feedback and scaffolding features, metacognitive processes fostered by this interaction, and impact of interaction on revised discourse quality. Data obtained from 12 participants include process data (on-task screen recordings, student-system interaction logs), introspective data (stimulated recalls), perception data (pre-/post surveys), and writing product data (first and last drafts). The results show that automated rhetorical feedback and scaffolding features foster interaction that may prompt close text examination and improvement in discourse quality, and that enhanced interaction behaviors may foster fundamental metacognitive revision processes.

Exploring Learner Perceptions of Instantaneous Corrective Feedback in the Context of ASR-supported Pronunciation Training

Natallia Liakina, Denis Liakin

Recently, Web 2.0 and mobile applications have become an endless source of new technological tools that integrate Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Their use in learning environments has led to a growing interest by researchers whose studies demonstrate the effectiveness of these tools in relation to acquiring L2 pronunciation, to developing oral proficiency in general, and to providing instantaneous individualized feedback. In this presentation, we will first examine different types of corrective feedback(CF) that ASR-based applications can provide and will discuss their impact on the acquisition of L2 pronunciation in light of SLA findings. Second, we will report the results of our action research on the use of different ASR-based tools in two pronunciation courses, with reference to learners’ perceptions of the utility of automatic CF provided by these applications. To conclude, we will offer avenues of discussion and practical suggestions for the effective and sensible integration of ASR-based applications in the teaching of L2 pronunciation.

An Ecological Model of Game-based Language Use: Towards A Theory of Game-based FL Learning

Karim Ibrahim

This paper proposes an ecological model of digital game-based FL use that situates digital game-based FL use in the context of gameplay shedding light on the dynamics of gameplay and qualities of video game design that can facilitate gam-based L2 use and learning with the goal of informing future research, educational game design, and pedagogical integration of video games in FL classrooms.

Developing Future CALL Professionals via Guided Mentorship in a Global Online Course

Ananda Muhammad, Volker Hegelheimer

We report on the deliberate involvement of future CALL professionals as mentors of students enrolled in a global 8-week online teacher training course on the use of educational technology in the English language learning classroom as part of the U.S. Department of State American English E-Teacher Program. We offer insights into the evolution and usefulness of the mentor role, and discuss the intersections of students’ coursework and mentors’ specific tasks. Additionally, course mentors will share their insights regarding their professional growth. We conclude by outlining future plans and proposing principles applicable to the professional development of CALL professionals.

Foreign Languages Building, Room 1128

L2 Desktop Virtual Reality (VR) in ImmerseMe Software: Speaking, Interactivity, and Time

Joan Bajorek

This study investigates the virtual reality-based (VRb) software ImmerseMe and its affordances for language learners for interactivity and time used. Created from 3D videos recorded around the world, ImmerseMe embeds automatic speech recognition software into lessons. It is licensed to over 13,000 users (Cardwell, 2017). This analysis of company user data indicates that 52% of users spent between 19-35 minutes with the software during one session. Users must speak to progress through lessons, resulting in high interactivity and output of spoken language. These affordances and durations suggest merit in L2 VRb software as a complement to classroom instruction.

Friday, June 1, 10:30am – 11:00am

How L2 Student Writers Engage with Automated Written Corrective Feedback

James Ranalli

This multiple-case study investigates how L2 student writers engage with automated written corrective feedback on a cognitive, behavioral, and affective basis; specifically, the feedback provided by the popular English-language service Grammarly. Stimulated recall supported by eye-tracking was used to elicit information about which feedback participants accepted, which feedback they rejected, how they used the feedback, and why. Semi-structured interviews were also used to relate qualities of engagement to contextual, task, and individual factors. The extent to which different engagement patterns appeared to support benefits beyond improvements to the current writing task (i.e., writing-skills development and SLA) will be discussed.

ReDesign: Redesigning Educational Curricula across Academic Institutions around Digital Participatory Learning

Stella Hadjistassou

In this three-year long EU-funded study, ReDesign, experienced educators, researchers and IT professionals collaborated to design a digital platform based on instructors’ teaching needs and students’ learning needs. Then faculty members in different academic disciplines, such as ESL collaborated to redesign their curricula to promote collaborations, expand learning opportunities, community building, and guide students in using various digital tools. Finally, the project drew on recent endeavors among educators to promote multimodal learning experiences in order to improve student engagement and cater to the learning styles and needs of a diverse student population across Europe (Sankey, Birch, & Gardiner, 2010).

ESL Students’ Use of a Social Bookmarking Tool: Focus on Digital Literacies and Communication

Oksana Vorobel, Tuvia Voorhees, Deniz Gokcora

This multiple-case study investigates English as a second language (ESL) students’ digital literacies and communication in a social bookmarking tool from an ecological perspective. Five students in a community college ESL writing course in the northeastern part of the USA participated in the study. The data sources included artifacts, observations, interviews, and researchers’ e-journal entries. Thorough within-case and cross-case analysis of data revealed various types of digital literacies, complexity of language learners’ communication, and language use in digital media. The findings and discussion of the study include suggestions for further research and implications for practice.

Supporting the 21st Century Language Learner Online: How ePortfolios and 3DVLEs May Facilitate Achievement of Communication, Critical Thinking and Collaboration

Peggy Hartwick

This presentation synthesizes results from the researchers PhD dissertation including studies exploring the viability of two online learning spaces – the ePortfolio and 3D virtual learning environment (3DVLE). The purpose of the presentation is to share theoretically informed pedagogical practice according to Phillips, McNaught and Kennedy’s (2010, 2012) learning framework called Learning Environment, Learning Processes and Learning Outcomes (LEPO), and explore how these spaces help students achieve 21st century learning outcomes. The presentation includes descriptions of each learning space followed by results from observation analysis and survey data from sections of an advanced English as a Second Language Academic (ESLA) class.

Foreign Languages Building, Room 1038

Individual Differences in Online Language Learning

Se Jeong Yang

The current study explores factors that affect the results of online learning in an online language learning program. In this research, ethnographic case studies with adult language learners were conducted for eight months. Focusing on six focal participants, the data such as interviews and journal diaries written by the participants were analyzed. The presentation discusses what leads to successful online language learning. The study also discusses the reasons of having different relationships between partners. This presentation can help educators find the ways to make online learning more promising and accessible to language learners.

Facing up to the Elephant: How Do Duolingo Students Impact your Classroom?

Duncan Charters

An increasing number of students in your language classes have taken a first taste, or even a long gulp, from websites, the most popular being the free language learning program Duolingo (over 200 million users). This session reviews Duolingo’s methodology, claims, and studies of its effectiveness, and its suitability as a platform for an introduction to less commonly taught languages. Recent research will be presented to determine the value of exposure through Duolingo for adult learners and students in college classes of Spanish and Esperanto, including assessments from interviews, student surveys, and pre-course and post-course testing of oral proficiency.

Panel Presentation, 10:30am – 11:45am

Producing Podcasts in the Classroom: From Audio Postcards to Sound Essays

Phillip Cameron, Carol Tell

In this presentation participants will explore the benefits of creating sound artifacts in the classroom. These artifacts include audio postcards, essays, and sound pieces as well as “translating” written essays into sound. We will work through the process of crafting assignments, topics, and techniques. Presenters will also share sample student essays and student responses to the experience. Attendees will think about ways to integrate podcasts into courses and create a podcast during a hands-on segment (content supplied). All levels of technical proficiency welcome.

Friday, June 1, 11:15am – 11:45am

Form, Function, and Relevance of Contemporary Language Resource Centers

Paul Sebastian

For this presentation, results from a multiple-case study of contemporary language resource centers (LRCs) are offered. The purpose of the study was to better understand current forms, functions, and relevance of these centers. Five LRCs housed by four different institutions of higher education in the western United States were examined. Two representatives from each center were interviewed (N = 10). Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, on-site visits, and research journal entries. Implications are offered for those working with and within LRCs. Finally, the question of whether LRCs are relevant in today’s technological and methodological climate is addressed.

iCALL & ICALL or What Ambitions for “Intelligent” CALL Software?

Mathieu Loiseau

ICALL has longly been somewhat marginal within the CALL community. A quick google scholar search by journal shows 48 mentions of “NLP” in 1920 ReCALL articles, 70/1740 for CALICO and 22/349 for ALSIC (French CALL Journal). Some of these mentions come from special issues dedicated to the subject. Does this under-representation come from disinterest of language learning on the part of NLP practitioners or the other way round? In the wake of a regain in interest, we wonder how the community might maintain this interest. This presentation offers the argument that advanced and ambitious NLP is not the only possibility.

A Collaborative Project for Teaching Reflectively with Technology

Phil Hubbard

This reports on a collaboration involving the TESOL CALL Interest Section (US) and the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG (UK) focused on teaching English reflectively with technology. It describes the project genesis and its goals, culminating in a joint edited volume on the topic. Drawing from relevant literature and from the content of the contributions, the presenter offers a set of seven guidelines for teaching languages reflectively with technology. The remainder of the talk highlights selections from the project’s 21 reflective reports, covering a wide range of technologies and teaching contexts and offering models for both teachers and teacher educators.

What is Computer Assisted Second Language Acquisition? An Empirical Analysis of Journal Articles on CALL, ICALL, and MALL from 2007-2017 Using the KWIC Method

Adam Sheard

In this paper we analyze the current academic environment (2007-2017) of Computer Assisted Second Language Acquisition (CASLA), in what capacity it intersects with Second Language Acquisition (SLA) principles, and what software platforms are being utilized by researchers. Accordingly, our goal is to illustrate the frequency and shift in (intelligent) computer assisted language learning (ICALL/CALL), mobile assisted language learning (MALL) usage, and SLA principles which are applied in 17 CASLA-related journal articles. We employ the Key Word In Context (KWIC) method to identify the dynamics of these factors. As a result, we identify the key trends in modern CASLA.

A Genre Analysis of Teacher-Student Chats in ESL Composition

Estela Ene

A move analysis (Upton & Cohen, 2009) was used to examine chats from ESL composition courses, and the effectiveness of the feedback was evaluated based on uptake; the students’ perceptions were elicited through a survey. Findings show that the chats consist of social moves that establish rapport, management moves that structure the chat, and instructional moves with feedback. Much of the feedback provided is effective. The students’ perceptions confirm the usefulness of the chats for clarifying feedback.

Flower Child to Hipster – Adapting Existing Lessons to Evolving Languages

Richard Snider

Languages are always changing, evolving, and adapting. It is important that students be exposed to current colloquialisms in the language they are learning if they are to better interpret the world around them and communicate more fluently. Jargon and expressions are especially prone to rapid changes. What was groovy yesterday is no longer fresh. The CAN-8 VirtuaLab and its integrated design tools allows you to easily customize your curriculum. In this presentation we will demonstrate how to quickly modify an existing online lesson based upon 60s slang to be more meaningful and relevant in today’s world.

Friday, June 1, 2:15pm – 2:45pm

Autonomous L2 Learning and Pedagogical Guidance in the Use of Popular Culture Texts

Kayo Shintaku

This study investigates the pedagogical integration of popular culture texts in L2 education. With 12 intermediate and advanced-level learners of Japanese, 2 projects with anime and games were conducted for 10 weeks. The first project group (n = 6) watched three anime titles on their own. The second project group (n = 6) played two commercial games: an online game on their own and a PlayStation3 game as a group activity. Based on their questionnaire, weekly logs, wiki pages they created, and interviews, pedagogical guidance and implications to link inside- and outside-of-classroom literacies in formal and informal settings are discussed.

Assessment across Online Language Education

Stephanie Link, Jinrong Li

This session will provide an overview of the 2018 CALICO book series, which is focused on emergent challenges in the assessment of online language teaching and learning, the new assessment opportunities for language teachers and learners, and suggestions for future research on assessment and learning in online language education. By presenting the different sections of the publication — assessing learning progress and development, assessing online teachers, assessment tools for online environments, and future directions for online language assessment— the presenters will help underscore the relationship between investigation into CALL informed pedagogy and assessment.

Examining Technology Use in North American EAP Programs

Geoff Lawrence, Farhana Ahmed, Christina Cole, Kris Johnston

This presentation reports on government-funded research examining technology use in EAP university and college programs across North America. Findings from this multi-staged, mixed methods study will share EAP teacher and administrator beliefs about EAP technology integration, perceptions of benefits, limitations on teaching and learning along with constraints inhibiting technology use. The range of technologies used will be shared in addition to envisioned technology use and emerging areas of technology-enhanced EAP pedagogy. Implications for English language teaching, teacher education, curriculum design and an ongoing community of practice to inform EAP technology integration and research will conclude the presentation.

Video-mediated Communication: Creating Innovative Tasks to Assess Interactive Speaking Ability

Larry Davis

Video-mediated communication could potentially be used to elicit spoken interaction across a wide range of innovative task types, producing more robust evidence of speakers’ interactional competence. We developed five speaking tasks where each task was designed to elicit particular features of interaction and reflect specific discursive practices in North American contexts. Tasks were implemented using a browser-based platform with video feeds for up to three participants and a moderator, who controlled presentation of content. We found that the platform generally worked with little interruption and that manipulating task variables did in fact elicit different features of interaction as expected.

Training the Online Language Teacher


Elizabeth Plummer

This session will focus on the experiences, training and challenges faced by current online language teachers. Recommendations on how to better train and prepare teachers for online teaching will be provided based on the results of a large-scale survey of current online language teachers.

Friday, June 1, 3:00pm – 3:30pm

Towards an Automated Essay Scoring System for a College-Level English Placement Test

Hyunji Hayley Park

This study investigates the effectiveness and interpretability of a newly developed automated essay scoring (AES) system using corpus linguistics, computational linguistics and machine learning methods for an English writing placement test at a large Midwestern university. A closer look at the AES system shows that higher level students tend to use more academic and formal register and make much less grammatical errors. Interestingly, lower level students produce longer essays, but higher level students tend to produce longer and more complex sentences. Such results have useful implications for second language writing development and machine-assisted writing assessment.

Impact of Training in MALL on Learner Autonomy: A Case Study

Shaista Rashid, Una Cunningham, Kevin Watson

With the aim of developing learner autonomy in the use of smartphones for enhancing English writing skills, undergraduate students in a public university in Pakistan were provided learner training in MALL in an online environment. The CALL learner training model proposed by Romeo and Hubbard (2010) was adopted for the training purposes. This study examines the impact of training on students’ learner autonomy in MALL by exploring their attitudes, beliefs and practices in the use of smartphones for enhancing English writing skills.

Technological Solutions for Individualized Instruction in an ESL Composition Class

Leyla Lambert, Hugh Bishop, Amber Dunse

ESL composition classes often consist of students from a wide range of disciplines. This situation becomes challenging when variations in writing across disciplines need to be addressed. In this session, the presenters will share their experience of designing and teaching a unit on primary research writing to demonstrate how video technology (recording interviews with experts) coupled with tools available in a LMS (collaboration, content sharing) can be used to address students’ individual needs in a combined class. The presenters will share their materials and discuss how similar technology can be used to address other variations in students’ needs.

Computing the Vocabulary Demands of Podcasts

Ulugbek Nurmukhamedov

In addition to movies, TV programs, and radio shows, podcasts are an increasingly popular form of media that promotes authentic public discourse for diverse audiences, including English language teachers and learners. “How do I know that my students can handle the vocabulary demands of podcasts?” To answer that question, the presenter discusses the number of words necessary to understand podcast episodes and offers practical suggestions to prepare learners for the vocabulary demands of popular podcasts.

Improving Foreign Language Learners’ Oral Proficiency Using Digital Dynamic Iconography and a Promethean Board


François Vanleene

Initiating language instruction with a method consisting of decoding or transforming iconographic signs sequences on a Promethean board may improve beginner students’ oral proficiency (Hazan M.; Geraci A.P.). This approach favors the development of semantic memory, reduces drastically learners’ need for translation, automatizes direct acquisition of language structures and avoids cross-linguistic influences on learners’ pronunciation because written forms are not used. In this paper, the presenter will illustrate the implementation of digital dynamic iconography in a foreign language course syllabus in a pilot study, which he has conducted with a teacher using the “Qtalk method” and a Promethean board.

Computer-generated vs. Computer-mediated Written Corrective Feedback

Mohaddeseh Mehrzad, Mohammad Rahimi

Despite the large volume of research on computer-mediated corrective feedback (CF) (e.g. feedback provided through email), feedback generated through Automated Writing Evaluation (AWE) tools, due to its convenience and efficiency, has started to gain momentum. However, there is still scant research on the efficacy of computer-generated CF (Dikli & Bleyle, 2014). The current study, through a mixed methods approach, compares the impact of two online tools in improving university students’ writing accuracy and its overall quality. To this end, 32 university EFL learners were randomly assigned to a computer-generated CF (provided through an AWE software, i.e. Criterion) and a computer-mediated CF group (provided by the teacher through Google Docs). The analysis of the students’ writings and their revision (N=12) at the end of the term revealed that the Google Docs group displayed significantly more improvement in their writing. Opinion surveys and interviews with the students showed that although, in general, they preferred online CF to traditional paper-and-pencil feedback, the Google Docs group revealed a more positive attitude toward the feedback they received.

Panel Presentation, 3:00pm – 4:15pm

Online/Distance Education for Second Language Learners and Educators

Se Jeong Yang, Oksana Vorobel, Victoria Russell, Cynthia White

Incorporation of online networks into online/distance education not only affects language learners’ learning and attitudes but also has a huge impact on language educators’ approaches to teaching and learning. This panel will explore some of the issues that arose while implementing online language classes from language learners’ as well as educators’ perspectives. The panel will illustrate some of the ways that online/distance learning can be improved by discussing specific current online/distance language studies from various theoretical perspectives. Panelists: Victoria Russell (Valdosta State University), Cynthia J. White & Liesbeth de Paepe (Massey University, New Zealand & Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium), Se Jeong Yang (Bradley University), and Oksana Vorobel (CUNY)

Friday, June 1, 3:45pm – 4:15pm

Digital Storytelling Affordances for Interpersonal Communication in the Foreign Language Classroom

Helene Ossipov

The traditional assessment mode for interpersonal speaking is the interview with the instructor, individually or in pairs, which can be time-consuming. Here, I suggest a different, student-centered type of assessment: video-recorded conversations with peers, on a topic of interest to them, which allow students to expand their vocabulary and their creativity, using currently available technological tools. I will present suggestions for successful interviews, tips on pitfalls, and an assessment rubric.

A Socially Networked e-Portfolio for the Classroom of the Future

Amy Rossomondo, Gillian Lord

Language educators employ various technologies to engage their students and structure participation. In particular, social networking sites (SNSs) provide opportunities to foster online communities, self-expression and interaction with others. To date, these studies have focused on the use of existing sites. This presentation demonstrates a platform developed to integrate social networking and learner e-portfolios. Designed for use in language courses, the platform allows students to collaborate, share and comment on each other’s work. The presentation features an overview of the platform and its theoretical underpinnings, with sample activities and a complete pedagogical discussion of its application in different learning environments.

Experimenting with Google Docs and Jing: Stories from Two EAP Writing Teacher-Researchers

Maad El-Gali, Qiandi Liu

This presentation begins with a brief review of technologies adopted by writing teachers in providing feedback to students. It then reports on two studies that experimented with using Google Docs and Jing respectively as a feedback tool in two EAP (English for Academic Purposes) writing classes. Between-drafts comparisons showed that feedback given via in-text error codes facilitated student writers’ revising (content and organization) and editing (language use) process. Such benefits were further substantiated by participants’ responses to two retrospective questionnaires. The presentation wraps up by making recommendations on how current technologies can be expanded to better assist EAP writing instruction.

Design Based Research on Learning Games, the Example of Magic Word v2

Mathieu Loiseau, Arnaud Bey, Virginie Zampa, Pauline Ballot, Racha Hallal

In this presentation, we aim to give an overview of the improvements made to the first version of Magic Word (Loiseau, Zampa, and Rebourgeon 2015) based on an experiment led with Italian as a Foreign Language learners (Loiseau et al. 2016) and a focus group in 2016. Magic Word was designed as a learning game based on the metaludic rules (Silva 1999) of Boggle which target accuracy skills especially the acquisition of inflection mechanisms. The perception of the game by language teachers (focus on lexicon) and by learners (taste in competitive rules) prompted us to devise entirely new game modes.

Distilling Project-Based Language Learning Experience: the NFLRC’s Project Repository


Stephen Tschudi

The conceptual complexity of rigorous project-based language learning (PBLL) poses challenges to beginning practitioners. To supplement theoretical treatments of PBLL offered in its open online learning resources, the National Foreign Language Resource Center at the University of Hawaii offers an open repository of project designs authored by PBLL practitioners who have been through the NFLRC’s professional development sequence. This growing virtual library of project designs offers an example-based pathway to learning about PBLL and the Buck Institute for Education’s Gold Standard for project-based learning, while the archive’s structure scaffolds contributors’ thinking about their own project ideas, from design to execution.