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President Message Conference Cancellation

Dear CALICO colleagues,

On behalf of the CALICO Board, it is with regret that we notify our membership and other potential conference goers that we must cancel our 2020 conference (May 25-29, 2020) at the Renaissance Downtown Seattle. We are sad to miss the community networking, sharing of knowledge, and camaraderie that the conference normally offers every year. We are planning next year’s conference already and will have more information to share soon regarding guaranteed presentation slots for those invited to present this year. If you have made reservations at the hotel, you can cancel directly with them, and if you have already registered for the conference, we will refund your registration. 

On a happier note, we will still be able to have several of the workshops online, and will send a revised schedule to members soon. We will also hold a general meeting online early June, where we will announce a few new exciting initiatives for members. 

Our thoughts are with all who are impacted by the pandemic around the world, especially those close to the illness. Those of us who can shelter in place, teach online, and work effectively from home are fortunate, and we are grateful that our professional community remains strong in these tough times. We hope you and yours stay safe and healthy, and we look forward to seeing everyone in person next year. 


Jon Reinhardt

CALICO President