2023 Conference Workshops, Plenary Speakers, Technology Showcase Presentations and Poster Presentations
Tuesday, June 6 — Workshops An Introduction to Virtual Reality Social Environments and Language Learning Conducted by: Randall Sadler This ½ day workshop will introduce educators to VR for language learning. First, a brief introduction of VR and how it has been shown to improve language learning will be given (Stage 1). Then, attendees will be taught how to use Meta Quest 2 VR headsets (Stage 2), which will be provided by the presenters. Stage 3 will introduce participants to 7 existing free social VR spaces with pedagogical potential for language teaching. All participants will be given access to a website with full tutorials for the various apps, lesson ideas,…
2022 Sessions
Jump to Friday, Jump to Plenary, Jump to Saturday Thursday, June 2 Using Eye-Tracking to Measure Cognitive Engagement with Feedback in a Digital Literacy Game Matthew Pattemore, University of Barcelona; Roger Gilabert Feedback is a key element of the learning process, and the investigation of how language learners engage with different types of feed- back in an automated, digital context such as Digital Game-Based Language Learning is an important topic. Eye-tracking can provide an objective window into these cognitive processes, allowing us to see what players focus on when feedback is given. We investigated 19 Spanish-Catalan 11-year-olds playing 4 EFL literacy minigames to see how they attended to two different…
2022 Workshops, Opening Plenary, Posters
Jump to Poster Jump to Opening Plenary Jump to Showcase Tuesday, May 31 Workshops Critical Thinking, Task Engagement, and Learning with Educational Escape Rooms Conducted by: Joy Egbert, Seyed Abdollah Shahrokni, Sandra Mina-Herrera, Estephanie López Contreras, Rose Maleki and Sarah Movius An educational escape room is a team-based, f2f experience with digital support. During an escape, participants interact with language and content in order to solve puzzles and reach a goal within a time limit. Educational escape rooms can address task engagement, critical thinking, and focused learning. This workshop will provide a pedagogical framework, involve participants in an escape, and show them why and how to build their own. Handouts:…
Workshops, Plenary Speakers, Poster Session and Technology Showcase Regular 30-minute sessions and Panels
Jump to Day Two, June 3rd Jump to Day Three, June 4th Jump to Day Four, June 5th Jump to Day Five, June 6th Virtual Day One: June 2nd, 2021 Language Learning & Technology: The Path Ahead 1:00 PM – 1:45 PM Plenary Talk: Watch Video Speaker: Mohamed Abdel-Kader 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM Speakers: Jacob E Larsen, Karina Silva Using a Student Assistant Team for Educational Technology Support: Mutual Benefits, Improved Support and Innovation Watch Video Support staff face many challenges in their quest to provide high-quality support for faculty. For the past two years, the Language Studies Resource Center at Iowa State University has had to creatively use student assistants for tasks…
President Message Conference Cancellation
Dear CALICO colleagues, On behalf of the CALICO Board, it is with regret that we notify our membership and other potential conference goers that we must cancel our 2020 conference (May 25-29, 2020) at the Renaissance Downtown Seattle. We are sad to miss the community networking, sharing of knowledge, and camaraderie that the conference normally offers every year. We are planning next year’s conference already and will have more information to share soon regarding guaranteed presentation slots for those invited to present this year. If you have made reservations at the hotel, you can cancel directly with them, and if you have already registered for the conference, we will refund your registration. On a…
ALE Award 2020
Nominations are open for CALICO’s annual Access to Language Education Award. See the Awards Page for more detailed information about submitting a nomination as well as the past winners. Deadline March 16 to nominate for this year’s award.
Registration Open for CALICO 2020 in Seattle!
Register for Conference
CALICO 2020 Call for Proposals
Workshops, Poster Session, Opening Plenary and Tech Showcase Presentation Sessions and Second Plenary