• Conference

    CALICO 1998, San Diego

    New Directions–New Perspectives July 6 – July 10, 1998 Hosted by Language Acquisition Resource Center (LARC) San Diego State University Jump to Day Two Jump to Day Three Conference Presentations: Day One July 8, 1998 10:00 – 10:45 Computer Assisted Studies–Arabic Grammar Kiril Boyadjieff, Rashad Wanis, and Charles Cole The Arabic Grammar Computer Assisted Studies (CAS) program offers the student an opportunity to practice and polish grammatical features and vocabulary introduced in the corresponding textbook. It is organized around the structure of the Arabic Basic Course currently used at the Defense Language Institute. The program uses available computer technology to enhance the language acquisition process in our students’ quest to…

  • Conference

    CALICO 1999, Miami University Ohio

    Advancing Language Learning Technologies into the New Millennium June 1 – June 5, 1999 Hosted by Miami University Jump to Day Two Jump to Day Three Conference Presentations: Day One June 3, 1999 10:00 – 10:45    Speech Recognition Technology and Course-ware Development Steve LaRocca, John Morgan, Sherri Bellinger, and Dave Bennett Report on speech recognition (SR) development efforts in the Department of Foreign Languages, US Military Academy, West Point, NY. Arabic, Russian, and Brazilian Portuguese speech recognition systems developed at West Point and produced with Entropic development tools are discussed and demonstrated. Three distinct levels of speech recognition are incorporated into course-ware designed with the WinCALIS Authoring System, which has…

  • Conference

    CALICO 2000, University of Arizona

    Core Technologies: Impact on the Future May 29-June 3, 2000 Hosted by University of Arizona Jump to Day Two Jump to Day Three Conference Presentations: Day One June 1, 2000 9:00 – 9:45   Towards a Didactical Approach of the Web: Le Cyberbouquin Fabienne Gérard Le Cyberbouquin (Pour l’apprentissage du français langue étrangère) is a web-based French curriculum covering four levels of instruction from Novice through Intermediate High. The presentation will show how this (free) online French textbook uses the extensive variety of resources on the Internet to enhance learning by encouraging different types of learning processes. We will discuss the didactical approach of this learning/teaching material as well as general…

  • Conference

    CALICO 2001, University of Central Florida

    Technologies for Language Learning: Using the Proven and Proving the New March 13-17, 2001 Hosted by University of Central Florida Jump to Day Two Jump to Day Three Conference Presentations: Day One March 15, 2001 10:00 – 10:45   Training Future Foreign Language Teachers with the Tek.xam Edwina Spodark As the expectation that foreign language teachers will know how to integrate the latest computer technologies into their classes becomes a reality, in turn, it becomes incumbent upon those of us who teach teachers to incorporate methods of instruction into our own classes that ensure their success. Based on the Tek.xam, developed by the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges, this presentation will…

  • Conference

    CALICO 2002, University of California Davis

    Creating Virtual Language Learning Communities March 26-30, 2002 Hosted by University of California, Davis Jump to Day Two Jump to Day Three Conference Presentations: Day One March 28, 2002 10:00 – 10:45  The Effect of Gloss Lookup Behavior on Incidental Vocabulary Learning Makoto Yoshii A study (Yoshii, 2000) examined the effect of the glosses on incidental vocabulary learning using an Internet-based reading text. Three types of glosses were used for the investigation: text-only (L2), picture-only, and the combination of text and picture. The study revealed the superiority of the combination glosses. The current study re-examines the data including the lookup behavior as an important factor. The lookup behaviors were statistically…

  • Conference

    CALICO 2003, University of Ottawa

    Collaborative CALL May 20-24, 2003 Hosted by University of Ottawa-Université d’Ottawa Jump to Day Two Jump to Day Three Conference Presentations: Day One May 22, 2003 10:00 – 10:45  Students’ Behaviors in a Multimedia Application in Relation to Their Learning and Cognitive/Personality Styles Fenfang Hwu This study investigates the relationship between students’ usage of a multimedia-based application and their learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile, group learning, individual learning). It also investigates the relationship between their patterns of the use of the application and their cognitive/personality styles. To identify students’ performance styles or task orientations, the data of the students’ usage of the application are collected through computer-aided tracking for…